The metallic smell of blood reached his nose,and he knew it was his own.

He stared up in terror at the dark hooded figure looming over at him.

"Help!" He screamed.

Feeling the cold metal digging deeper into his skin, he cried out in agony.

"Who are you?!Please let me go."

"Is it weird that I like the sound of you screaming ?"

The intruder questioned, a sinister smile coming upon the his face.

"Even a baby can be dangerous when given a scalpel."

But it was too late.

Realization set in."No this can't...."

Screams filled the already eerie atmosphere.

"Needle inserted. Razors slicing through flesh. Ecstasy."

He thought to himself.

Before him a lay the lifeless, cold body with terror-stricken eyes of yet another of his victim.



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