
Death Run: Override ( Life Matters )

One day suddenly a super-natural activity happens which changed Davis's life and people of the whole island. one supreme being came and tell people to get out they need to play a game. It will be a race to survive which will be rough from any angle you see. Let the journey begin!!!

Akash_Bharnuke · Tranh châm biếm
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41 Chs

Teacher's Victory

With everything going like it should be suddenly Shimon said. "You need to defeat me to finish your training and it will be a battle of death whoever kills other gets to live further."

(Later that night...)

It was a sudden shock for me but he got a point. If I can't even beat him what could I do in the outside world. The main concern was that one of us has to die for the survival of the other.

Even after all this time I thought about this all night why? why would he decide to teach me. There must be a reason that I must...

Then I remembered that once he said that he is the last heir of his bloodline that... that could be the reason that he wants to pass on his style to someone or something.

I really don't know the exact reason for his survival. I need to stop thinking about all this and I have to remember what I said after Emilia's death.

"I will kill anyone who comes in my way of survival."

The sun rises. The light was shining bright. Either it will be the last time to see this or it will be his last sunrise. I was still not mentally at 100% but it won't change the fact that I have to win.

"So you are awake. Did you think about how to beat me." Shimon asked.

"No. I was just thinking all night about what could be your reason for survival." I replied.

"What a waste of time. Alright this will be our last meeting so I will tell you. I just wanted to rebuild my bloodline and for that I need to survive." Shimon replied.

"I see." I replied sadly.

"Don't you look down on me now. What I have taught you. Never let your sad emotions get in your way of a fight. Even if today I am your enemy but past for the past month I was your teacher. So don't let me down. Do you understand?" said Shimon.

"Yes. I won't disappoint you." I replied.

"Pick your blade which will cut through your opponent." said Shimon.

"May the strongest warrior... WINS!!!" we both said simultaneously.

With that Shimon rushed at me with a straight attack towards my right shoulder. His Phantom Blade was a samurai sword whose range was greater than my blade. I blocked it with my handle guard but he slipped and attacked again still I was able to dodge it.

His attacks were not stopping and he was keeping his attacks up continuously so I was totally pushed to defence but I knew I could not win a fight like this so I dropped my guard took a slash on my left arm but managed to give a slash right at his gut.

Unfortunately he managed to take minimum damage from it, which was not how I imagined it would be.

We were not giving any inch to each other. It was getting intense. Our bodies were getting teared apart but no one was ready to give in. Both had their own reason to live and move on so nobody was right or wrong in this situation.

After some more exchange of attacks we stopped with both staring at each other and measuring how much can we go on like this.

We both rushed again head on with our swords.

"You have lasted much longer than our any session before." said Shimon.

"I was just hiding my strength and was learning more about you." I replied.

"*laughs* You haven't seen my full strength yet COWARD!!!" Shimon screamed.

"I told you not to say that to ME!!!!" I replied angrily.

We both were exchanges blows but no one was stopping. no one wants to end his journey like this. How could anyone react to this that all his hard work was in nothing but vain.

The battle was getting intense as both were badly hurt now. Blood was splattered all over the place still no one wants to stop. It became more ruthless and it was going on and on.

"Admit it you can't beat me Davis. Not even after mastering any technique because you are only fight with what I taught you so you can't defeat me like this." said Shimon.

"Even if this is true you have to go down because I can't lose or else this will be the last moment for all my friends." I replied.

We again meet head on. Clashing both our swords with the same intense look that no matter what we won't stop until the last drop of strength is left within us.

But I was not just heading on with an empty head, I was moving forward with a plan... a plan that Shimon can't figure out even if he saw it.

That's when. (*Stabs*)

I stabbed Shimon with my knife. It was the same move which I did when we first fought which I was not able to land but this time I... I did.

Shimon falls on the ground and at last with this final blow our battle ends. I finished him with a hidden knife... stabbing him in the back like the coward who I am.

"I'm sorry sir." I said.

"*smiling* No you did something... that I didn't think of. You learned it on your.. your own. Humans can do anything for... for their survival... that's what you did." Shimon replied.

"This fight was not just for you... but also for me because in a corner of my heart their was a fear of the outside world... I wanted to see where I stand in the outside world. So thanks Davis. " said Shimon.

"*sobbing* Please. Don't say that." I replied.

"*coughs* Don't be sad about me Davis." said Shimon.

"But..." I replied.

"*smiling* It... It might be a loss for me. *coughs* But... it was a victory of a teacher." said Shimon.

"*sobbing* Please... please don't leave me." I replied.

"Your are strong now. *coughs* So no need to worry about me. *smiling* Goodbye Davis. And... and please... don't... die." said Shimon.

"*crying* Yes... yes Master." I replied.

The fight was over and I was free to go but I sat their and waited for this whole day to end while thinking and crying and sharing and confessing different things with Shimon as he was sleeping beside me.

You might have seemed all of this as a pointless thing but it was all to reduce my emotional burden and to move on with a new start.

The day arrives as the sun rises and a bright light enters the place. I left the place by saying the last goodbye with watery eyes but I didn't cry because he said that I had become strong.

Now I have one more person living within me to encourage me to move forward with this it is a beginning for a new me.

"A New and Stronger Me."

[ DAY 50 - MONSTERS COUNT : 2,535 HUMANS ALIVE : 6, 758 ]