
Deep In The Mud

"There is only one happiness in this life and that is to be loved" - George sand Aurora has always been the 'unattractive, unattainable' girl throughout her whole life. No man has ever approached her with the intention of courting her, rather they approached her to learn more about her best friend. She was better known as a 'DUFF'. But now with her best friend dead and a baby depending on her, she finds herself trapped in a loveless marriage that will test and strengthen her character. Like most 21st century women, she views herself as a feminist. One who doesn't believe in love. She views love as a Capitalist movement created to control unsuspecting minds while breaking their bank accounts. But she finds herself falling in love with a man. Not just any man, her friends boyfriend who also happens to be her husband.

Akia200 · Thành thị
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"We met two years ago at this very restaurant. Today is actually our anniversary" she said with a far away look in her eyes and a smile. She looked like an angel

"I am so sorry for intruding, had l known l would have never agreed to come. Heck if l knew you were in his life, l would have never agreed to the whole thing."

"It's not your fault. I am pretty sure that he doesn't even realise what day today is" she said dejectedly

" Anyways, l was here with my boyfriend at the time, we were seated close to the entrance, so when my boyfriend went to the bathroom he walked over to my table with so much confidence that l couldn't help but swoon" she said with a little giggle sounding like a school girl

"He walked up to me and handed me his card saying, 'call me when you are ready to be with a real man'. I was so taken back by his approach but l guess that's what piqued my interest. When my boyfriend came back to the table, l hid the card in my purse" she said all giddy reliving that fateful night


"I honestly think he is the best thing to happen to me. What about you, who are you with"

"Good question, it would mean something more if l had a response"

"You mean to tell me that you aren't in a relationship. I mean you are a beautiful lady so that's why it's a bit surprising" she said 

" Being single has nothing to do with my physical appearance but more to do with me. I am not really looking for a relationship, neither do l think l am emotionally ready. I am not one to bleed on others, so l would rather fix myself before being a thorn in someone else's back"

" I never thought of it like that. I guess it's because l have always been in a relationship since the age of sixteen. " she said

"moving on, what do you do for a living" l asked feeling rather uncomfortable with the discussion of my none existent love life

" I work as a personal assistant.....to Hilden" she said, l could tell she felt a little embarrassed. I don't know if she thought l would judge her or think any less of her.

"Interesting, when did you start?"

"I got fired from my previous job, and since he was looking for someone, he offered me the job. I would say six months ago"

"That's great. In life you need connections to make it. Don't let anyone make you feel guilty for the same exact thing they would do had they been in your position" Just as l finished my sentence, Hilden walked back to the table.

The table was silent after that, with everyone keeping to themselves. The waiter came back later with the food and we all ate. Hilden settled the bill and we all made our way out the restaurant.

He opened the passenger seat for Isabel and she let out an annoying giggle before saying thank you. The whole scene made me gag a little, leaving behind a bitter taste in my mouth.

He walked to the back seat to open my door

"Why the sudden change, earlier on you didn't. Why now?" l ask with an eye roll, l realise that l do that a lot around him

"Can't you just be grateful for once in your life, not everything has to be a fight" he says 

"Not until you answer my question"

"I didn't want you thinking it was something it wasn't. but now you know about Isabel, l know you won't fall in love with me" he says with so much confidence

"You clearly don't know how feelings work, l should be telling you not to fall in love with me. I am quite the catch" l say with a wink before getting in the car, leaving him standing outside simply staring at me in disbelief

We dropped off Isabel before making our way to the Keys estate. Isabel and l had exchanged numbers before she left the car. She wants us to get to know each other because according to her, she has a feeling we will be great friends.

Mrs Keys was still up cradling a sleeping Akai in her arms. She looked so peaceful as she gazed at Akai with a smile on her face. You could see the love in her eyes. Hilden cleared his throat alerting her of our presence.

"How was the date?" she says like a teenager ready for some tea to be spilled.

"It was amazing, l now understand why you guys chose her to be my bride." Hilden said with a smile while wrapping his arms around my shoulders

"I am so glad to hear that. Will you be sleeping here since it's late to drive or?" Mrs Keys asked Hilden

"That sounds like a great idea but l have work early in the morning tomorrow. Maybe next time." He says before turning to me

"Beautiful, l will see you tomorrow. Have a great night. I give you permission to dream about me. I know l will" he said before planting a kiss on my cheek

"Goodnight" I said subtly wiping my cheek, removing both his and Isabel's germs off of me. Mrs Keys watched him making his way out of the house before turning to me

"I want all the details. Ever since Keira left, l haven't had anyone to talk to. And you are like a daughter to me now"

"why are you still up?" l ask not comfortable with her blatant blackmail and unpacking the awkward events of tonight

"Akai was crying for you, so l decided that we were going to wait for you to get back but she fell asleep"

"Tomorrow, we will be going back to out house. I also need to start looking for a job so when l go on an interview, l will bring her to you" 

"Why don't you stay here until you find a job" she suggested.