
Dear devil dont

Xiao Ming gets crossed into another world after the despair he had after the break up with his girlfriend.What would happen if he was the only man in the eyes of someone he couldn't want to get close with...... 'No need xiaoxia we are breaking up!' ".....you are mine,you don't even belong to yourself ." an aufaint voice sounded husky and deep yet seductively pleasant to hear. A pale delicate yet precisely toned body shivered at sudden touch of cold wet lips on his ear lob. 'don't' the man pressed on the silk red sheets whined inwardly. But unfortunate to him nothing could hold back this demon king from .......

ukisa_Gemini_s · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs


Xiao looked at Yao Guai with regret....he didn't regret not being able to save his life by telling the sent immortal to get the information about the demon king,he was given a pill that would kill him in three days atmost.

What he regretted was not have not worked hard to gain the trust he needed now from Yao Guai.

He took in a deep breath and held in the tears that were threatening to fall out of his hazel now red eyes.

"You even dare to call me so casually after you betraying me do you know that your clan is the reason behind my loneliness and coldness..Did you know that?Tell me say something ,I loved you whole heartedly yet you took advantege of my weakness and also betrayed me .I could have seen this coming not to the way you always stuck up on me.!Xiao I love you ...but you of all people know that betrayal is the last thing I will look over just because of my selfish desires." Yao Guai said hurriedly in anger with his red eyes shining in reflection of restrained anger.

"Your Majesty.. I really.." Xiao wanted to talk it out but was cut short again when Yao Guai called for Zhong who only appeared in the next seconds.

Xiao wanted to tell Yao Guai that he knew nothing about all this but he didn't get that chance he wanted to hold him forever and tell him that everything is a lie he wanted to tell him how much he loved him.

"From today onwards you and I have became enemies... The next time we meet you should bear this in mind.Am doing this for the sake of our previous relationship."Yao Guai said with his back facing Xiao Ming before signaling Zhong to lead Xiao out of the palace.

Zhong abandoned Xiao in a dark forest in the middle of nowhere...

Xiao was stuck on the muddy ground as rain kept hitting his helpless body..

" Pfft ..Yao Guai I don't blame you for this ,I you really hated me you wouldn't have spared my life ..I promise you I will fix this for you before I die."

Xiao promised himself as a shadow hovered over him in that dark night's rain.

It was the supreme god Yi Chen ....his features were burly when Xiao tried to focus on him.....before he collapsed.

Yi Chen was the supreme godof the heaven realm.Him and Xiao grew up together but when Xiao learned of his evil deeds to gain the power yet he claimed it was the heaven's good will .

Xiao started rebelling hence him being punished as he was sent to the demon realm.But before that Xiao had fallen in love with the mysterious demon king he never knew and took this as his advantage.Although he knew that Yi Chen knew his intentions to join the demon king sect..... he never knew that Yi Chen .....

Yi Chen loved Xiao too and was the reason behind this in the past he couldn't confence his feeling since they wouldn't allow the next supreme kin marry a low rank talentless Immortal.

But know that he was the supreme god he could make his own rules he loved Xiao dearly but when Xiao was banished to the demon realm he didn't react as it would affect his status...so he patiently waited for this day.

Later Xiao woke up but to find himself completely fine.

"You are awake.!" a godly beautiful man with gold hair and blue eyes said as he helped Xiao sit up.

"Get away from me...you you monster..!" Xiao demanded. he recognized this man as soon as he looked at his blue eyes.