
Deity of Destruction

Reinhard Nava, the Golden Beast, also son of the Creator God Veldanava will now live his life with the quest of spreading love to everything. The mc is ultra op, he can stomp anyone in this verse. He can easily destroy peak Rimuru, even the one one in ending of WN. This is also a wishfulfillment fic but I assure you that there are some epic scenes. If you enjoy my stories then please give some support by tip or donation here~ https://ko-fi.com/asthoglho

Asthoglho · Tranh châm biếm
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58 Chs

Spatial Malfunction. Underworld?

Which do you prefer guys, 2 chapters a day with 2500 -2900 words each or 1 chapter that consists of 4000 words?

Also throw some stones will ya?



The training that Reinhard conducted for Veldora has finally ended. The two are now standing besides each other with Veldora in his human form. Reinhard made sure that he can control at least that much, a crazy thing though is that there are close to no magicules roaming around Veldora's body showing just how much in control he was. Although reluctant to accept the training first, he eventually gave in to the promise of power. With how Veldora is right now, it might even be possible to win against one of his two sisters. That is if he won't falter.

"Remember my dear uncle, the statement that says, Destruction is the solution can be considered useless unless you are me. In the whole realm, only me has the authority to claim those words. If you wish to spread destruction then you should know love first. I am certain that your sisters can teach you that" Reinhard gave Veldora a side glance as he spoke. He has no wish of letting Veldora's potential go to waste. Because when he thought about it, Velzard and Velgrynd's skills were far too mundane compared to Veldora's probability manipulation.

What is ultimate offense and ultimate defense when one can simply change the effects of things. No matter how fast Velgrynd's Cardinal Acceleration, it won't work if the chance of hitting Veldora is turned into 0%. That is how broken it is. Also the reason why Reinhard decided to nurture him, he wishes to analyze Veldora's powers in the future.

Honestly when one would ask Reinhard what power he really wishes to obtain in this world? It would be Shion's skill, without a doubt. Forget probability manipulation, direct control of Cause and Effect is more insane.

"Sigh, how many times have you mentioned that already? I understand, alright? I want to at least retain some dignity, even if just small" Veldora sighed as he grumbled in resignation. Reinhard was too hard on him, scraping him of all things including pride exhausted Veldora too much. He can't live this life! If this is not the final day then he might have directly cursed Reinhard but sadly he needed to behave today unless he wanted to ignite Reinhard's petty nature and extend their stay.

Reinhard glanced at Veldora and didn't speak for a whole minute, grinding Veldora's nerves. He is worried that he might have really pissed Reinhard. Thankfully, the worst didn't happen, Reinhard actually let it off! "Prepare yourself for the journey" Reinhard informed Veldora who stared at him ludicrously. 'I would really be afraid if we only didn't destroy many solar systems during our stay here. What's crazy is that this bastard nephew of mine kept getting stronger by eradicating a whole planet full of pitiful souls! How is he doing that?' Veldora thought.

Just like he mentioned in his thoughts, Reinhard actually accumulated millions of millions of souls surpassing his previous numbers. His count is far too much, if the original Reinhard has a count of 2-8 million then he right now has an amount almost reaching 100 million. The number of planets he destroyed in the name of Love cannot be counted by fingers anymore. He is a madman in Veldora's mind! No matter how crazy his sisters are(informed by Reinhard) they couldn't possibly outform this freak of a nature.

Just when Reinhard was about to move, Raphael's voice rang into his head.

«Fully understanding of the concept of space has been succeeded»

«Unique Skill [Relocate] has been obtained»

Reinhard raised his eyebrow in intrigue. He never bothered Raphael before, she was just left to discover whatever she wants and is free to do so. She is useful when integrating souls though Reinhard is actually using her to destroy every memory that surged into his mind releasing him from the burden. He also ordered Raphael to divert the Voice of the World's attention so that he won't accidentally evolve. Who knows what might happen, should he lose control then that would be the end. He prefers to evolve using his own means.

