
A Sight to Behold

It seemed like everything has stopped moving.

It was taking way too long for the clock to make its next tik.

The world around that sparring ring was put on hold as everyone watching didn't even dare to blink.

It's very rare to see a sword fighting match in this modern world where everyone relied on guns, tanks, fighter planes, warships in the military for war.

Fighting with short ranged weapons were considered to be a disadvantage for anyone, but it was the most basic way to fight. It was done only when necessary.

No one uses the old ways to fight anymore as such, the interest in the old ways of fighting have been reduced to none.

Wars or common disputes were fought or resolved using swords, soears, saber, poleaxes. And the use of those weapons were almost none, and even there were laws which prevented people from carrying swords or sabers.

There were only handful of weapons left which were still used freely, like knives used in kitchens or in military for close combat, machetes were still used for cutting meat, axes were used along with fire extinguishers in case of emergency, hatchets for cutting branches.

These and some other ways some weapons were still used which originated long ago. Apart from them there wasn't much appreciation for other weapons like sabers, sabers were highly feared in the past because they were only carried to kill, therefore there was a law which strictly prohibited it's use, because if it were to be used by an amateur for a small matter then their will be disastrous consequences.

Swords were the most decorated weapons in the modern days, using it for offensive measures were still prohibited, but mostly people carried swords as a symbol, only as a show piece to match their wardrobe and flaunt about it.

So, being in such an era, a sword fight was as rare as it can get and fight between two experts were even rarer. Although useage of swords for offensive purposes were not tolerated but people could still learn it as a hobby.

And there was such a fight was in its initial stages in a gym close to the edge of the city which was not that busy, not even in the evenings when people used to go out on shopping. This gym was like a remote location to everyone.

Initially, this martial arts gym was in the central part of the town which provided a good exposure. But due to lack of students, it's funds were depleted quickly. This city wasn't cheap, especially in the central parts, people participated in auctions to get a spot in the center of the city to open their businesses.

And there was another factor of fear which also resulted in lack of students and the shifting of the gym, because no one wanted their child to ruin their future by practice martial arts which had no use in the current generation.

Everyone who passed through the gym turned their blind eye on it and didn't pay nay attention. Only people who found these martial arts techniques fascinating, joined. Some joins out of curiosity, while some joined to compete to find who was the stronger.

But, right now, in the main ring of this martial arts gymnasium, their was a fight to test superiority between two friends.

"Haaa... ", Chris moved with a roar like a lion towards Alex.

Alex was on guard, the moment Chris's sword was about to hit the heart of its opponent, Alex used his one of the two swords to intercept the incoming katana from below while crouching, which made an ear-piercing sound, even when they were just using wooden swords.

But only intercepting the attack was not enough for it to be blocked.

The time when the swords made contact, Alex was still not safe as Chris's sword had the momentum coming from above striking downwards which also got assist from gravity as it was moving in the flow and was sliding on Alex's sword on using its lower edge putting pressure, but the line in which was attacking didn't change in the slightest.

It was looked like Alex was in difficult position here defending from below. If not for his superior strength he would have been lost in the first move.

Alex was in a tight position here, but at the same time he turned that to his advantage. As he was crouching below and he also had a second sword which he instantly flung towards the legs of his opponent which can almost win him the match instantly by giving him an advantage if the strike connected.

"Now you are done for", Alex shouted while executing his move. That was a smart move he made.

"Not so fast", Chris frowned and replied, he was aware of the situation he was in, and suddenly Chris jumped and retreat a couple of steps and avoiding the crucial blow, he knew that if his legs got injured this early in the match, he will lose the match then and there. As a warrior wielding sword or saber, the lower body was important in order to move around, dodge attacks, lower body can even strengthens the attacks.

If a swordsman cannot move or dodge or perform quick maneuvers, how will he be able to win? Unless he was fighting against a tree.

After the first attack and defence by both parties, first they stared at each other and with a slight smile they started exchanging blows after blows non-stop.

Suddenly this fight became a fast paced battle like it was being fought in the battlefield in a war. A simple fight to test their superiority has become a fierce battle, like a battle between two wild beasts fighting for their territories. 

The moment the fight transformed into a fast paced battle so quickly, everyone's eyes sparkled in excitement and clenched their fists tightly and started cheering.

The ones who were regular to the gym for a long time remembered their last fight. It seemed as if this fight they were witnessing was the same fight from two years back, with just the intensity of the fight which was  several folds than the last time.

"They sure have gotten stronger in last two years, I thought that they would stop practicing martial arts, but here they are... ", an old martial arts practitioner sighed while saying.

"Hmm... , If this becomes the same fight like their last match from two years ago, then their resilience will be greatly tested... Because they are the one to give up that easily", the person next to the old man said.

While their swords were crashing into each other with every blow directed to the vital spots, their master was watching without blinking from the back. They were still unaware of his presence.

His eyes were admiring their sword skills as he was the one who thought them the way of the sword. They sure didn't let him down by stopped practicing martial arts after parting ways.

Everyone knew that the longer the battle dragged out the more intense it will get. And finally it will be the battle of wits. Who can survive longer? Who can out breathes the other? Who can out maneuver the other.

"Ha... Ha... Ha..."

The fight was intense. Most of the people present there watching the fight, were not able to keep up with them. The processing power of their eyes were slow. But they can clearly hear the sound when there swords clashed every time and felt the gushing wind bloes after every strike. They all were standing at the gap of four meters from the ring and still felt the pressure and intensity of th e fight.

They were crossing blows for almost ten minutes now and the strength behind those strikes were not reduced even a bit. They were not feeling tired at all. It was like they have unlimited stamina stored in their bodies.

An attack from the left, the next one from the right as they continued blocking each other's attack at the same time.

Chris attacked from below, and from that Alex's stumbled and took a step backward, Chris saw this opening and attacked from above aiming his head, but was mistaken, he played in Alex's hands accidentally.

Alex didn't stumble, he did it on purpose to take a step back and surprise Chris. Chris realised this but still the attack he chose was fast enough to stop Alex's plans.

Chris's sword came from above with great speed, which indeed ruined Alex's plans to defeat Chris by surprise attack. But now, Alex had to intercept Chris.

Alex took advantage of the situation as he was holding his sword below his waist and was crouched and had some distance between Chris and him after that step, he utilised this to gain some momentum and moved forward and brought both of swords from below to intercept the sword coming from above horizontally to slash it.

He powered up his swords using the some momentum and the strength of his lower body.

"Haaaa.... "

The swords intercepted, a strong wind gushed from the ring towards its surrounding, due to Alex's strength and little momentum Chris felt extreme pressure and he was thrown around five to six feets backwards from Alex's force and after stumbling he managed to stop himself from falling.

"Such strength!", people forwned.

The strength Alex displayed just now astonished everyone, it was truly monsterous.

After that the gap between the two was 10 feet. And their eyes were locked on each other. There was a stand-off.

Everyone's mouths were agape as an egg can slide in easily.

"This is truly a sight to behold!"

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