

Chapter 2

Reyna couldn't stop thinking about him. That was a stupid thing to do. Going to her enemy and offering her neck. What was she even thinking? Her gaze was fixated on her image in the mirror.

"He could've killed you!" The furious whisper belonged to her trustful maid and only friend since childhood, Celia. "What were you thinking? Haven't you seen how ferocious that beast is?"

"I wasn't thinking clearly." Her fingers traced her neck on instinct. She'd been doing that a lot since his bite. At times, she could swear that she still felt his bite. Heat rushed to her cheeks. Exchanging blood alone was an intimate affair, but drinking from the neck? That was reserved only for the mates. Her heart fluttered. He'd claimed her in the most intimate way possible.

"I don't sense fear," Celia said, tightening the knots of her gown. "Danger may provide you with a thrill, but it feels as if you had a death wish last night."

Celia continued to examine her neck, her face twisting with disapproval. His fang marks hadn't healed yet. Her throat constricted. It should've gone by now. It meant only one thing. Fear coated her insides. He'd marked her as his. Crap. Her scent would change once they consummated their mating. Also, she'd have to take his blood. Her heart skipped a beat.

Reyna rubbed the mark, four crescent-shaped fang marks replaced her flawless skin. The area was still red and slightly itchy.

"You will never see him again." Celia strapped the heavy necklace around Reyna's neck, effectively hiding her mark. While she wasn't a fan of jewelry, this was the best way to cover the mark without garnering attention. "And pray the mark faded sooner. If Lionel ever got wind of this, he'll kill you." Her voice lowered further as she stressed out each word.

An involuntary shudder ran along the length of her body at the mention of his name. "I don't like him."

"No one does." Celia winked at her through the mirror. "But you're betrothed to him."

Her throat constricted at the reminder. They were promised to each other by her parents when she turned sixteen. A match made in hell. "How do I stop this, Celia?"

"You can't." A bitten smile crossed the maid's face. "The titles lost its value after your brother ascended the throne."

It was true. Her words of denial fell into deaf ears. Killian rarely paid her attention. Footsteps echoed in the distance. When her gaze lifted to meet Celia's in the mirror, an understanding passed between them. She stood from her seat and moved to the center of the room.

Another maid entered with a knock and bowed. "Princess, we have news from the Lycan kingdom. They're in search of their King. The beta and second in command has asked for your brother's help."

"What?" It was her brother, who abducted the king. "Where's my brother?"

"In the garden, Your Highness."

"Okay. You may leave."

Beside her, Celia's face hardened as the maid took her leave. "It doesn't matter."

"I can't leave it like that. Killian is digging our graves."

Celia's hands flew forward, covering her mouth. "Careful now, Princess. He might your brother, but he's also our King."

Reyna shrugged off her hand. "I'm not afraid of him."

"But I am." Celia bowed. "You know how he is. His fury has no bounds." A strained smile stretched her lips as she wrapped her arms around her waist. "When he's mad at you he takes it on others."

"Celia?" Her eyes narrowed at her friend, noticing the sudden flash of pain on her face and the lurch of her heart. "Did Killian hurt you?"

"Ah, no." The shake of her head and the fake reassurance said it all. "I was just reminding you of the facts."

Reyna grabbed her arms. "What are you not telling me? What did he do?"

"It doesn't matter." Celia shrugged out of her hold. "I have to oversee the arrangements for your parent's arrival."


But she had slipped out. Reyna's jaw clenched. Celia wasn't a good liar. It only further confirmed her suspicions. What do I do now?


Her brother's boom of laughter greeted her even before her gaze found him. He had his back to her. Their Royal advisor and her brother's closest friend Lionel stood by his side. The corners of his lips lifted as his eyes suddenly filled with lust.

Reyna shuddered and averted her gaze. She could still feel the heat of his gaze, crawling over her skin. Lionel's obsession with her was never a secret. The other Vampires knew better to stay away from her.

Lionel was the second most powerful man in the kingdom after her brother. Lethal and crueler than Killian. The only reason he hadn't claimed her was because she hadn't matured as a vampire, yet.

The moment she turns-- she suppressed a shudder and focused on her brother. "Killian, is it true the Lycans enlisted our help?"

"Ah, the word travels fast." It was Lionel, who answered. His hawk-like gaze bore into her. Her gaze momentarily lifted, finding his eyes on her chest.

"Eyes up here, Lionel. And my question was directed to my brother."

Killian laughed. "Be nice, sis. Lionel is your betrothed. Should you always be this rude to your future mate?"

She'd never choose someone cold and calculative like Lionel. Instead, she focused on Killian. "You haven't answered my question."

"Ah, yes. And we will help them."

"How? You captured the King. You've been torturing him for months now."

Lionel boomed with laughter. "Your sister is so naive, Killian. Tell her…" His gaze mocked her. "The Lycans forgot to mention if he has to be found dead or alive."

