
Dear devil dont

Xiao Ming gets crossed into another world after the despair he had after the break up with his girlfriend.What would happen if he was the only man in the eyes of someone he couldn't want to get close with...... 'No need xiaoxia we are breaking up!' ".....you are mine,you don't even belong to yourself ." an aufaint voice sounded husky and deep yet seductively pleasant to hear. A pale delicate yet precisely toned body shivered at sudden touch of cold wet lips on his ear lob. 'don't' the man pressed on the silk red sheets whined inwardly. But unfortunate to him nothing could hold back this demon king from .......

ukisa_Gemini_s · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs

Sharing bed...

"I like you !" Xiao said as he sat up holding the bedcover tightly..whatever this system inside him was ....he hated it he was doing and saying things that were not to his will .

'He likes me ...does he remember me now...or..'

"Please ...let's share the bed."Xiao continued pursuing Guai against his own will.

P.O.V Yao Guai..

I had ran here as soon as Zhong informed me that Xiao was injured.

Last night I harshly pulled off his hand when he was sleep taking and when he mentioned somebody else's name who is not me...Jealousy got the best of me so I acted rashly...even when I heard the clatters of falling ceramics I didn't mind to look back..who could I ... unknowingly it was Xiao's hand that hit the vessel beside the bed due to the force I used when pulling off his hand...he got a deep cut on the wrist's main artery hence loosing a lot of blood.

It has been hours since I have waited for him to wake up but he seems not to know that I am the cause of his condition now.

Hearing him say that he likes me ....and wants to share bed with me I can't help but think that maybe he has recalled every thing after his reincarnation.

But that's impossible ,for him to be reincarnated he would forget all his love life..he would forget me...I too ...I

End of Yao Guai's pov

" Your majesty pliz...I have night mares stay ..u see I ..."Xiao with his unwanted flirting skills pleaded with Yao Guai,but was interrupted by a stioc cold deep voice...

"I will stay I will pic u something to eat."

"Oh!" Xiao exclaimed..as he watched the retreating back of Yao.

'You motherfuckin system why do I only get weird missions and secondly do u really have to force me to say fuck flirty words with someone like him...he might be gay but am not ...I like women maybe not anymore because am heart broken but that can't just change my sexuality..'Xiao shouted in his mind as he was forced to do weird missions and say words ...that were not up to his will did he even have to deal with this demon king ..

[ Host I .right have forgot to tell you something we are here to revenge forth the dead Xiao Ming of this world only then can u go back to your world...And that is only by breaking the demon's heart ]

'And how can I do that am not gay... I wish I was but..'

[ But the demon king is gay all what matters is him loving you not u two loving each other...unless one of you dies for the other ...]

The system was still explaining the situation to Xiao but Yao Guai walked in with a gold plate with dumplings and chicken.

'Woah how did he know those were my favourite?'Xiao asked the system.

[ Actually that is what was Xiao's favourite dishes as well ...so..no need to boast.]the system sneered.

Xiao spiritually rolled this eyes at the system.

"Here eat this before you sleep." Yao Guai said as he made Xiao Ming sit up.

He didn't miss the gleamering sparkles in those round hazel eyes of Xiao.

He was thankful that he could still remember the favourite food of Xiao even after all these years of imprisonment.

In no minute Xiao was done with the food handed to him luck enough his left hand was the one damaged so he easily ate the food.

After the meal he looked around to see that Yao Guai was already lying on the bed,at the other end.

He carefully placed the plate back and laid on the bed carefully not wanting to disturb the beautiful man beside him who had his eyes shut.

thank you for the reading... u inspire me.

wò àí nî

ukisa_Gemini_screators' thoughts