"Tch, it will be more than 2 hours soon. Is ZhuYuan even doing anything? I always knew her to be incompetent, she even joined the organization through connections. Now look at her, she didn't bail on us to catch up on her sleep did she?" The old man has a lot to speak for someone who has done a total of nothing since I met him. Atleast don't talk shit about things you aren't even fully aware off. What do you even know about ZhuYuan? She ..
"Respectfully Sir." Zoya stepped ahead from her momentary slumber. "I assure you, Yuan'er never gives up on her words. She does her very best, and always will. I hope you can trust her. And, certainly," Her eyes changed. "I mean to offend you when I say .. if you speak of her in a manner of insults from now on, I'll leave you back where I found you." Miss Zoya is polite, extremely calm, it makes one shudder in panic.