
Chapter 9: Dreams and Deepening Bonds

Chapter 9: Dreams and Deepening Bonds


[ Unknown PoV]

In the grim darkness of the night, the first rays of the rising sun struggled to pierce through the heavy, oppressive atmosphere. The scene that unfolded around them resembled the aftermath of a devastating battle, a grotesque tableau of horrors. Houses lay in ruins, their shattered walls and broken structures bearing witness to the fierce confrontation that had taken place.

The ground was scarred with deep pits, like the cruel slashes of a monstrous, unseen force. It was as if the very earth itself had been gouged and maimed. Among the debris, the remains of broken bones and limbs littered the ground, creating a macabre landscape that sent shivers down the spine.

The air was heavy with an unsettling stillness, as if the very essence of life had been drained from this forsaken place. The survivors who had endured the horrors of this night carried the weight of their experiences in their haunted eyes, their faces etched with pain and loss.

In the middle of the battlefield, amidst the wreckage and devastation, two statuesque figures captured the attention of all who passed by. However, their positions told a grim tale. One lay sprawled on the ground, battered and bruised, while the other stood triumphantly above, pointing a weapon with unwavering resolve.

The figure on the ground, though in a state of intense weakness, managed to muster a trembling voice. "Who are you?!"

The victorious figure remained silent for a moment, their weapon poised and ready. Finally, with a chilling calmness, the standing figure replied, "I am...…..."

Just as the figure was about to reveal their identity, the entire reality shattered like fragile glass, and Ace was abruptly jolted from his dream. He awoke in an instant, drenched in his own cold sweat, his heart racing in his chest.

Gasping for breath, Ubuyashiki struggled to reorient himself, trying to shake off the remnants of the vivid and haunting dream that had enveloped him. He found himself back in the present, safe from the nightmarish battlefield that had played out in his mind.

With newfound determination, rose from his bed, his unease was accompanied by a sense of purpose.


After a day of travel, Ace, Shinobu, and Yuki finally arrived at the Ubuyashiki Estate. The estate was nestled in a picturesque mountain valley, with a gentle river meandering through the landscape. Dense forests surrounded the area, creating a serene and refreshing atmosphere that seemed to wash away the weariness of their journey.

As they entered the estate, the natural beauty of the surroundings provided a sense of calm and peace. The Ubuyashiki Estate appeared to be a sanctuary of sorts, far removed from the chaos and dangers of the world they had left behind.

Shinobu guided them further into the estate, where they would find accommodations and meet with Oyakata-sama. The promise of rest and respite in this serene setting was a welcome relief after the trials they had faced on their journey.

Ace and Yuki couldn't help but appreciate the beauty of the estate as they waited in the garden for Oyakata-sama, who arrived not much later.

As expected, they saw Kagaya standing there waiting for them. He had light skinned and black shoulder-length hair, but the most obvious feature would be the scarred skin on his forehead, which, while looking unsettling, wasn't as extensive as depicted in the anime.

He was being supported in walking by his two daughters, who resembled delicate but scary dolls.

"Hmm?Have I arrived earlier than the start of the canon," Ace thought as he knelt with everyone, waiting for Kagaya to speak.

"Good morning, everyone. The weather is amazingly good today," Ubuyashiki said and then looked at Shinobu for the mission details.

Ace waited as Shinobu began recounting the mission from beginning to end.

As she reached the part about Yuki running, Ace quickly interjected, "I will take responsibility for her if there's any blame directed at the corps." He wasn't actually worried that they would even place any blame on him, as that would be too petty for them to do, and even if they do, what can they even do? He was just a stranger in this world, and they would only be making an unnecessary enemy out of him doing that.

Ubuyashiki smiled upon hearing this and replied, "There will be no need for that. We will clear her debts if she becomes a Demon Slayer or someone closely related to a Demon Slayer."

"And she doesn't need to do the dangerous work, she can just join as a menial worker" He added.

Ace quickly understood the implications behind the words, realising that Ubuyashiki was shrewder than he appeared.

Because if Yuki became a Demon Slayer, her debts would be absolved, which was normal for most of them and it would also increase the chances of him becoming one as well. It was clear that they thought he had likely developed a personal attachment to Yuki during their journey.

The second option was also evident: with Ace becoming a Demon Slayer and Yuki being related to him, her debts would be forgiven.

'Fucking debts,' Ace cursed inwardly as he contemplated his decision.

