
Delusion or Illusion

"Why do you want to leave us, mom? You love us mom, you always said you love me. Please don't do this, mom." I pleaded, my vision getting clouded by the tears. "I never wanted you dear, nor did I ever wished to marry your father. It was out of my choice to marry him and have these useless kids. But now that I found the love of my life back, I'm going to spend the rest of my life with him." She said smirking evilly. "No, mom. Please don't leave us. We need you mom. Dylan needs you, mom. I love you mom, please. Plea........." I was cut off by the screeching sound of the car tyres when the car took a sharp turn and suddenly hit a hard object. I started screaming. But the crash was so loud, the car turned upside down and the shattering of the glass made a boisterous sound. I screamed "Mooommmmm......" Daisy Hannah Wilson, the girl next door, who's sweet, ambitious and compassionate. Aaron Crawford is the heartthrob, who has girls falling head over heels for him but he has his eyes set for only one. His best friend, Daisy. Daisy and Aaron are best friends for years. While it's just friendship for Daisy, it's love for Aaron - one-sided love. He lives in a hope that someday she'll realise his love, she'll value him and love him enough to be with him. But it becomes a roller coaster ride of emotions for Aaron when Daisy's relationship is revealed. While she's dying to be with her love - Brandon, Aaron is struggling to hide his feelings and put on a smile for her happiness. Aaron still finds a ray of hope to be with her but LOVE IS NEVER THAT EASY. What happens when suddenly, Daisy shows a new side of her leaving everyone stunned? Will love find its way in their lives or will they end up separately? What happens that makes her heartless and him heartbroken?

Aaria · Kỳ huyễn
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36 Chs

Is he alright?

Daisy's pov

"Guys, Dy said his 'hi' to y'all. He says he misses you guys and wants y'all to visit him next time I go there." I say, smiling sadly reminiscing the conversation I had with him.

"We miss him too." Jake says looking at me through the mirror.

"He must be lonely there." Luke chimes in with a far away look in his eyes.

"Is he alright? I mean the look on your face says you're worried, there's something troubling you." Ron says more like a statement than question, from beside me.

"Yeah, it's alright. That's what I think. Anyways, if you guys are free next week, I'd love it if y'all come with me. He really needs someone there." I say glancing at each of their faces to gauge their reactions.

"Like hell, you even need to ask. We're obviously coming even if you don't invite us." Luke answers without a thought instantly warming my heart with their concern for my brother.

"Hannah Montano, you sure you're okay, right? You look so sad today. Listen, we can just go as soon as we come back from the concert." Jake, the most concerned one says looking at me tenderly.

"He's right, lazy dazy. Even better we can directly take a flight from there." Ron says from beside me, squeezing my hand in assurance which is intertwined with his since we sat in the car ten minutes ago.

"Yo dee, the classes can wait but not our special buddies." Luke pipes in from the front seat.

"Did I ever tell you guys that I'm grateful to have you assholes as my best friends?" I say and just like that, we all fall into a comfortable silence after exchanging few words.

We're currently on our way to Lizz's place from where Aaron and Lizz are going to start their road trip in Lizz's car. She was kinda adamant to go in her car and no one else's and Aaron being the good guy he is, agreed.

Honestly, I'm excited about the party we planned for Lizz. I just hope everything goes as planned. For time being, I decided not to think about Brandon and instead live in the moment.

When he can do just fine without me, then I honestly am not going to waste my time sulking over him. I'll wait another week and if he still doesn't return, I'll ask Aaron to start the hunt. As much as I love him, I also cannot keep crying over him. Both are equally responsible to make the relationship work and it's not just my job to do that.

Yes, I'm desperate. I'm desperate for him to get back. I wanna yell at him. I want to kick his senses out and demand the answers. I want to scold him but then at the end, I wanna hug him and make it all fine. I want to say how much I love him and then just like that I want us to be the happy couple again.

"We're here," Jake yells bringing me out of my daze of thoughts while turning the engine off.

We all get out of the car and make a beeline towards the door. Tiptoeing inside, we all go to her room, only to find her dancing in front of the mirror while checking her phone. She's really into it that she doesn't even notice us being there.

We wait for another five minutes, holding in our laughter at the moves she's doing. She's usually shy around us to dance this freely and now that we are sneaking here, I'm sure the guys too are amazed by the expressions on their faces. And not to forget the look on Jake's face, he looks like a lost puppy staring at the master with those lovestruck eyes.

God! Help him make a move on her before someone else does and he loses her forever. I can't see our group falling apart. I can't let that happen. As promised I made Lizz confess her feelings about Jake to me but I didn't get the direct answer. I just gave him the riddle and said it's up to him to figure it out because honestly, I couldn't figure it out myself.

And suddenly, she tries to twerk but falls hard on her ass instead. We watch it for ten seconds, her face, the expression before breaking into hysterics. Panicked, her head snaps towards us and we all laugh even more. The look on her face is priceless. We all come out of our hiding and walk into her room. Luke falls down on her bed, laughing his ass off, Aaron is clutching his stomach bending down and me, I'm trying to stop myself before the bitch side of Lizz makes an appearance.

"When the hell did you guys get here?" She screeches loudly causing us all to clamp our mouths shut.

"Eli---Elizaa.....tha---that was fu--fucking a--amaz--ing." Luke says in between his laughter.

By now, I can picture the red flames blowing out of her ears and her face turning red in embarrassment or rage, I don't know.

"Luke asshole Evans, shut your annoying mouth right this instant and if I hear any more laughter from you, I assure you myself that you'll forget laughing for the rest of your life." And here comes the bitchy side of Lizz.

"Calm down, Lizz," I say and cautiously take a step forward and put a hand on her shoulder to calm her down. Her eyes snap towards mine and I gulp not knowing what she's gonna do next. But I breath out in relief when her eyes soften a bit.

"It's time. I think we should get going if you want to be there on time." Ron pipes in, easing the tension.