

"E-333! What do you think you are doing?! Do you really believe that you will be able to escape this place?!"

"Be a good boy and let us capture you, it'll make things easier for both sides!"

What are these idiots talking about? Allow myself to be captured with a fight? I have no chance to escape?

It was so funny that I wanted to kill myself… but it wouldn't increase my Death Count, so I'll spare myself from pointless pain.

There were 17 people on this floor, each with a weapon of their own.

Spears, swords, staffs, maces, even whips.

However, none of them looked even remotely close to being as strong as Beryl, that Necromancer I had just killed.

It's a pain, but I'll have to deal with them, too.

"Stop! Don't move, or you'll regret it!"

They became even more alert when I took a step towards them.

Their weapons were raised, looking as though it was prepared to strike at any given moment.

But I didn't care about that and charged forward, my thin arms swinging left and right like a whip.




Their armors were crushed to fragments by a single punch, and the weapons would either snap or shatter depending if its a sword or mace; their heads would either explode or fly depending if I chopped or slapped.

Terrified cries of horror echoed in the one-way hall, echoing in every direction.

Crimson blood and organs flew, splattering on the walls, ceiling, and the stone floor, quickly creating a large puddle of blood beneath my bare feet at where I stood.

No, this can no longer be considered a puddle; it should be called a pond of fresh blood.

It didn't take long before the place turned silent, like a deserted house.

A strong stench suddenly assaulted my nose, and my bloodlust calmed.

When my senses fully returned, everybody was already dead, their lifeless corpses scattered all over the place painted a gruesome scene of a butcher's room.

When did I become capable enough to kill with such ease, not even batting an eye at the horrifying scene before me?

It scares me when I think of what I had become, but when I looked at the pond of blood that reflected my face, all I could see was a nonchalant expression, one void of all any signs of remorse or emotions.

It's been many, many years since I last saw my own face, so I took a good moment to look at it.

My hair was messy and long with knots created by dried blood at many places.

My eyes were sharp and jet black, just like that of a black hole without light. But my hair was the opposite, being pure white like clean snow. It was probably due to the intensive and continuous stress during my early years being locked in here.

My facial features were pretty scary looking; it would definitely scare the living soul out of myself if I saw myself in my younger years.

After spending a few moments to take a good look at my own face, I finally had enough and decided to head to the next floor.

However, my steps halted halfway to the stairwell, and I turned my head.

Beside me was a large jail cell, inside filled with prisoners, both young and old.

I must have missed them at first due to the now-dead people blocking my view.

These prisoners looked at me with shivering bodies, fear in their gazes.

My actions just now must have been the cause.

Ah, they look miserable, and the despair in their expression reminded me of when I first came here 10 years ago.

These guys must be similar to me, people forced to stay here for the purpose of experimenting with them.

However, not every single one of them was completely human.

A few of these prisoners have human bodies, but some parts of their body were anything but human-like.

One of them has a lizard-like tail, while another has dog-like ears.

Some have scales as skin, and one of them even have a pair of bird-like wing behind his back.

We call existences like them demi-humans, beasts with human features.

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