Seeing his contemplation, Ubuyashiki quickly added, "As long as you become a Demon Slayer and help in defeating Kibutsuji Muzan, we will support you in any way we can ."

Hearing this, Ace decided not to be too indecisive, since he had come to this world to join the Demon Slayers for training, there was no need to haggle for more benefits.

After coming to his decision, he nodded to Ubuyashiki and said, "I will need a good place to live and also a teacher to help in my training."

Ubuyashiki nodded to him and said, "Your accommodation will be provided, and until then, you can stay at the Butterfly Mansion. Shinobu and Kanao will look after your training until you are ready."

While Ace nodded, Yuki quickly knelt down and said, "Thank you very much, Oyakata-sama."

Ace sighed at her behaviour and thought, 'She is still quite naive; this was a transaction, not an act of gratitude.'

With their business at the Ubuyashiki Estate completed, they quickly left after bidding their farewells and headed to the Butterfly Mansion with Shinobu.

After walking for a while, they reached the mansion, and Ace couldn't help but appreciate its beauty and elegant design. While he was looking at the interior of the house, Shinobu efficiently led them inside, and they were greeted by three small, cute girls residing there.

Shinobu introduced them, saying, "They are Naho, Kiyo, and Sumi, and they'll be helping you with both training and chores, so make sure to build a good relationship with them." The girls nodded in unison at Shinobu's introduction, displaying their unity.

With the trio of girls helping me and Yuki, it didn't take long for us to settle in the new house ,as I had basically no luggage.

Once we settled in, I couldn't help but notice another person in the mansion, exuding a calm and focused aura. It was a young woman with strikingly beautiful features, sitting quietly in a corner. Ace thought to himself, 'She must be Kanao.'

Noticing his gaze, Shinobu introduced Kanao with a playful aside, "And this is Kanao, our resident silent ninja. Don't let her quiet demeanor fool you; she is quite deadly and ruthless."

"and Kanao, this is Ace. He's here for training," Shinobu said, introducing him.

Kanao acknowledged Ace with a nod and greeted him with a soft, "Nice to meet you." Her tone was gentle yet carried an air of indifference.

Ace returned the greeting with a smile and nod and left the scene to check his and Yuki's room which were adjacent to each other.

As he inspected the arrangement, he couldn't help but notice Yuki looking at him. Their gazes met, and he couldn't resist a smile. "Hmmm… this is interesting."

Yuki, hearing his words and feeling a bit shy, quickly entered her room, prompting Ace to sigh at her behaviour, thinking, 'How many times are you going to be embarrassed for little things?'

Without their noticing, the night was already up

with a clear full silvery moon gracing the sky, Ace decided to stargaze, enjoying the unspoiled beauty of the night sky.

As he walked to the garden, contemplating tomorrow's plan, he encountered Shinobu sitting in a corner, quietly gazing at the sky with a trance-like look. Deciding not to disturb her, Ace settled down in another corner, patiently waiting for her to return from her thoughts.

After about ten minutes, Shinobu suddenly looked in his direction and remarked, "I didn't think you would wait that long."

Ace responded gazing at the night sky, "Well, you looked quite deep in thought, so I thought I should wait a little."

Shinobu chuckled at his words and said, "You're more sensible than I thought."

"What? You thought I wasn't." Ace asked, faking a hurt expression.

Shinobu leaned back and sighed, "No, it's just that you often come across as carefree and playful. Waiting silently without impatience isn't what I expected."

Ace leaned in with a smirk, "Well, surprises are my specialty. Keeps things interesting, doesn't it?"

Shinobu chuckled, "Indeed, it does."

"So you're here for your…. daily dose of moon-gazing?" Ace asked.

Shinobu nodded, " That's a strange way to say that but the answer is Yes, it helps me clear my thoughts."

Ace joined her in gazing at the moon, "I get it. Sometimes, you just need a moment of peace."

As they both gazed at the moon while talking, Shinobu suddenly said, "Isn't the moon lovely?"

Surprised by her comment, as it reminded him of a scene from the anime, Ace quickly replied, "Is that what I think it is?"

Now, it was Shinobu's turn to be surprised. "You knew about it?"

Ace only smiled, looking at Shinobu whose cheeks had turned a faint red from blushing.

Ace teased, "Is this our ever-smiling Butterfly Hashira blushing?"

Feeling a bit embarrassed, Shinobu swiftly shifted the conversation to another topic.

After their night of moon-gazing and conversation, both of them had undoubtedly grew somewhat closer.

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Link: patreon.com/NexusPrimodius

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