
Demon Town

After being shot to death in a school shooting, Tyler wakes to find himself in a field. And he's not alone.

Goreleech · Tranh châm biếm
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16 Chs

Demon Town: Lamias, tanks, and planes.


DAY 16



Tyler woke the next morning across from Rias looking into her sleeping face holding her hand. He smiled as he leaned in her ear,

"I love you, Rias."

She woke with a shiver.

"I love you too, Tyler. And I love it when you do that to me."

He smiled and she saw it.

"We can play games tonight....but that one will not be for a while."

"Shame. I REALLY wanna kiss you."

She smirked.

"You'll need to earn it."

"No matter what I need do, in order to make you smile, Rias? I'd call it worth it."

She shivered.

"Oh not fair. TOTALLY not fair! I'm glowing and wet!"

"I can clean you up."

"IN the shower you dirty bastard."


She chuckled...when he swept her into a princess cradle to carry the naked redhead to the shower.

"Hey! Do this more!"

"Yes Rias!"

She laughed as the warrior spoiled his by cleaning her up and her not need lift a finger.

"And I'm not even engaged to you."

He smiled as he did her hair.

"Imagine if you WERE."

she shuddered now.

"DO it RIGHT."

"Absolutely.....and I'll OVERdo it."

She smiled happily att his vow. Once cleaned up they made breakfast for themselves and Sophia as she joined them and Tyler hugged her too.

"I know, Tyler. SHE is the one you love most."

He smiled as he sat between the ladies.

"Doesn't mean I can just ignore you, Sophia. We'll spend time together too."

The redheaded queen smiled fondly as they ate together.

"Yu have a truly kind heart, Tyler. And I find that endearing."

"I'm 15."

She nodded.

"Seraphine informed me....and I have spoke to the Lady Belfast. I am MOST eager."

"If you wanna just say the word my FIANCE."

"I do...oh how I want to...but I must obstain."



He chuckled at her silence.

"If you wanna have some fun with your HUSBAND, why can't you?"

She shivered now.

"A VERY reasonable question...and it is a tradition."

"Ehhhh live a little Sophia!"

"YOU are a HORRID influence!"


She looked at him at his suddenly urgent noise...and he kissed her. Her blue eyes went WIDE at this attack before she got into the kiss and was soon breathless as he smiled at her.


"OOOOOH my!"

"Why not try out the real thing?"

"OOoooh you are a EVIL bastard! FINE! I never really liked this tradition anyway."

He kissed her again and she shivered at the sheer longing in the act.

"I'll be longing for you, my WIFE."

"Oooh my poor heart! And my poor pussy!"

"Will be WELL licked."


He chuckled knowingly at her sudden concern.

"You'll see."

"Oh dear."

Tyler chuckled at that before he smiled.

"So i have a question, Sophia."

"do go on."

"Has the stance on heirs changed?"

She shook her head.

"No. NOT for a VERY long time. I have three beautiful girls and my rule is secure. Do not worry for the VERY far out future."

"Oh good. I'd need to be healed anyway."

Sophia looked at him in surprise.

"You cannot produce an heir?"

"Nope. I had an accident with some fumes during an experiment years ago and it killed them."

"AH. I see. A temple can heal you when the day comes."

"And the upside.....ALLL THE WAY Sophia!"

"OOOH I am wet already!"

He chuckled.

"So i have another question."

"Go on."

"Your rule. Do you sometimes have to open leg for a deal to go through?"

She sighed.

"I did. BUT, only to women as I ABHOR men that think such methods work. I see that look, Rias. I enjoyed their visits as it WAS a bit of play for me."

Tyler smiled.

"If you get backed int a corner and the options are open leg or whatever? USe this."

He slid a crystal over.

"Break it, and it'll be like I blew the whistle."

His fiance smiled warmly at the ploy as she placed the beacon inside her cleavage.

"I appreciate this gift, Tyler. And the girls will too."

"Soria and Saria are getting guns and be trained to use em."

"And I have HAven a stone's throw away."

"I see what you did there."

"GOOD. And Akeno will return to the capital with that adorable Koneko with me."

He nodded.

"Good. They'll be our voice in the court."

"And your player on the board."

Rias smirked.

"You could say that."

Tyler kissed Sophia again.

"I do not want to be enemies."

"I do not as well."

"Yeah it'd be heartbreaking to have to tell Miho Soria's not comin back."

They chuckled and Sophia smiled.

"I like this town."

"So do we."

She smiled and Rias looked at Sophia with a smirk...and the queen chuckled.

"I see that dear. I know my place."


"OOOH you're good."

He pulld them both into a hug and the trio enjoyed a morning snuggle for a moment before the warrior smiled.

