
deathstroke in marvel

deathstroke was fighting batman in arkham asylum. after batman obviously won deathstroke got teleported into a random place, he wonder what place it is

ArkhamDeath · Tranh châm biếm
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Deathstroke was standing in what seemed like to be an exploded place.

he looked everywhere but no one was there.

he walks into a city and looks up to see a man wearing a spider suit shooting his webs at some criminals.

Deathstroke goes to the man asking him "where are am I?" the man responds by saying "avengers HQ".

Deathstroke then says "what?" the man responds quietly saying "You must be new he-" a loud sound of a screaming girl comes interrupting the man.

Deathstroke and the man turn around to see a killer croc look-alike.

Deathstroke then shoots the look-alike.

Deathstroke then says " are you spiderman because I don't know any person with the name spiderman".

spiderman responds "yup" Deathstroke responds "uh how is he that fast dead for a big guy " before lizard wakes up.

Deathstroke shoots lizard with almost all of his bullets.

he says "never mind but now I think he is dead".

spiderman responds "that was really fast".

spiderman then uses his web on Deathstroke's face then spiderman says " what is your name" Deathstroke responds " Deathstroke".

spiderman uses his webs on Deathstroke's arm says "you're a criminal judging by your name".

Deathstroke removes the web in his hand anymore and shoots at spiderman's foot.

which makes spiderman say "FRICK" which then Deathstroke points him at gunpoint.

Deathstroke asks for spiderman to Show him around