"Hm, come here" Reinhard called out to Veldora who was suspicious of that. He wondered what kind of wicked idea this monster had conjured again. Nonetheless, he still got closer and was alarmed when Reinhard's hands were placed on his shoulder. He shuddered but not from fear, it was from the trauma he experienced before. Veldora might not know but he is actually the gutsy person in the whole world right now. Reason? He can finally withstand Reinhard's aura albeit suppressed. "W-What is it?" He stuttered.

Reinhard gave him a dead look as he shook his head. "Don't ask questions, we're going home" he didn't hesitate and used his new Unique skill to transfer both of his and Veldora's body into the Cardinal World. It was an instantaneous phenomenon and there was no time lag either. Of course Reinhard could only do that because he has Raphael to calculate the coordinates. The two vanished from the place not knowing that their abundance of magicules were creating some abnormal looking creatures.






Veldanava is currently resting on his own realm, watching his world flourished by time. He can't help but feel proud of how it progresses and he has everyone to thank for it. He is having tea with his own sisters who were already reincarnated decades ago. The two are still complaining about how Reinhard was too hard on them, they were his aunts! He can't just needlessly kill both of them. Though, that is just a way for them to heal their wounded pride, never did they expect that they would be killed by a mere newborn. However since that newborn was their brother's child then they can reluctantly accept it.

"Brother? Where is he now? I want to teach that guy a lesson!" Velgrynd asked Veldanava who twitched his face from the question. He has already heard this question many times now. "As I said, he's currently away training. We don't need to disturb him right?" He asked while smiling wryly. He just can't understand why these two are so adamant to see their nephew. It might be because they are angry at him but Veldanava has a feeling that it is different from that.

"Training? Does he need such a thing? He is only second to you in terms of raw power right brother? He also has 2 Ultimate Skills you have bestowed on him, what can he want?" Velzard raised her eyebrow, stating that. Reinhard is far too overpowered in her opinion after all, she believes that he has no reason to search for more power with how much he possesses. "Well, Reinhard thinks differently from how you two do. He is always on edge thinking that there will be creatures that are more powerful than him in the future" Veldanava couldn't help but appreciate that mind of his.

Velzard and Velgrynd were dissatisfied with that but they had no choice but to adhere. "Anyway, can't you just give us the coordinates, brother? We would like to visit that problematic nephew of ours, he has quite the nerve to send that message to us. He didn't even appear in our reincarnation! How infuriating!" Velgrynd opened her hand and demanded it from Veldanava. The man on the other hand could only sigh from how unreasonable these two are.

He was about to reluctantly hand it over when he sensed something dangerous about to descend in the Cardinal World. There is only one person he deemed dangerous in the entire universe he created which means that… "He has returned," Veldanava muttered, smiling lightly. He has also missed his son, they have been separated for 240 years after all. It might be a small amount of time for them, but still valuable.

"What?! Where!" Velgrynd and Velzard both shouted. They immediately used their skills to inspect the Cardinal World however they were confused when they spotted no presence of him there. "Huh? Did you sensed wrong brother?" Velzard questioned with confusion. Veldanava raised his eyebrow at the place where Reinhard dropped, he concluded that it is the first time of him using teleportation from great distance. "Hmm, I guess I was wrong.." he didn't bother to change their minds as it would be troublesome to explain.

What he didn't expect though was for the two to realize his reaction. "Brother… you're thinking that this is a problematic situation right? He's really here right?! Where is he?" Velgrynd got closer to Veldanava as she demanded. Velzard was quiet but she was also giving him stinky eyes. "Ah.. sigh. He is currently in the Underworld right now along with your new brother" Veldanava has no choice but to reluctantly reveal the truth. Still, he was fairly interested in how Reinhard ended up in the Underworld though, there is no way that this is an accident.

"Underworld? I see, let's g- wait, what?! Brother!? Why have I never heard of this?! A new True Dragon was born?" Velgrynd spoke but finally comprehended Veldanava's words. "That's right, dear brother. How come words hadn't reached us? It has been a few decades since we were reincarnated right? Care to explain?" Velzard squinted her eyes as she pressed on Veldanava. "Huh? I didn't mention it? Haha, it must have slipped my mind.." he tried to escape the situation by saying that but sadly it was hardly effective.







