


Thats what I felt after my death, but how do I know I've died well I still have that last moment memory or at least the nightmare of it cause at one moment I'm holding back a pack of war dogs trying to tear my family apart then I feel a sharp pain in my neck, as my vision faded I see the shower of arrows shred my family.. my wife protecting our daughter only to have to be rendered full of arrows, my daughter could only scream as the dogs finally found its next meal.. then the void and this fall..

My head feels so heavy right now it's hard to get my thoughts together, but then I can't really sense anything either. I can't see, can't hear, can't even feel the air passing me as I fall yet some how I know that's exactly what's happening to me, at times I feel like something is guiding me to a place but when you can't sense anything it's all just a guess.

I can't really tell how long I've been here now minutes or years, all I know is a name..Cain, a name that I believed to have been a curse, a stain, a mark on my life further reinforced by the massacre of my family. A biblical name for a mess of a life, filled with snippets of peace and love and scared with fields of blood.

The void seemed ever present, the fall endless,  the quiteness almost maddening, my fate seemed sealed until I heard the dripping..

Dripping..a simple sound in this soundless abyss, but for some reason it made me feel dread.. it was almost pure instinct to feel dread and I was right..

Pain...simple pain..

I felt the burn the moment it touched me, what ever it was, it was searing hot, Its flooded my consciousness with mind breaking pain, my god what is happening to me.. I can finally feel my body but it wasn't a good thing not with this liquid burning me,I still can't see but now i wish I couldn't feel again!

I couldn't even clench my heads or teeth in pain I couldn't scream, shout or cry.

My new world now had sharp pain introduced into it.. the void was now just that much harder to bear my own personal hell but at least..

It ended with me going head First in to what feels like a sea of freshly heated liquid needles..

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