


"Do you like this?" Lady Ding showed Bian what she just finished sewing. "Very pretty," Bian said. "I am giving this to General Meng De," Lady Ding said happily as she folds the handkerchief nicely and stands up. "Consort Bian, go call for General Meng De to meet me at the court yard," Lady Ding said. This troubled Bian because she has been trying to avoid Meng De for the past couple of days. She didn't want to see or talk to him. "Yes, Lady Ding," Bian said dragging herself out of Lady Ding's manor to head to Meng De's manor.

"General Cao Cao," Bian said interrupting the conversation of Meng De and another soldier. The soldier stopped talking as Meng De temper raised at the rude interruption, "who is it?" Meng De looked to see Bian standing at the door. "Lady Ding demands your presence at the court yard," Bian quickly said. Meng De nodded, "tell her to wait, I will be there shortly after." After Bian walked away, Meng De tapped for the soldier to continue. "Rebels are silently recruiting younger males from town to town. There is a rumor Yuan Shao is interested in them and wants to create allies," the soldier continued. Yuan Shao was one of Meng De's ugliest enemy. "Where is Yuan Shao's location?" Meng De asked. "Yuan Shao is moving from places to place. He even heard about the foretelling master and is trying to look for the foretelling master too," the soldier said. Meng De nodded. The foretelling master was never seen again after the last time. Meng De stressed about the prophecy the foretelling master had saw. If it was true, then Bian's existence is the fall of Han dynasty.

The sun was bright and high up in the sky. Bian waited with Lady Ding in the hot weather in the court yard. They have been waiting for a long time for Meng De to show up. Lady Ding started getting impatient. "Let's go, Consort Bian," Lady Ding sighs impatiently and walked towards Meng De's manor, not caring if she was rude to interrupt Meng De's meeting. Bian followed but her view was slowly getting blurry due to the sun shining so bright. "General Meng De," Lady Ding said as she sees Meng De walking towards them. He did come after all and Lady Ding was relieved. "Lady Ding," Meng De greeted her, "you called for me?" Lady Ding nodded, "I wanted to spend some time with you, but you are busy." "Let's go inside," Meng De said as he held onto Lady Ding's hands to lead her back inside his manor. "Lady Ding," Bian called for help as her view was getting darker. Lady Ding and Meng De turned to see Bian dropped to the ground. "Consort Bian!" Lady Ding shocked to see Bian fainting. Meng De ran quickly to aid Bian as he carried her bridal way and walked towards his manor. He laid her on his bed. "Consort Bian," Meng De tried waking her up. He felt her forehead burning and covered in sweat. "Is she fine?" Lady Ding cried touching Bian. Meng De called for Servant Bo to quickly fetch the family physician.

Bian can smell the mint helping her to slowly opened her eyes. "Consort Bian is awake," the consort said. "Consort Bian," Lady Ding grabbed Bian's hands. "How are you?" Lady Ding worried as she check Bian's temperature. "Lady Ding," Bian mouthed. She was dehydrated. "How can you scare me?" Lady Ding said. "Give her some water," Mother Yan told the consort. "Yes," the consort said as she helped Bian to sit up and drink some water. After drinking the water, Bian returned the cup and look around to see that she was in Meng De's manor. She sees Mother Yan, Lady Ding, Meng De, and some consorts standing around the bed. "It is a relief that you are awake," Mother Yan said as she held onto Bian's hand. "Physician is here," Servant Bo said walking in with the family physician. Everyone moved out the way for the physician to examine Bian.