"Reinhard… where are we?" Veldora was unsure of the situation. His supposed nephew just grabbed his shoulder earlier and they instantly arrived at this place. The atmosphere in this place was so wicked that Veldora started to feel annoyed. The person he asked on the other hand was also analyzing the situation. 'Raphael..' he thought as the skill swiftly went to action.

«Report. Master's unique skill wasn't able to penetrate Lord Veldanava's protection towards the Cardinal World resulting to diversion of the location»

'I see.. unique skills are failures. Do your best to alleviate it, I will be waiting for your report' Reinhard closed his thoughts with that. He has no interest in lingering around so he started inspecting his surroundings. He spotted a castle a few miles away so he took that as his destination. With just a few steps, Reinhard's body reached its destination. Meanwhile..





The castle of shadows loomed over the desolate plains, a jagged obsidian silhouette against the bruised twilight sky. Inside its colossal obsidian gates, an unending silence reigned. Dust motes danced in the pale slivers of moonlight that pierced the cracked and cobweb-draped windows, illuminating the vast emptiness of the grand hall.

Upon a raised dais at the far end, Blanc, the Primordial of White, sat engrossed in an ancient tome. Her long white hair, like a frozen waterfall, cascaded down her back, a stark contrast to the dark throne she occupied. The only sound was the rhythmic rustle of turning pages, a monotonous counterpoint to the oppressive stillness.

Suddenly, a discordant clang echoed through the hall, shattering the silence. Blanc's head snapped up, alabaster brow furrowing in surprise. The heavy, iron-bound doors groaned open with a jarring screech, a sound that had not been heard within these walls for millennia.

Her gaze, sharp as a honed blade, darted towards the intrusion. A lone figure stood framed in the doorway, backlit by the dying embers of the day. The figure took a deliberate step forward, casting a golden spark across the dusty floor.

Blanc narrowed her silver eyes, the spectral light reflecting within them like molten metal. Intrigued rather than alarmed, she rose gracefully from her throne, the tome forgotten in her hand. "Who dares disturb the slumber of this castle?" her voice echoed in the vast hall, a melodic whisper that seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

The figure in the doorway took another measured step, the dying light revealing a tall man clad in immaculate white. His face, obscured by the encroaching darkness, held an air of quiet authority. He didn't speak, simply observed the Primordial with an intensity that sent a tremor of something akin to curiosity through Blanc.

"Silence is not a virtue here," Blanc continued, her voice still laced with a cool curiosity. The intruder remained stoic, his presence a stark contrast to the decaying grandeur of the hall. "Identify yourself, and explain your reason for trespassing on hallowed, if somewhat dusty, ground."

A hint of a smile played on the man's lips, barely perceptible in the gloom. "Hallowed ground, you say?" His voice was a deep baritone, rich and resonant. "Then where am I, Primordial of White?"

Blanc's silver eyes widened a fraction. Recognition flickered within them, fleeting but undeniable. "You know of my existence," she stated, a touch of surprise creeping into her voice. "Few do in this desolate age. And even fewer would dare to enter this cursed place."

The man stepped further into the hall, the moonlight now illuminating his features. He was undeniably handsome, with piercing blue eyes that seemed to hold a universe of experience within them. A strange symbol, a swirling vortex of light and shadow, adorned the back of his hand.

"Cursed?" he echoed, his voice devoid of fear. "And why would this place be cursed, Blanc? More importantly, where is 'here'?"

A tense silence descended upon the hall. The air crackled with unspoken questions and a spark of something more – a nascent awareness of a potential conflict. Blanc studied him intently, searching for answers to the questions he himself posed.

"This," she finally spoke, her voice regaining its characteristic coolness, "is a world different from the above. A world that succumbed to darkness and destruction. And you," she continued, her words heavy with implication, "are a most unexpected visitor."

