
Demon Emperor's Wild Husband

Demon Emperor's Wild Husband During his first life, he was brutally killed by those he called family. In his second life, he lost everyone he loved and cared for, while being betrayed by those he called allies and friends. In his third life, he won't make the same mistakes as his previous life, in this life, those family that killed him will face a life worse than death. He will also protect those he loves and cares for.

Empress_Tiny · Thành thị
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60 Chs

Chapter 48

When the couple saw their son they quickly got up and walked towards him and engulfed him in a hug. 

"Aww our baby, its been so long since we seen you". Old madam He said as she checked all over He Long to see of he was ok. Master He on the other hand stood by the side and looked over wife to check him son. He was also the first one to turn to Ming Chen and smile at him. 

"You much be the special person that my son was talking about", old master He said as he smiled gently at Ming Chen. Old madam He also turned to look at him and smiled. 

"Hello, uncle and auntie, my name is Ming Chen, nice to meet you both", Ming Chen greeted them both respectfully and gave a slight bow. When he lifted his head back up he was suddenly engulfed into a hug by the old couple, even He Long joined in too. 

"Aww, it's a pleasure to meet you Ming Chen, to think our son had such a cutie beloved and tell us until now", old madam looked at He Long as of she was reprimanding him, but there was nothing but love and care in those eyes. 

Old madam He helped Ming Chen sit on the sofa and sat herself next to him and old master He next to her, while He Long went to get the gifts, he got for them. 

"Please forgive, its not much but please accept these gifts that I got for you both", Ming Chen said, as He Long got the gift out one by one as per Ming Chen's order and showed them all to He couple. 

Old madam He was feeling very happy and satisfied, Ming Chen and He Long thought it was because of the gift but only her husband knew the real reason why. They weren't sure how long they have been together, but they can see that Ming Chen already has He Long wrapped around his finger. 

Even old master He felt happy to see this. A real He man should always obey his beloved and live their lives under them and fully devoted to them. 

The He couple loved the gifts Ming Chen gave them and said that it was very thoughtful of him. As they came around lunch time the He couple invited them to join them for lunch. 

It was a big feast that was prepared for Ming Chen. Old madam He kept grabbing food and putting it in Ming Chen's bowl. Seeing Ming Chen get all of old madam He's attention, old master felt upset. Ming Chen saw this and couldn't help contain his laugh. 

"Don't worry about this old guy, Chen Chen, he sulks a little but he will get over it", old madam He said as she put a chicken drumstick in his bowl. Ming Chen also put food in old madam He's bowl and He Long felt upset. He wanted Ming Chen to put on his bowl. The father and son due sat by the side and sulked to themselves and their beloveds feed each other.

The more old madam He and Ming Chen ignored the father and son due the more upset they got. In the end, Ming Chen turner and paid his full attention to He Lond and old madam He paid her full attention to old master He. The two couples, despite eating on the same table, they were preoccupied with themselves. 

Ming Chen ate till he was full, they rested for a while, had tea and chatted with the couple. 

"Chen Chen, it will be aunties birthday soon. I hope you can come. Make sure you attend with He Long otherwise he will sulk to me and I already have 1 big baby to take care of", old madam He said, hinting towards old master He. Ming Chen naturally accepted and the two laughed at their sulking babies. 

Old master He and He Long watched the two chatting happily, old master He turned to He Long and looked at his son's happy face. He could still remember that year, He Long wont leave his room, he cried day and night. He was lifeless it wasn't until he started painting that he started to feel himself again. There was also that time during Ming Chen's 13th birthday, He Long who never left the house for 2 year suddenly wanted to attend the birthday of someone he never met. 

Old master He also saw how his son behaved when he met Ming Chen for the first time, it was like a puppy waiting for its master to recognise him. Although he knew his son took a liking to Ming Chen, he wanted to disapprove such relations as Ming Chen was 7 years younger but he was glad his son wasn't one that snatched a baby out of its cradle. 

"Do you intend to marry him", old master He asked his son. He Long briefly looked at his father then towards Ming Chen who was talking with his mother. 

"Yes", He Long said with a smile on his face. 

"I plan of proposing soon, after we sort somethings out". Old master He patted He Long on the shoulders.

"Good son". 

The young couple stayed until the evening before biding their goodbyes and making promises to attend old madam He's birthday party. 

The couple didn't go home straight but instead went shopping for matching suits to wear for old madam He's birthday party. Although Ming Chen didn't want to, He Long dragged him to luxury clothing store. It was almost deserted but only two people inside. 

Ming Chen followed behind He Long. He Long told Ming Chen to sit down while he called the manager of the place to show some good suits. He Long had gone up to the counter and asked the lady if he can see the manager, the lady behind the desk saw how rough and unkept He Long looked and said that the manager isn't available.