"We'll make this work....and we HAVE work to do."

They smiled fondly and the Jarl loaded his rifle before heading to the walls. Tyler smiled as he walked his beat.

"I love my life."

He looked out over the forest by the main gate and noted the road was still glittering. He looked out at the road with a smile before spotting movement. He pulled his spyglass and scoped in....only to chuckle as he saw a line of wagons belonging to a CLEAR merchant train approaching.

"Annnd BOOM goes Haven."

He rang the bell to alert the town and in seconds the defenders came racing...only for him to blow a shrill whistle.

"we got merchants! LIke we practiced people!"

The town shifted from war ready to trade town on a dime. The gate was raised and Tyler was waiting for the lead wagon as it pulled through. the leader smiled as he saw Tyler waiting for her.

"Hail! Jarl Tyler?"

"In the mess. Alright keep right and follow the arrows, we got plenty a space and stuff to sell."

"Aye, lad! KEEP RIGHT, RIGHT WHEEL! We need to be outbound in two hours."

"You'll be ready in HALF an hour. MOVE IT PEOPLE!"

The leader's name was MAria and was a career merchant leader as she led her thirty wagons through the designated route to the unloading houses where the HIGHLY efficent Haveners waited with cranes and hands. The crates and goods were unloaded, sorted on the fly, and a tally taken before the empty wagon was rolled to the next house that had stocks of Haven made goods. These were loaded in and the wagon was waved along to the road leading to the exit gate. Tyler and MAria were in the Longhall discussing prices with the council. The wagoneer chuckled as she watched the rotunda keep traffic nice and contained.

"Okay. I say this now. YOU have the BEST waystations I've seen."

Tyler smiled.

"We work at it. How much, Maria?"

"The intial run we be lookin at 75,000 Queen's Gold in profits."

"Haven will claim a quarter off the total profit."

"Aye. that be very fair. And anything else we spend in town will merely add to it."

"exactly. Your train's loaded and ready to roll."

Maria smirked as she and Tyler signed the contract for future stops andhails.

"I lied."

"I know."

"Wily bastard. We've many goods to sell....and THE crates were the LARGE stock. We'll be in your bizarre."

"Good. i want more chocolate dammit. OR the means to grow it."

They chuckled and Tyler joined the crews directing traffic and ensuring the wagonwheel design of the roads flowed properly. In half an hour the train was stationed in the bizarre and the goods were flowing like water while the trading was in full force. Tyler was in the Longhall with the council and Belfast smiled.

"Preliminary results are VERY promising, Tyler. everything flows like water and the river is clean."

"Good. Any problems?"

Asuna shook her head.

"None so far. Kirito is patrolling the bizarre in FULL Black Swordsman."

"Good. Satuski, the guild rep?"

"Is speaking with Makorov as we ourselves speak. The Dove Mother has greenlit our temples and put a word out for men and girls."


"The sky is secure and so are the streets."

"Good. Erwin."

"Clear. The surrounding area is empty."

Tyler nodded.


"representatives of several temples have approached me to share the town with my Familia. NO issues so far and they'll build themselves."

Tyler smiled.

"Alright. Sophia?"

The queen chuckled.

"Maria is one of the more respected train leaders in her guild. Her good word will open the flood gates. And remember you DO have claim to a garrison of knights."

"Hmm. Mina?"

"We'd need to properly train them too. AND construct barracks as well."

He tapped an unused section of ground inside the walls.

"That will be our military sector. Barracks, armory, and training ground for small arms. It'll be a secure zone as well. We'll put it in later."

Rias came over.

"everything is running like clockwork. A few grumbles over prices and one squabble between ladies over a skirt.....but this is all."

Tyler nodded.

"We do numbers at the end a the day. And secure funds in the vault as a council."

Belfast smiled.

"Wise dear."

"Mina, have a flight launch, and make it a loud one. Have Miho do a tank patrol and fire test with live rounds. Erwin, pick a few guns on the walls near the bizarre and do your own fire test. Let's make sure they know who's town they're in."

The military leaders smiled.

"Classic silent warnings. We'll get to it."

Tyler shouldered his kar98K.

"I'll do my own patrol as I suspect there be a few elements in that crowd."

They nodded and the meeting adjourned. Tyler headed through the town with his guns on display. He smiled as he saw stalls loaded with goods and people hawking their wares. I am SOOO glad we split the looted coin from the bandits among the townspeople. We'll pour the profited gold into their pockets as well so they can spend it on goods. Once the flow is stable, we'll be able to build our wealth. The jarl walked along the bustling Bizarre and smirked behind his smile at the shocked expressions on the men and women of the caravan at the glittering walls, wares on offer, guns and tanks and other sights of Haven.

