

"you're in a police station, and you just hit the captain of it in the face. You don't need a hero; you need a lawyer" was all I heard growled through the door to my dismay. "alright, I was just scared that the crazy lady had gotten through and was coming through" with an obvious whine to my voice. "I'm coming out" as I make my way towards the door going through my head on anything that might give me a way to this man that I know his dirty little secret. A man opened the door poking a face through it that only a mother could love. He had a scar that ran from his scalp to just above his lip, causing his mouth to be in a constant state of a sneer. The scar looked to have taken one of his eyes and looked to have been caused by some wild animal or a rather large knife. His one good eye was a dark brown, and he had a rather healthy tan as if he spent most of his days in the sun. His hair was black with a healthy dose of gray sprinkled through it either from stress, or just age Will wasn't able to tell. There, in the middle of the man's forehead, was a rather large welt where Will assumed he hit the man with the pen.

"come out of there and let us go sit down and talk, child," the man growled out.

So here I was, locked to a chair at a police desk once again with not just one cop staring at me but two now, and they both looked rather annoyed at me.

"let me get this straight your mother was the individual that was forcing you into theft and also your captor of sorts," captain Biggs asked.

"Yes, sir, it's not that I really had a choice in the matter either steal and give her the items of my theft or get beaten black and blue. Although it hurts that I have to do this, it was really my only choice."

"we'll get to that at a later time; how did your mother know that you had been arrested, and why do you believe she would stoop to attacking a police station to get you back," captain Biggs asked with a healthy dose of skepticism.

"My mom has customers all over this part of the city, and they might have mentioned it, but I really can't tell you why she would be dumb enough actually to attack a cop shop, I respond exasperatedly.

This line of questioning went on for a good three hours on my activities as a child and crimes I might have committed while in my mother's sweet employment, which was rather difficult to answer with the state of my memory were in. I fobbed off some of the questions, answered some that wouldn't get me into too much trouble, and just went with the flow with the others; finally, I had enough.

"Gentlemen, I think I've answered enough of your questions and would like to take the captain's words to heart," saying the four words cops hated to hear, "I want my lawyer."

{pov Biggs}

Well, that was perfect me, and my fat mouth stepped in shit once again; things had been going rather well with the questioning; the kid wasn't the worst actor I've ever seen, but you could tell he wasn't saying things and was making up others. He was also trying to put himself in a better light which was a common thing here, just not one that kids usually did. I needed to ask him about what he was up to in my office, and I needed to check my desk to make sure there wasn't anything incriminating.

As officer burns took the child to a side room while we waited for his public-appointed rat cough, I mean lawyer, I went to see what that little urchin did in my office. Since I wasn't going to be able to ask him myself, closing myself in my office, I shuffled over to my beloved desk didn't seem to be anything missing except the pen the little turd hit me with. he must have some physical perk giving him a better sense of accuracy or something that wasn't a normal throw. If it was something sharp or heavier, the kid could have done some serious damage. I did a cursory glance at my safe and didn't see anything missing or out of place checked my bookcase; some of the lawbooks seemed to have been tossed out of the shelves, and the dirty little kid seemed to have gotten dirt all over the thing disgusting turd. But overall, everything seemed to be in place, which settled my heartbeat and got rid of the churning that had been going on in my stomach.


"enter," I shout out while glancing up at my door, and in comes a right pain in my ass, the one and only "All Might."

"Not that I don't appreciate it, but what are you doing in my precinct, Yagi? This isn't your stomping grounds." I growled at the overgrown manchild.

"Now, Biggs, that's no way to greet an old friend," he responded with a grin that just seemed creepy to me. The man was always smiling like he didn't have a care in the world; it was downright disconcerting.

"What's going to happen to the child Biggs? He doesn't seem to be the most upright of kids, but extenuating circumstances seem to have forced him into where he's sitting right now."

"I don't know, Yagi, not in my hands anymore. The kid asked for a lawyer; he'll probably end up in an orphanage, and at that age and background, no one is going to really want the boy."

"I mean, with a little digging, it seems the boy came from the ghetto that all the malcontents and criminals hang out at; who would really want to invite that into their home."

{pov William}

after hanging around the cop shop for a couple of hours, I was finally able to snag some food which I inhaled, and that didn't even seem to even make a dent in the black hole that seemed to replace my stomach. Making my way to the bathroom, I finally got a good look at myself under the dirt and blood that seemed to be crusted onto my new body. I was about four-seven with brown hair, bright blue eyes, and seemed a mix between Japanese and Hispanic. I had a few light scars on my face, and my nose looked to have been broken and set more than once. Let's just say I wasn't the prettiest of children, but I could work with this. I had great eyes and didn't seem to be missing any teeth as of yet. Finished with my inspection, I washed my face and hands and headed out of the restroom. Once out of the door, I was escorted by my new shadow in the shape of a cop to the little cubby that they had stashed me in while I waited for the lawyer to come and slime his way into getting me out of this place. Sitting down into the chair that they provided me and shifting around to get comfortable, I promptly passed out.

im just fleshing out my mc at the moment and getting a bit of backround into the story before it starts out feel free to tell me what you think of it i know the chpt seems a bit boring but figured i needed to do something to help the readers actually see the people im writing about since theres people im just adding into the story for my own ease in writing

scrtsquirrely2creators' thoughts
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