
deleted story, please don't read

The story is remived from the app! if you were reading or wanted to read it please go to good novel. The story will be continued their.

thesarcasmbae · Thành thị
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4 Chs

A night to remember

(The narrator of this story will be the main character Chiya Jones...)

They says Birth is the beginning of new life, new adventures and new journeys but here I stands on the roof of 50 floors building in the middle of night thinking all about him, his beautiful smile and his perfect face...

All the memories good or bad starts knocking the door of my brain and I remember how beautiful my life is, before that one night.

How much he made me feel be it a love, a pain, a pleasure or anything in such a short time. Still, I wonder I wouldn't be here if I didn't meet him at all.

I took out my phone from my pocket, scrolling through my contacts to find that most dialled number...

"I love you" I texted him and took a deepbreath...

I looked above in the sky, the full moon shining all bright and it's cold rays touching my skin... I opened my arms and as the cold breeze touch my skin, I know this is the only way to find my way back to him...

Chiya Jones have to die today.

I took a step forward knowing it is the end of terrace and my next step will take me a step closer to my death.

I closed my eyes and jumped off from that building...

Things we do for Love... Love, surely made us do Unexpected... If someone would told me that I will kill myself for a boy I would have laughed on his face because I am not someone who fall in love.

Love is a strong feeling, a commitment and I am definitely not someone who is ready to make commitment in her life.

I am a free soul, a free spirit, I do work with the flow, never thinking twice before doing anything. I never fear consequences... I am a girl who live by "You get only one life make all the mistakes without any regret" until I met HIM.

Well, You all must be wondering who is this HIM in my imperfectly perfect life?!

So, to start the "Beginning of my End" we have to start from the very beginning...

Shall we?

The Pink Street,

23 B, Washington DC, USA

Old Town Bars and Clubs

It was the ordinary day of my life, sitting at the bar counter with my best friend "Lina" beside me ordering our usual Vodka shots for the 3rd time talking or you can say more of bitching about every one and laughing...

This is the bar where all the rich comes... well, I belong to a rich family and so as Lina.

But their is a huge difference between me and her - She worked hard for this (She owns her own company, and now she is a big name in fashion industry) and I...?

I inherited all this, my father started with a local property dealing business but now after working his ass off for 40 years straight without any holiday and vacation he build his own empire and after his death last year this is all mine being his only child.

No, I am not bragging but this is pretty much my fate.

I have gone to the most prestigious university of the country, did my masters in MBA and now perfectly handling my Dad's business which is mine now.

One more shot? I said holding an empty glass of vodka unable to have any control over myself...

Alcohol and I don't mix well... I can't really tolerate it but it never stopped me from drinking and going home with a new sexy stranger every weekend.

And I am not ashamed of myself, with my dad my last blood relation also ended and now I am on my own.

No, Do you mind if I will go early tonight? Lina said, looking at her phone and typing non stop...

No, I guess you have some important work? I said, knowing what might be her important work... It must be her husband who is a real dickhead!

He doesn't like me, and the feeling is mutual... I am also not really fond of him.

Thank you, I will make it up to you later! Bye, see you next week... Lina said, grabbing her keys and wallet and throwing them in her purse.

I stand up from her stool and give me a hug.

Find yourself a hottie, Lina whispered in my ear.

We both giggled and she left me.

I looked around and the bar is almost empty... There are some old mens talking about business some rich ladies with their champagne and me, all alone.

Guess, It's time for another drink!

Hey, Mr. bartender? I shouted and then giggled...

Trey, the bartender... He is our friend, I come here from last year every weekend so yeah he is the only familiar face I am left with tonight...

Don't call me that again or you will be charged double for this drink! Trey said, crossing his arm with that adorable annoying look on his face.

Haha, You know how much I love that look on your face. I said biting my lower lip in the seductive way that made him uncomfortable.

I... I will be right back. Trey said, his voice is almost trembling and the blush on his cheeks can be easily seen.

I swallow the whole drink in one go...

Don't go anywhere... I am just leaving it's boring here tonight! I said, putting the empty glass over the table.

I stand up and started walking toward the exit, my legs are like jelly and I can't move straight.

Taking the help of every table and chair on my way to the exit I keep on moving untill I smash my face on his giant chest.

Ouch, my nose! I said, Moving my face away from his chest and stroking my nose.

Look where you are going! He said, in his deep husky voice... The voice which can give you shivers down your spine. The voice so commanding that you starts immediately following him.

I looked up to see his face for the first time and I am SHOCKED!!