"This town is BEAUTIFUL!"

"I've never seen a wall like that....is that METAL?"

"They used METAL as MORTAR?"

"Makes a point, doesn't it?"

"What ARE these weird contraptions? And WHY do they look so menacing?"

"Hey do you hear that?"

A sound of whirring was heard as a flight of Strike Witches were seen taking off into the sky for their patrol/airshow before a few of the tanks fired up to head out on their patrol. Tyler smiled at the looks of awe on the guests' faces at the flex of mechincal and magical power before the fieldguns thundered for their test fire. The powerful weapons sent a shockwave that rattled glasses the sector over before the shells impacted and more thunder was heard. Then the tanks did their fire practice. Tyler chuckled as former and current soldiers smirked at the flexing of Haven's power before the warrior continued on his way. Tyler walked among the people with on his patrol until he came to a set of stairs and he climbed up to lean on a fieldgun looking out over the bustling bizarre and then noted the lines of people looking over the cars and jeeps curiously. Tyler walked along the walltop with his rifle up smiling as his people enjoyed a sudden wash of sales and incoming wealth. The on patrol Jarl then noted a fair few people moving about the town looking at the tanks, guns on the walls, the walls themselves and other such defensive emplacements. He tapped his comms crystal.

"We got rats inside the walls."

Rias' voice was heard as Tyler walked by.

"We've seen. Our play?"

"Hmm, I want one for a chat. Have Asia play sweethearted good girl....bait."

Rias chuckled.

"She will have us our guest in mere minutes."

"Thanks Rias. Mina, have Lyn play the nervous and timid mouse with Barkhorn backing her up. Her prey is inspecting the walls."

"Sir. They're moving."

Tyler nodded as he headed to the Longhall.

"The Underworld will accomadate."

He went to his bathroom and ocked the door before sliding a stone aside to drop into a large underground tunnel lit by glowing stone that reacted to the presence of people. The stone was dropped and Tyler walked to the end of the stone floored tunnel where Rias met him by a large door.

"Success. And no one has noticed a thing."

"Good. Now. Let's have a chat."

The Jarl walked inside to be faced by a man in ropes sitting on a chair with a gag in his mouth...and a small pile of recording crystals n a table. Belfast nodded to them as she stepped into view.

"These are NOT for inspecting a new trade town, Tyler. They are purely a military reconnescience item."

"So he's a spy."

"Indeed. And so isn't his companion."

Tyler nodded and looked at the glaring daggers man with the gag.


"I shall away. Rias?"

"I have it. AND him."

The honorable lady left and Tyler smiled.

"I want the names of who you report to, and the names of the rest of your squad."

He removed the gag and the man smirked.

"Kid. You have who you're fuckin with. Release me an return my equipment....or watch your precious town burn. AND your whores in chains."


Rias nodded as the captive blinked.

"Yup. Makes sense. So. what'll you do?"

Tyler went to where a bundle a foot thick lay on a shelf.

"I'mma have some fun. Been too long since I had a toy that talked, ya know?"

"I COULD call a friend. Torment Demons are kinda easy."

"True. BUT we'll save the demons for ANOTHER plan. For NOW."

He gave the bundle a pat, and with a long rattle, the thing was revealed to be a tube of torture tools. The sight of the many pointy and sharp items made beads of sweat appear on the man's forehead as Tyler and Rias looked at the tools.

"Okkkay. This is ALWAYS the hardest part. What to do FIRST?"

"A classic?"

"Battery acid in the eye?"

"OOOH. That is a different classic."

She passed him a long knife.

"Surprise me."

He took the thing and stabbed the man in the knee.

"Here. Right here, asshole. Or I'll pop your gods damned knee off. Names. NOW."

"I'L DIE before I talk!"

"Oh ho. Goodie. we got a fighter."

Tyler pulled a chain from the ceiling and strung the man up by his wrists before he selected a long, cylindrical object that made Rias smirk.

"Soooo WHY did you keep the t-rex's dick?"

"Ha. You'll see."

A brazier was lit and Tyler set the metal tube in the thing in front of the now uneasy man. Once the rod was glowinf cherry red Tyler picked it up, walked around behind the man where he couldn't see him.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Tyler smirked.

"Talk. or be fucked by a red hot tyrant dick."

"what the FUCK is wrong with you?!"

"wrong answer!"

Tyler smiled as he shoved the rod up the man's ass....and he HOWLED i agony.


"Healing touch....and we need to chat."

"After.....this is kinda fun!"

The rod was worked in the man's rectum as he screamed and thrashed to no avail.


Tyler looked up and the rod stopped moving.


The man hung his head with tears of agony on his face.

