
Deathly Love .

A Girl find out she's practically terminally ill medication but the doctors cant really pinpoint as to why that is? The Treatment she's under is no longer working as its supposed to. Telling her bffs is not going to be an easy thing to do but the question is how to do it and when? ... ... ... During the extends trip with her friend she finds out her best friends werewolf brother is sweet on her but things may not be as simple as they seem on the outside will a relationship blossom, he hasn't found his mate but will he accept her will she have the heart to tell him shes got her days practically numbered... ... ... ... He's ruthless at times but determined in leading his pack the right way, the was his father and grandfather did but making things better. Will he rock her world and love her even with everything going on with her or will he reject her affections and move on its not like she can offer a long and loving life, so will he risk it all for her for what ever time they may have together. Will she spend what ever time she has in blissful love or alone consumed by her unending pain... What if?... Everything Ends! ***Slow Start but getting better as things progress (((Promise)))*** Rate and Comment ... Plz & Thank You! STILL UNEDITED UNTILL THE END * * * "I in No Way Own any of The pictures featured in any of the chapters pictures can be found as wallpapers online." * * * A/N : Slow start plz Bare with me I... Sorry ahead of time for any mistakes ... easy and be gentle with me some things might be a Little off but I will try my best to fix any issues and update every other day Thanks.

Wick3d · Kỳ huyễn
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25 Chs

Perplexing Love

We sat down to a very peaceful dinner, Michael clued us in on today's happenings Emma was a bit apprehensive about tomorrows meeting but after some more explaining from Michael, all Emma had left to ask was... "what will happen with Lizzy what if they bump in to her one day and the guards can't hold them back. She could possibly be a very apprenticing snack to them you know!'

Well Emma the thing there is... The accord with them is that they are to be no where near you girls with or with out their escort before the conference. After that you girls will still need to be escorted but if they are accepted into the pack they will have free range as well as the rest of the members. There will be no more segregating them or excluding them there after, we are not completely barbaric Emma we will just need to be more careful about Elisabeth and her whereabouts from here on out. They seem quite inoffensive and have agreed to the terms proposed and they have been informed that Elisabeth is here as well. 

I had instantly turned to look at Emma with slight fear in my eyes that means Michael will have guards with us, with me basically 24/7 but what about the tests with Doctor Laura? Michael is sure to find out I'm sure they will not leave our side like today.

 After the incident we've had Kenny and Sebastian with us all afternoon. One trip to the restroom was as awkward as hell especially with them guarding the door to it! but it doesn't stop there of course it doesn't Kenny had to physically inspect the restroom before i walked in like yeah! Awkward.

Emma complained most afternoon about it but they don't follow her there! so what does she have to complain about I'm not sure? but its Em.

Emma noticed my stare on her and she instantly turned to Michael and requested that our day guard be Logan because in her words.. ''Lizzy is more familiarized with him and it might be less awkward and more comfortable if it's a friend following you back and forth all day long!" 

I noticed a slight change in Michael as Em was talking suddenly i felt a slight urge to go to Michael and hold him close to me.  I turn to see Michael looking in my direction I blushed and looked down all of a sudden my food seemed a little bit more interesting to me. Michael reached out to me and took my hand in his instantly I felt him relax a little more as he released a deep breath,  Since every one was already done with their food and me being me i was still working on my plate but not quite willing or capable to eat any more especially now since i was thinking about what would happen if and when Michael found out about me being sick! I turned my plate away from me.

Michael simply replied with ''I'll think about it!'' 

Emma mumbled back  "What's there to think about?'' under her breath but in sure Michael heard her because he was instantly glaring at her but before he said anything to her a slightly tugged on his hand adding slight pressure to it hopping he'd let it go for now! with a deep sigh he turned away from her but remained quiet for a few seconds. 

It wasn't long before Michael changed the subject then adding that we should retire to the theater room to relax a bit before bed. We followed him and everyone made them selves comfortable Taylor took over the bottom two seats stretching over like a lazy fat cat ironic. Em headed over to find something to play on the screen i was about to take a seat by Em's chosen seat just above Taylor's, but Michael held on to my hand and directed me towards the top right side where we had been watching last time we had been here alone waiting on Emma. Before anything was spoken i was pulled down to sit on his lap as he pulled over a very comfy blanket over us. I guess he remembers I'm quite prone to get colder at night!

We ended up watching a comedic action flick that Em had chosen it was quite nice, to just sit there and relax with them, every now and then Em would burst out laughing Taylor would join causing Michael and i to join in on the laughter. At one point I'm not even sure we wore laughing at the movie. I could feel Michael's chest rice and fall as he took deep breaths near my neck and I could feel the deep rumble of his laughter as we lost it for the 5th to 8th time, some times it was the movie other times it was Emma or Taylor, It was truly peaceful just sitting here and enjoying ourselves tonight especially after today.

 Right after the movie ended Michael dismissed everyone Emma was a little bit displeased by it but Michael send her off to bed so Taylor was to escorted her away. He said we would stay here and talk a bit and he would escort me up in a little while so Emma reluctantly followed Taylor away leaving Michael and I alone down here.

As soon as every one was out of the room i can feel Michaels grip on me tighten but not uncomfortably, I know there is something that he wants to say i can practically feel it but why is he holding back? Its like he's afraid to say something to me could it related to this morning maybe he wants to take back what Emma said about me being his girlfriend. Trying to shift on his lap so that I'm halfway facing him, I feel his head dip down on to my shoulder and shift slightly in to the crock of my neck and take a deep breath sending a battalion of butterflies down my spine spreading a sweet warmth that I can't seem to properly explain within my head. Suddenly he pulls slightly away releasing an exasperated sigh. 

"I'm very confused about a lot of things right now but I need to keep you safe, You are very Important to me so no mater what you can't... you cant leave us Ok!" Instinctively I look up to meet the beautiful radiance of his ruby eyes looking straight at me his grip on me once again pulling me in to his warmth. Before I can process my actions my right hand reaches up to his face caressing his face earning me a deep emotion filed purr like rumble from deep within his chest. 

Mekhi as long as I'm alive and you want me near... I will always be around... I Promise! Not a second after speaking those words do I feel his lips crush down on me and I return the kiss just as passionately and emotion filed as his. After goodness knows how long and a little breathless we pull apart. Resting my head on his chest I can feel the erratic beat of his heart as his breathing begins to normalize a small smile appears on my face as he chuckles lowly... "I'm sorry! For strong being Mekhi sure is emotional and clingy at times!" 

"But we do need you to be safe so there will be no leaving any where with out guards by your side!"  Looking up to meet his eyes all I manage to do is nod at him. Tomorrow after the meeting regardless of the decision made you girls will still be meeting with Braeden and Natassia. I did give my word that they will at the very least be staying here until Braeden is strong enough for them to take their leave mean while Natassia will be training. She needs to be able to help out in case they get attacked again If or When they leave the pack grounds.