Blanc's voice trailed off as the figure across from her chuckled, a deep, rich sound that resonated in the cavernous chamber.

"Unexpected, indeed," he replied, amusement dancing in his cerulean eyes. "Though, I wouldn't call myself a visitor. More like...an anomaly."

The audacity of the statement sparked a flicker of annoyance in Blanc. "Anomaly?" she echoed, her voice laced with cool curiosity. "Do enlighten me."

The figure leaned forward, his posture suggesting an underlying intensity. "My name," he began, his voice dropping to a low register, "is Reinhard." He paused, letting the weight of the name hang in the air. "And I believe," he continued, a hint of a challenge in his eyes, "we have much to discuss, Primordial of White."

Blanc met his gaze head-on, her silver eyes searching for any hint of deception. This "Reinhard" possessed an undeniable charisma, yet something about him felt...different. Foreign. "Reinhard," she repeated slowly, testing the name. "And what brings you to this desolate corner of existence?"

A hint of displeasure flickered across Reinhard's face, a stark contrast to his usual self-assured demeanor. "It appears," he admitted with a sigh, "my spatial transfer malfunctioned. There was a barrier placed on the Cardinal World. One that snagged me during transit."

Blanc raised an eyebrow, a flicker of something akin to amusement crossing her features. "A barrier, you say? Interesting. Tell me, Reinhard, were you simply passing through, or did you have a specific destination in mind?"

Reinhard steepled his fingers, a contemplative look settling on his face. "My original destination," he admitted, "is now beyond reach, thanks to this unforeseen detour. However," he continued, his eyes gleaming with a newfound curiosity, "This world of yours...it possesses a certain...rawness, wouldn't you agree? A stark contrast to the sterile perfection of the Cardinal World."

Blanc remained silent, observing him intently. It was rare to encounter someone who wasn't immediately cowed by the desolate grandeur of the Underworld.

"Perhaps," Reinhard mused, a hint of a smile playing on his lips, "if this...intrigue persists, I might consider taking up temporary residence. A change of scenery, so to speak."

The audacity of the statement sent a jolt through Blanc. Taking up residence in the Underworld? The very notion was preposterous. Yet, as she studied Reinhard, she couldn't help but be intrigued by the prospect. This unexpected visitor, with his enigmatic past and unwavering confidence, was unlike anyone she had encountered before.

"Temporary residence," she echoed, a hint of a challenge in her voice. "An intriguing proposition, Reinhard. But tell me, are you prepared for the...unpleasantries this world has to offer?"

A sardonic smile stretched across Reinhard's face. "Unpleasantries, you say?" he chuckled, the sound echoing eerily in the vast chamber. "My dear Blanc, I assure you, the concept of unpleasantness is as alien to me as the concept of defeat. I have faced far worse in my travels, and emerged unscathed."

His gaze held a steely glint, a quiet confidence that spoke volumes. Blanc couldn't help but be captivated by his unwavering conviction. This Reinhard, whoever he was, possessed a power that transcended the limitations of this world, a power that even she, the Primordial of White, couldn't fully comprehend.

An unexpected silence descended upon them, broken only by the crackling of the distant flames. Blanc found herself strangely drawn to this enigmatic visitor. Perhaps, just perhaps, his presence in this desolate realm could herald a new chapter, a disruption to the monotonous cycle of decay.

With a slow, deliberate movement, Blanc extended her hand towards him, her silver eyes gleaming with an unreadable light. "Then welcome, Reinhard," she said, her voice a soft purr, "to the Underworld. Let us see what...unforeseen conclusion this unexpected arrival might bring."

Reinhard hesitated for a beat, his eyes narrowed in thought. Then, with a ghost of a smile, he reached out and grasped her hand firmly. His grip was surprisingly strong, a testament to the power that lay beneath his seemingly nonchalant demeanor.

"Unforeseen conclusion, indeed," he replied, his voice a low rumble. "This promises to be a most...interesting sojourn."