He touched Bian's wrist and looked at Bian. "Consort Bian, you need to fully rest," he said and took out a medicine from his case. "How is Consort Bian?" Meng De asked the physician. "Consort Bian is pregnant, she must limit her activities and rest when she feels tired. She is doing fine, just dehydrated." "How is the baby?" Meng De asked. "As I was listening Consort Bian's heart, I can feel the baby's heartbeat now. Consort Bian need to continue to intake nutrition then she and the baby will continue to be fine. Here is the medicine to help with her energy," the physician informed everyone and then handed the medicine to Lady Ding. Meng De thank the family physician for his time and walk the physician out of the manor. Lady Ding and the consort left to brew the medicine for Bian. Bian was left alone with Mother Yan. "Consort Bian, you must be careful with your actions," Mother Yan said, "do not overwork yourself." "Yes, Lady Yan," Bian said. "You must remember that you are caring a child of the Cao's family," Mother Yan lectured Bian. "I am sorry, Lady Yan, it will not happen again," Bian said. Mother Yan pitied Bian and her patted Bian to laid down to rest. Bian slowly lay back down.

Right after she walked out of the room, Meng De enters. "How are you?" he asked as he sat by the bedside. Bian sits up immediately causing her head to hurt. She moaned in pain touching her temples. "You need to rest," Meng De said as he guided Bian back to lay down. "I can rest in the consort's manor," Bian insisted. "Just rest here," Meng De said, never allowing options for Bian. "This is General Cao Cao's manor, I do not dare to rest here," Bian said. "You rest here many times already," Meng De said and Bian blushed. Meng De bent down to face Bian, he moves the hair out of her beautiful face and caress the side her face, "I will not do anything to you tonight, so just rest comfortably here," he said gently.

Lady Ding stood outside of the Meng De's manor hearing the whole conversation between Meng De and Bian. She balled up her fists and looked at the consort holding onto the brewed medicine, "throw that out." "But Lady Yan commands…" the consort said. Lady Ding held onto the consort's arm firmly, "Then say you spilled it," Lady Ding whispered into her ear. Lady Ding slightly pushing her releasing her to throw the brewed medicine away. Lady Ding watched the consort walking away and stomp to her manor. Lady Ding threw a fit as she trashed her room. "Mother!" Lady Guo cried loudly. "Take her away," Lady Ding yelled at the consort taking care of Lady Guo. "Let's go Lady Guo," the consort carried Lady Guo out of the manor. Lady Ding watched her daughter leaves the room and cursed at her fate of not being able to bore a son. Now her beloved husband is seeking other pleasures.

"What happened?" Meng De asked seeing crying Lady Guo running to him while he is studying in the dining room manor because Bian was resting in his manor. "Mother is mad," she said. Meng De comfort Lady Guo, "it is fine, do not cry." After comforting Lady Guo to sleep, Meng De commanded the consort to take Lady Guo to sleep. He goes check on Lady Ding. "Put that there," Lady Ding said as she orders the consort to organize her room. "Lady Ding," Meng De said walking in her manor. "General Meng De," Lady Ding smiled and waved for the consorts to leave both of them alone. "Come sit and drink so tea," Lady Ding said as she led her husband to the tea table. "What did you want to tell me this afternoon?" Meng De asked. "Yes," Lady Ding remembers, "I have a gift for you." Lady Ding takes out the handkerchief from her sleeves and gave it to Meng De. He accepted it. "This is nice of you," he said as he looked at her sewing skills. Likewise, her sewing skills does not disappoint one's eyes.

"Guo informed me that you were not feeling well," Meng De felt Lady Ding's forehead. She quickly grabbed his hands and shook her head, "I am fine." "That is good to know," Meng De said. "Tomorrow, pay a visit to the family physician and request for another medicine," Meng De said. "Yes, I heard that the consort spilled the brewed medicine," Lady Ding said, "do not blame her." Meng De nodded at look at Lady Ding, a woman who was willing to do anything for him. He caresses her face, although she may not be intelligent or pretty, she had always cared for him. She tilted her head into his hand, "I missed you." Meng De had been busy for the past couple of days since their guests left and haven't paid attention to her. "Will you stay the night?" Lady Ding asked. Meng De stood up and led Lady Ding to the bed. "Yes, for tonight," he said.

