
Update on the situation

I apologize that I haven't been writing or regularly updating for a bit. If you don't know I have actually been working towards somethings at home and have been currently working towards heading into the military as a goal. That being said if I find time to write and come to a conclusion with the other books that "We're "(It's not just me with those books and I promise it'll be two of ,if not, the best books you've laid eyes on😄) working on. If you have any thoughts on the chapters so far, let us know on Discørd (( https://discord.gg/fmq2UpZ )). Also, If I don't have time I'll post short stories on the channel to entertain you guys a bit, Just post a pic and I'll make a short story or another author can try to make one(Just to practice writing and all). Anyway without further ado, I'll try to pump out some stories for you guys.