
Demon Emperor's Wild Husband

Demon Emperor's Wild Husband During his first life, he was brutally killed by those he called family. In his second life, he lost everyone he loved and cared for, while being betrayed by those he called allies and friends. In his third life, he won't make the same mistakes as his previous life, in this life, those family that killed him will face a life worse than death. He will also protect those he loves and cares for.

Empress_Tiny · Thành thị
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60 Chs

Chapter 36

"Director is there any reason why you called for me", Ming Chen nodding to the director. The director gave a nervous laugh but didn't reply back to Ming Chen. Instead, he guided him towards a VIP room. There was two big men guarding both sides of the door. Ming Chen started feeling his heart beating faster for no reason. He wasn't scared or worried, but this sudden heart wrenching feeing suddenly come up on him. 

He felt like there was something behind these doors that he really needed to see. The director knocked on the door and a female voice saying 'come in' could be head. The director opened the door and the both of them went in. of course, the VIP rooms were more spacious and luxurious compared to the normal rooms, however, Ming Chen wasn't the slighted bit fazed. Instead, his eyes landed on the sight of a female sitting on the edge of the bed, and a child who looked around 3- or 4-years old sleeping. 

"Ms Fang, this is Dr Ming. He one of our best doctors here in the hospital", the director said as he greeted the lady, known as Ms Fang. She got up and reached out her hand. 

"It's a pleasure meeting you Dr Ming, I have heard so much about you", Ms Fang said. Ming Chen naturally also reached out his hands and gave a firm handshake and politely nodded towards her. 

"It's nice meeting you too", Ming Chen said giving a polite smile. The handshake seemed to last sometime, the lady didn't seem like she wanted to let go, and Ming Chen couldn't forcefully take his hands out in case he hurt or embarrassed Ms Fang. Ms Fang still held onto his hand and was smiling, when, the sound of someone clearing their throat could be hear behind Ming Chen. For some reason he felt his heart beat faster. Once the sound was heard, Ms Fang quickly let go of his hand and walked towards where the sound was coming from. Ming Chen also turned around to see who made the noise and was rooted in spot with shock. 

A tall, well build and handsome man was standing near the door, Ming Chen has been a lot of handsome men throughout his life times, but the reason seeing this man and being shocked was because this man looked exactly like Li Jun. A surge of emotions came inside him. He didn't know what to say or what to feel at this moment. 

"Brother Long, you're here just in time", Ms Fang said as she held his arms and guided the man with the name Long towards him. The man had walked towards him and now was standing right in front of him. 

"This is Dr Ming, and Dr Ming this is my brother He Long", Ms Fang introduced the man to Ming Chen, who had finally composed himself. This man night look like Li Jun but he isn't him. Although, he felt upset with that idea, he most certainly had to come to terms with it. 

"Its nice meeting you Mr He", Ming Chen said as he reached out his hand for a handshake, however, after some time there seemed to be no movement from the other party. 

Ming Chen was about to withdraw his hand, when suddenly the man pulled his hand and stared directly into his eyes. The man looked at him in a particular way, that look was familiar to him. It was the same look Li Jun had when ever he looked at him. If this had been before, Ming Chen would have melted right in Li Jun's arms, but this man wasn't him. 'Even thought the way he looks and the way his eyes.', Ming Chen thoughts drifted away as he got lost in the man's eyes. 

The director saw this and wanted to leave the situation he was in right now if he could dig a hole and stay in there instead. Ms Fang who saw what was going on between the two couldn't be happier. However, she realised that this wasn't the time for it, especially at this moment. She coughed a few times to get the attention of them both. Ming Chen who heard the cough, drifted back into his thoughts, and moved himself away from the man by a few steps. 

The man had also come back into his senses and seeing Ming Chen move away from him, he couldn't help but feel rather angry. Ming Chen saw the man's eyes turn dark, but he didn't say nor do anything. 

"Dr Ming, the reason we called you is because my son doesn't seem to be eating anything. We have called so many doctors and took him to specialist, but nothing seems to work. It's been 2 months now please help us", Ms Fang said trying to turn the attention of everyone in the room back to her son. Ming Chen told her he will have a look at him and see what the problem might be, but he would need the child to be awake. Ms Fang understood and went by the bedside of the child. She gently shook him a few times, but the child didn't seem to be waking up. So, she tired a different method. As Ms Fang was trying to wake up her son, Ming Chen couldn't help but steal a few glances at the man standing besides him. 

The new tricked seemed to have work as the child had woken up and was now sitting up right. The little boy rubbed his eyes a few times and when he opened them, he let out a scream. 

"UNCLE", the little boy screamed and jumped off the bed before running towards the man He Long. The man gave a gently smile and picked up the little kid with ease.

"I heard you haven't been eating lately buddy", He Long said squeezing the little boys' cheeks. The little boy didn't seem to like that and puffed up his chest. The man couldn't help but laugh at the little boy's cuteness. Seeing the interaction between the two, Ming Chen's thoughts went to his unborn babies. If they were born and grew up, they would have been like that too. Ming Chen subconsciously touched his belly, although, the other two people in the room didn't see his action. The man, He Long did, and something in his eyes flashed. 

The little boy was quickly settled back in the bed and Ming Chen started examining him. He did a though check-up, although, he wasn't able to find anything that can indicate why this child wasn't eating, Ming Chen wasn't about to give up. After examining the little boy, he started asking him questions. Most of the answers he got were normal for a 4-year-old child and beside the pain in his tongue everything else was normal. Ming Chen couldn't help asking the child when the pain in his tongue started and the little boy said that after his grandfather birthday party, 2 months ago.