

Nico is a loser.

everyone he'd ever met forgot about him because he wasn't even worth the storage space in their memories.

He wasn't a loser just because he was quiet, or that no one liked him. It was because no matter how hard he tried he could never win at anything. He once saw a kid getting beat on the street and tried to help, only for him to get beat up by the bully and the kid. he loses every race and game he plays. hell, he even lost his parents. Nico wasn't big or strong. he was a nobody. and that was perfect.




The doors beeper went off and the sound of clacking shoes echoed through the store aisles, Nico knew those footsteps all too well and let out an exasperated groan. The clacking stopped.

"I know the owner of that pissy voice.

Raph, don't let him out the store!"

Raphael, the store clerk , looked up from his phone and rolled his eyes. but reluctantly got up and blocked the only exit.

Nico stepped out of the aisle he was in and turned to face the red-faced boy.

"are we going to do this again?" Nico asked

"everytime it just feels better and better when I get to beat your fat-ass!"

Nico looked down at himself, then back at the boy. They shared a few similarities. they both had black, curly hair, both were the same height. But that was where the similarities ended. Nico was a loser, but he definitely wasn't ugly. Although he couldn't say the same about the boy standing in front of him. he was overweight and had a permanently scrunched up nose, as if he could constantly smell his own BO. His hair was long and he wore clothes that were twice his size which is why calling Nico a "fat-ass" surprised him. Was the boy blind, or just plain stupid?

Nico, baffled by the boys ignorance decided to say something.

"you know, if you were going for a look that screamed 'I am a fat man-baby' you could've just walked around naked"

This caused for the man-babies face to amazingly redden more, which at first didn't seem possible.

"you look like a fucking tomato" Nico laughed

The boy bent low, preparing for a charge

Nico began to think to himself *it's crazy that he's able to bend so low without falling over* and laughed even harder. Tomato boy immediately charged without any warning. But Nico knew it was coming, he had lost to that tackle many times before, It was his go-to move against Nico the loser, it never failed, it couldn't, not on Nico. He would always end up on the ground ready to be kicked for the next 30 minutes. But this time Nico was ready, this time Nico would win.

"so predictable" Nico muttered to himself as he grabbed the boy by the back collar of his shirt from over his head and jumped over him. Nico immediately pulled on the shirt and the boy fell backwards


He fell to the ground and Nico watched as he tried to get up only to fail like an upturned turtle

"you look like a fucking idiot" Nico said, laughing.

he then kicked the boy a few times for good measure, although the kicks never landed right and had barely any effect on the boy.

Behind him Raph was laughing too and Nico walked up to him. Raph stopped laughing and quickly stood up straight. He wasn't nearly as tall as Nico, 5'3 maybe 5'4 on a good day. he was just a 14-year-old kid, his parents owned the store and would often leave it to him to look after it.

"move out the way, Raph"

Raph looked behind Nico at the giant tomato, he was still trying to roll over all the while cussing and screaming. Raph wasn't scared usually scared of Nico, but Nico was stronger than him so he decided there'd be no point in trying to stop him anyway. Raph moved out the way sat back in his usual seat behind the counter.

Nico straightenned his T-shit and took a step out into the disgusting 'Baron city' he called home. He took a deep breath and said aloud

"Nico - 1, Baron city 3,781"

- hey so I made this a while ago and only just revisited and edited the story, I think there's potential in the storyline *ish* but I'm not the best at writing stories *as I'm sure you've picked up by now* but I feel like I'll probably write more chapters as I get bored. so very inconsistent updates, although I doubt people will be reading anyways. if you did read this and you have tips for how to get better I would love to hear them/any sorts of feedback.

Honestly, no clue what I'm doing I just thought of this as a cool concept and may develop it further whether this peaks people interest or not. if you want I would love feedback and tips on improvements (I'm aware there is a lot to be made so please don't be shy for the sake of my pride). all in all, thank you for reading.

Lucidfantasiescreators' thoughts