
The Beginning...

As I sit here, waiting, staring at the bright night sky with stars that looked like they were scattered by a mere child. Tears rolling down my cheeks, my heart filled with hate, resentment to myself, regret as well as self-pity. My eyes feel like they're slowly burning away, putting me in a state of death. I couldn't move.

How did it come to this?

My beautiful older sister (whose worth was as much as a mountain of rubies) and I were left alone after our parents who were both cultivators died on the frontlines while fighting some escaped demons. After they died we were the only ones at their funeral until one of the 12 deities who i looked up to as heroes showed up. (*I'll never forget him nor will i forgive him, even if i get my memory wiped) We were surprised as we didn't personally know them but we had admired them from afar. It was him, Tyler Maximilian, one of the 12 deities. I admired him, his bravery and smile, I wanted to be like him.( All of these pleasant memories of him should be thrown in the deepest pit of hell.)

He took advantage of my sister and made her into something a younger brother should never dream to see. That day my whole heart was shattered and I was driven into madness, my emotions were through my head there was nothing but rage and confusion. In my rage i tried to attack him but inevitably failed.

Trigger Warning: ****

While unconscious i was tied to a chair in front of a screen. When i woke up, i saw the horrors that will haunted me until the end of my pitiful life. After sitting through and watching my sister getting defiled by the 12 deities and mercilessly choked to death. I screamed, cursing them and sending out a heavy wave of killing intent that shook them and with the help of the Arch Bishop they put out a statement that i was a child of the devil and how if they didn't get rid of me i would destroy everything the 12 deities and the United Countries have built. Then I was sealed away here by that damned ArchBishop and those damned Deities. They tortured and raped my si

ster in-front of me I'll kill them, I'll gouge their eyes out and eat their heart- Suddenly the platform underneath me disappeared and I began to fall into the abyss. the abyss wasn't peaceful like most people say it is it was horrid. It felt like i was getting ripped apart. Then I hit something and felt like i was an egg that splattered on pavement. The place I landed on was dark and I couldn't see anything. I felt like giving up, resisting was meaningless anyway. I fell asleep, for how long, I have no clue.

" Up-, ake up, wake up."

I woke up gasping for air. I looked in front of me and i see an old man drinking what looks like tea.

"Ah, you have awoke D&^$'#%A^" said the old man

huh, did he just call me by my name, wait what even is my name anyway. I couldn't hear what he was saying clearly.

"I have watched you, what do you want or what is your purpose to resist. I have seen many others become mentally unstable while being imprisoned in here. So how is it that you have a semi-clear mind." declared the old man.

I could help but want to answer but i just couldn't my body just did not want to respond.

"You have piqued my interest human throughout the millenia i have lived i have never seen a peculiar person such as you. I will pass on very soon and i have no successor so you will be my successor and... you are in no place to refuse, seeing you were sealed here. Anyhow let me introduce my self, I am (redacted) i am a Demon God Slime. I am The Great Demon lord. I was sealed here for more than 15 thounsand years ago. I have lived here in peace as i never wanted to start a war between the hero faction, but i guess you once too believed that heroes were all kind hearted. The heros from when i was outside and not sealed were righteous, but by the looks of things i have given up hope that the human race are good.

You may be asking how is a slime dying? Well due to me being sealed here for 15 thousand years, my body has begun to deteriorate and living has been quite hard and i just want to pass on to the afterlife. Seeing you in that pitiful state disgusts me. I will bestow upon you the will of the Great demon lord, Kuro. Kuro will be your new name when you are reborn as a Demon God Slime. This power i give unto you consists of my signature Void magic. You can freely use it because of your slime body. You can also devour people or animals to get skills. I will also give you my two swords. They are colored black and white for a reason, Shinra (white Katana) can always be un-sheathed while the Chiaki(black Katana) can only be used until the sword is confident with your level of control of void magic. well looks like my time is up. I will block your memories of this and seal the weapons and void magic until specific conditions are met and your eyes will be opened and A Deity Destroyer shall be born. Sayonara, Kuro. the old man dusted away. I was confused out of my mind. It felt like i was in one of those cringy chinese manhua.(the fourth wall has been broken, reboot the system!!!!)

My mind is going blank, what am I, who am, I where am I. What is my purpose, what is my name?