"Lord Biron. A high noble in Malchia's Kingdom. He lost millions when the new road was completed and when his bandit camp was destroyed. So he sent us to find out how."

"How many are you?"


"Names and faces."

"JUst make it stop."

"Any other players you seen?"

"Yes! A hundred! Please take it out!"

Tyler looked at Rias and the redhead leaned in his ear.

"He fought the questioning. Make it painless."

Tyler frowned.

"We'll lock him in the cell down here and decide what to do later. Something just killing him like this, doesn't sit right with me."

She smiled in minor relief and the man was healed before being locked inside a cell. Then the council recollected at the maps and Tyler crossed his arms as he tapped Malchia.

"They've sent in spies. Satuski."

"All eyes were rounded up descretely and imprisoned."

"Good. We'll look into rewiring their crystals to display the wrong imagery."

Hestia smiled.

"I can do that myself."


Belfast looked at him.

"The fates of the prisoners?"

TYler crossed his arms.

"THIS one I'm not sure how to handle. One, they've not broken a law of Haven. Two, they've not attacked us NOR are they our enemies per se, three, they're prisoners."

He sighed.

"And something about just executing prisoners like that doesn't sit well with me."

The council smiled at this and Erwin nodded approvingly.

"NOR should it. These men and women are merely following their country's order. And executions should NEVER be metted out casually."

Belfast nodded.

"I completely agree. Rias?"

"He did what he needed to, to break the man and then it stopped."

"Not a step further?"


"I feel relief."

Mina looked at him.

"Prisoners of war, Tyler?"

"What war, Mina? We have NOTHING but some spies. Not a shot has been fired at us aside from the bandits and we have no proof they're telling the truth."

Satuski smiled.

"They are a threat to Haven's security and peace. As such, they are indeed enemies of our people, Tyler."

He nodded and looked at Rias, who smiled.

"You captured a pawn. What will you do with it?"

"Hm. Let them stew for a few days. Let them weigh their options and see if they have handlers in the area that might attempt a rescue. if NOT we offer them a chance to jump ship."

The heads nodded and Mina smiled.

"A VERY just decision. They will not be mistreated."

"Any further."

"Any further. And healed."

"The Underworld is a secret. Hestia, think you can alter their memory"

She nodded.

"I could. But DON'T open that door so soon. Save it for when we're facing a larger threat."

"Good call."

Tyler smiled as he looked at the information they'd gathered from the prisoners.

"We'll replace their crystals with falsified yet AUTHENTIC information and let ONE return."

The leaders chuckled and Satuski the loudest.

"Sew false rumor and information through their spies. A classic misdirection tactic."

Tyler looked at Rias.

"It'll be the guy with the tyrant dick. Leave him enough gap for him to escape on his own an he'll give a bullshit review of our strength."

The redheaded beauty chuckled.

"That's another classic. Will do."

Tyler then looked at Belfast.

"Any issues from the train?"

She shook her head with a smile.

"Nothing of real issue. The largest complaint I have heard is about how our fashion is head and shoulders above the rest of the world."

The Jarl nodded and looked at Satuski.

"No issues or reports of crime. But this is the first train. Such matters usually arise the third to fourth."

He nodded.

"Alright. We'll get back to the town. The prisoner will be released."

The friends nodded and Tyler went to his balcony to look out over the town and he noted the bustle was dying as the sun went down. Tyler smiled and went to the table where he found Rias and Sophia waiting for him. He hugged Rias and kissed Sophia, making them smile. The queen smiled warmly as he sat between them.

"Your town runs like a river. even WITH the surprise train."

Tyler chuckled as the trio fed on seasoned tyrant meat paired with light ale.

"Kicker is that was our first attempt."

Rias nodded.

"we'll only get better an better."

Sophia smiled at this as the friends ate together.

"The next set of trains will arrive over the next few days. HAven is about to get VERY popular."

Tyler nodded with a smile before the queen smirked.

"And I happened to notice a fair few shadows moving about the city. Should I be curious?"

Tyler chuckled at this.

"Not really. There be MANY weird things in Haven. Right, Rias?"

"Hmm-hm...what the hell do you mean by that?"

He and Sophia looked at the now irritated redhead curiously.


Rias sighed.

"I thought you called me weird."

"Oh....I meant The Lightning Towers."

She sighed and sipped her wine with a smile.


"We'll get you a chessboard."

"Uuuh ya fuckin BETTA!"

The friends chuckled and Tyler kissed his fiance the queen before him and Rias went to their room. Sophia smirked as the door shut.

"NOW I think i will go see what Soria did last night. Miho is ADORABLE!"

Tyler smiled as he snuggled up with Rias and the redheaded beauty smiled as well.

"Good night, Tyler. I love you."

"Good night, Rias. i love you too."