Horror filled her. "You're going to kill him?"

"He's already dead." Killian waved his hand. "Do you know of a person, who survived Lionel's handcrafted poison?"

Reyna turned away, not wanting her emotions to betray her. Giving her blood to the Lycan was bad enough. But how was she going to save him from this?

"Your kindness has no place here, Reyna," Lionel said. "I'd suggest you stay out of the royal matters."

"Your suggestion is not welcome, Lionel." She pivoted on her heels and stormed out. She wouldn't find anything else. They're planning to kill the Lycan. How and when?

Someone caught her elbow and she slammed into a broad chest. Being an amateur, her senses were dull compared to the mature vampires. She pushed Lionel away and put some distance between them.

"You watch the way you treat me, Reyna. I won't tolerate disrespect," Lionel hissed.

"You're forgetting that I'm a royal here and my authority is above you," Reyna said, not bothering to hide her disdain. "Never forget your place, commander. Just because you're friends with Killian doesn't give you the right to get touchy with me."

His face flushed red and the muscle in his jaw ticked. "Watch what you speak, Your Highness." He caught her chin, squeezing it. "I know you have purposefully avoided the intake of blood to delay your transformation. Keep messing with me and I'll see to that you're tied to my bedpost, begging for my mercy."

Her palm stung and as his eyes widened, the horror of what she just did dawning on her. Before he could react, she pushed him and hurried to her chambers. I've ruined it. Killian would be furious.

But how dare he say that he'd tie her to his bedpost. Her gums burned and she forced herself to calm the fuck down. The moment her transformation begins, her fate would be sealed off. She couldn't afford that.

"Anger doesn't suit you, princess."

She whirled around and almost lost her footing. But the towering male was already there, steadying her. What intrigued her the most was his strong woodsy scent and striking features.


"Your blood has some amazing enhancements." He smiled. It didn't reach his eyes. Though it was bitter and laced with his anger, she couldn't peel her eyes off him. The beast, the Lycan king stood before her as good as new.

The purebloods could transfer power through their blood. She hadn't considered the repercussions of her actions then. The magic in her blood was far superior to her brother. Something he'd never know.

"You shouldn't be here." Her knees grew week and if it wasn't for his steely grip on her, she'd have slid down.

He shrugged. "I had to familiarize myself with the place." His gaze swept around her chamber before narrowing at her throat. The corner of his lips lifted. "I'm Aluxious."


"Reyna…" His eyes closed as he repeated.

Her body shivered for a different reason this time. Aluxious wore nothing but a loincloth her brother normally used for baths. The layers of dirt and grime were gone from his body.

"Where did you bath?"

His eyes opened. The ambers were brighter than last night. Livelier. "I took advantage of your brother's bath."

"What? They'll kill you. They're planning––"

His index finger pressed over her lip, silencing her. With a silent gasp, she stared at him. The warmth from his body seeped through her clothes and singed her skin. He traced her lips. First the outline before dipping his finger inside.

With a shudder she sucked on his finger. Her breathing quickened as the last night's pleasure-filled her senses. She felt his breath on her neck and ––


She shrieked and whirled around to face the door. A moment later her butt hit the floor and a curse slipped out of her lips. Aluxious? Her eyes widened. She looked around, realizing he was gone.

Damn. That felt so real. She knew he couldn't physically get past the iron bars. But he could breach her dreams. Only she wasn't dreaming then. How did he do it?

"I'm talking to you," Killian yelled. "What the hell happened here?" His nose scrunched and heat rushed to her cheeks. She sure had no doubt that Killian would smell her arousal.

As expected his face changed. "Ah, right," he said. "Lover's quarrel, I see." He shook his head. "You don't have to pretend that you don't like Lionel. Things would be much easier if he knew how you felt about him."

What the––

Her brother assumed that she was aroused because of Lionel. That was messed up. When she braved a look at her brother, he was already retreating to the door. "We will wait for your birthday this winter. If you didn't fang yet, I'll give you my blood. That should boost the change."

He was gone and she was left to stare at the door with her jaw slack. Did he just say he'd force her transformation?


As expected, she came again. Aluxious lifted his head, meeting her curious gaze. That was a cool trick she possessed.

"You must escape this place as soon as possible. They're planning to kill you."

"Tell me something I don't know," he rasped, running his tongue expectantly over his chapped lips. A bit closer and he could have her sweet nectar down his throat again.

She stepped closer. "Lycans enlisted the help of the vampires to find you." She wet her lips, her lashes fluttered.

"Come closer." He couldn't help the snarl.

Reyna stiffened and stepped back. "No," she whispered. "I'll plan your escape. Stay alive until then."

"Come back," he growled. But she was already gone, her scent drifted around him. The caged beast paced in the confines of his mind. His strength was back. Soon, he'd have his revenge.

Next Chapter

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