"Let me take a bath first," Lady Ding said wanting to prepare her best for Meng De. Lady Ding called a consort to warm a bath for her. "Pour this in," Lady Ding said as she gave the sweet pea oil to the consort. The consort helped brush Lady Ding's body nicely and prepped her beautifully. Lady Ding goes back to her room to see Meng De already finishing the tea waiting for her. She walked seductively towards him. Meng De can smell her usual odor, sweet pea, across the room as she walked to him. He smiled at her. He waited for her to reach him as he stood up and inhaled her neck. He kissed her and his hands rubbed her neck, pulling down the robe on her shoulders and cupping her breasts, massaging them. Lady Ding moaned in between their kiss as Meng De played with her breasts.

Meng De stopped kissing Lady Ding as he watched her in pleasure in playing with her breasts. Then he led Lady Ding to sit on the bed. Meng De undressed exposing his naked body. He climbs onto the bed and reaches to kiss Lady Ding but she stopped him. He was confused. She looked at him and laughed. "Not so fast," she said as she made him watch her. Lady Ding slowly dropped her robe exposing her naked body. She licked her finger and reached below her as she fingered herself. Meng De watched in pleasure seeing Lady Ding moaned faster. He even massaged her breasts to help her more. His member shoots up ready to take action. Lady Ding can feel her wet enough and pulled out her finger, dragging a string of mucus out. She slowly pushed Meng De back as he supported himself with his elbows. Lady Ding moved up over his hips as she directed his member into her hole. Meng De watched her do what she had to do. He liked how she wasn't resisting at all. He liked how much she can do for him.

"Ah," Lady Ding gasped as she completely filled herself with his member all the way in the first thrust. To help, Meng De moved it out of her hole a little as he thrust it back in. Lady Ding gasped again and held onto his shoulders. Then she started moving up and down slowly, moaning each time he filled her up. Pain turned into pleasure and Lady Ding fastens her pace. She pushed Meng De to lay on his back, making it easier for her to ride his member. Meng De supported Lady Ding's hips as she rides his member in pleasure. He pants faster as she moves rides faster. She is getting better at pleasuring him.

"Ah," she can feel herself coming as her juice overflows from her hole onto their sexual intercourse. Meng De sits up to thrust Lady Ding from below. Both of their skin slapping each other in cooperating in this intercourse together. He attacked her breasts, sucking and biting them, giving her more pleasure. "General Meng De," she moaned his name. He ignored her as he continues to suck her breasts. "General Meng De," she moaned louder in feeling another coming. He knew that she was coming again. He stopped his actions and guided her to lay on her back. He entered her again and thrusts inside of her hole fast for them to come together. Both of them release at the same time in their screams. Meng De pulled his member and sat down as overflowing juice followed. Lady Ding watched Meng De rubbing his member up and down to release the rest of the seeds.

Lady Ding satisfied that Meng De is still adores her. She sits up to steal a kiss from him while he was concentrating on getting all the seeds out of his member. He smiled at her. She missed his smile so much. Being a general, he barely smiled outside from their sexual intercourse. She used to think that he was hard to impress, to only find out that it was his way of keeping his character. She kissed and hugged his neck, kissed his neck to his shoulders, and back to his mouth, which he responded. "Want to do it again?" she said wanting to please Meng De. He caresses her face, moved her hair out of her face. It didn't feel the same when he did it to Bian. "Let's sleep," he said. Lady Ding pouted then nodded. He hugged her into his chest as he led them to lay down to sleep.

Bian was finally able to get a good sleep. She woke up in the middle of the night, not being able to sleep any longer. She lit a candle and headed to Meng De's study room. She sat down to see his collection of books had expanded. She grabbed one to read it. She had never like poetry as much as she did with nonfictional books. Although, reading Meng De's collection of poetry got her interested. Immersed in her reading, Bian's candle had ran out. Bian puts the book back to the stack in case Meng De notices a difference. In the dark, she slowly finds her way out of the manor. Thank goodness the full moon shined so bright helping her find her way back to the consort's hall. Bian decided to walk to the court yard to view the moon before she officially goes to sleep in the consort's hall. She looked up to find the sky full of bright stars. The night tuned low and Bian can hear moans from Lady Ding's room. She knew Meng De and Lady Ding were together. Bian pleaded the moon, "please help my Lady Ding to get birth to an heir."

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