
The start of everything

I the demon god Azzul was the terror of the world. But everything got so boring after awhile nobody can defeat me. He could harm me but never kill me. But he was the only challenge at this point and time. this this universe started about 1,000 years back I only could challenge the dinosaurs and some other animals. After awhile of strolling around the world trust me I can destroy the world when and how ever I want but I'm only 1,000 years old.

After awhile of strolling I see a women beautiful women at least that's what I think I have nobody but these stupid meat brains dinosaurs to compare to. I hid behind a bush as I stalk my prey it looked like she was testing her magic to say but I never seen this type of magic before this magic is light. And I can feel a tiny bit of pain that really fascinated me this was actually my first time feeling pain.

How should I explain it it feels like heat but I never experienced this so I unconsciously jumped out of the bush, This type of movement startled the beautiful women. She seemed embarrassed I don't know why, I can see her eyes looking at my bottom waste I look down too I didn't see nothing wrong but she yelled and ran away. I'm thinking of my self she must have just been born.

I run after her but of course I'm faster no surprise on my part. She slowed down I don't think she noticed me yet at least. Anyway I grabbed her shoulder and made her turn around I looked into her eyes while I see red stuff on her cheeks. Must be blood I assume, she then started to talk in a language I didn't under stand so I used the language of the soul I made back 200 years ago. I have a really good memory so I could remember almost everything, I say almost because I don't want to remember every single detail or thing I look at.

I then started talking in soul language she then understood me finally I thought. She then began to yell at me for no reason. she keeps saying clothes clothes, I finally under stood what she was talking about she wanted me to put on some clothes I don't usually were clothes well because they were useless but I complied and put on some clothes.(The books cover) I talked to her a bit to find out she was just born a few days ago. I then asked here what that magic she was using.

She told me she will call it light magic. So to this idea I will call my main magic source dark magic. It was a good Idea I think. But fast forward its been another 1,000 years my boredom is no more now I have asked her to be my wife a word we made up in those 1,000 years she complied and said yes. we were living and creating she was trying to make a new life form same as I since there's nothing to really do I told my self why not I named my life forms devils' while she called hers angles. The angles have high affinity for light and little for other elements and if there lucky they can turn into a Angle lords this was her idea of a name so I just rolled with it. While the demons have the same concept to this they will turn into demon lords and have a high affinity for the dark element. There are 14 elements Earth, Water, Wind, Fire, Thunder, Ice, Force, Time and light and dark, I excel in all except the light I can only use a little light. so after 50 years I started to get sexully active so I came home( a forest) one day started to breath a lot I was like a moment of heat Angela(god) was worried about me so she came over as quickly as she can and tried to hold me, She put me on the ground and asked what happen, I couldn't talk I just looked at her and rushed over her and pushed her to the ground. I then ripped both our clothes off she have the same blood red cheeks when I first saw her I was thinking but still couldn't control my body still. My rod that never did anything I didn't even know what it was for but know my instincts are telling me what's happing.

My mind is telling me no but my body my body is telling me yes I have no idea where that song came from but I still don't know what's going on. I then aim my Rod at her bottom I didn't know what that was but I need to call it something ill figure it out later. I then slowly put my rod in here blood was coming out and I can here here screams she then hugged me very tight. I didn't feel a thing well because magic is her strong suit. after she stop screaming I can here moans loud ones at that, I Then kept thrusting's over and over again there were two holes so I said why not and tried to do the other but she was screaming to loud this time so I went slow at possible then I speed up again. Tis was happing 10 years straight I have a lot of energy plus I want to make a child at least that's what my instincts want we made 14 children 7 looked like an angle while the other 7 looked like devils' they all have horns and they all look cute too. But I look at them closely they do not have a gender I scream no as loud as I can this means they can not natural reproduce wait I look close at one of my devils' and look at that its a girl. If she's a girl then Ill just call the others a male. I will give my baby's a name ill call them the seven deadly sins. While Angela name the 7 looking angles archangel's.

After a year and a half I come up with a bright Idea. I then walked up to Angela and asked her we should make a new home she asked my how I then said ill handle it she then nod. I then use all the elements to make a new element space magic This gave me a bright idea to make two worlds apart ill call it hell or the Abyss and heaven While I was working on that Angela was making new life forms like humans, elf's, giants, dark elf's, dwarfs, and some other races. but this toke about 2,000 years because I wanted everything just right I haven't seen my babies in 2,000 years these 2,000 years went by to quick. I then teleported back to the garden and Angela is nowhere to be found to I searched all over the place and began to be worried. So I searched the whole earth (yes that's what I called it) And still couldn't find her. So I search for my babes and surprise surprise I found them they were about fighting I wonder why I put all the demons in hell and angels angles in heaven so why do I see then on earth what on earth is happen in those 2,000 years? I tried to ask m self but couldn't find the answer.

I then teleported in front of the devils' and angles that was about to fight. They seem surprise I see my seven deadly sins on one side and my arch angles on the other I asked them what happen to Angela in a loud demanding voice. But one foolish angle attacked me and her attack didn't hit me it passed through my body this is a skill i picked up on my practicing all my element when making heaven and hell. I didn't kill her well because the angles feel like my children too so I didn't bother. I then asked again in a very loud voice that each party's army could hear. Both 7 walked up and asked who was I threatening voice. I was irritated for someone weaker then me to yell at me but I calmed down and said your father. the 7 devils' and angle freeze and yelled "LIES OUR FATHER DIED 2,000 YEARS AGO!" That was the last straw, nobody in this world could kill me I laughed. Then one word came out of my mouth "kneel" Both army's kneeled like there was an overwhelming force I then asked them again what happen to your mother they had no chose but to answer. The angles said ''The devils' killed them the devils" then yelled back Lies that in was a human sage. I then looked into one of the arch angles eyes and then looked at the devils' eyes then I yelled those damn humans I asked the devils' were the human were.

He pointed to the south I then started flying there at full speed it looked like I teleported but I made it to the humans base. Since I exile in time magic Ill just look at the past why didn't I think of this before. I then see the forest that we and Angela use to live in I see 2 humans then I see a male human take a bite of and apple the apple of knowledge the apple that can grant knowledge. It was him. I the run into the humans base they sounded the alarm. I teleported the guy that eaten the apple and crushed him on the ground I look into his eyes his name was Adam and his patterner even ill get her later. But since he apple the apple we was immortal right no I can take anything away even him immortality but as I was taking his immortality he was trying to seal me I smile a little and said to him do you think you can seal me. He replied and said no but god can combine with my power I can seal you for a long time I then looked behind him and I see Angela and asked her why all I can hear was sorry then everything went black but I see a glance of my 14 children and devils' I then I last hope teleported all of them in hell and heaven I made some entertainment for them called the summoning spot and made some other worlds to I made everything and that's my last words for awhile

But truth be told I was wrong I still had my consciousness my body couldn't move so after 100 years of staying by my body I left for awhile to explore other worlds and have some fun. I cant go back well because that seal ill study it a bit later on. In my first world I was going to be here for awhile so I hade a body just like my previous body this world has a lot of water and a lot of that wretched race called humans but there physically stronger then the ones on earth so In a large city I teleported in the sky where everyone saw me they started screaming this was a big city probably the main city in the whole world any way I explain to them that I made a fruit that has power in them. I said this in a very loud voice so everyone on the island could here me. The rest you could find out yourself. After I said these words over 1,000 fruits blast off in different places. As they saw my skin and horns and after awhile some people found the fruit they called it the devil fruit.