
Chapter 1 - I Know I'm Not In Love

Downtown in a remote coffee shop hidden within alleyways, a lone woman is seated by a window; tall, imposing, and gorgeous with an icy demeanor. Her long and straight jet black hair swayed as she glanced around the shop, seemingly searching for something. Alas, her gaze stayed fixed to something, or rather, someone. A man was unhurriedly strolling towards the woman's direction. Her nonchalant gaze stayed transfixed onto the man as he made his way towards her.

tap. tap. tap.

Starting to feel impatient, the woman began tapping on the table; narrowing her eyes at the fact that the man was intentionally taking his time. She was tight on schedule with hardly even a minute to spare due to her gigantic workload for the day. Within a few inches from the table, the man slowly slid into a chair straight across from the woman. He propped up his elbow onto the table in a careless lazy manner and slightly leaned towards the woman.

"So..." he drawled in a deep tone, "What's the plan, Miss Frost?"

The woman closed her eyes and let out a deep breath.

"I do not recall my surname being frost, Mister Jaque. Please do call me by the correct name before attempting to request a collaboration with me." She glanced at her nails and looked back up, meeting the man's dark and looming eyes. "As you may have heard, playing petty little tricks like this on me surely will influence my decision on our collaboration. I do not work with anyone who fools around as they please. This time will be the sole exception."

The man's brow shot up in mocking surprise as he smiled, "Take it easy, Miss Wei. Both you and I know that this project will be beneficial for us. We've already worked together in the past, and all the previous projects have been quite successful, no? Although I may be playful, I am not a fool." Finishing the sentence, the man's eyes gleamed with a dangerous light.

The woman chuckled with the side of her mouth soon twisting upwards into a chilling smirk. "You, of course, is the farthest person I'll think of when it comes to a fool." She slowly rose her cup up to her lips to take a sip, and after putting down the cup she continued, "I had just wanted to point out the fact that you're quite annoying. Your always smiling face seems to cause me to have the urge to punch it."

The corners of his lips quirked up and then he laughed heartily, "I see that your mouth is as poisonous as ever, Miss Frost." the man said, putting more emphasis on the queer nickname.

She rolled her eyes and leaned back into the chair. Saying anything will just cause the cunning idiot to blabber more annoying nonsense. Instead she had chosen to just sit back and enjoy the coffee presented in front of her. It was still hot with the steam rushing up to her face as she brought the cup closer to her lips. The man waited patiently. Minutes of a stare down and silence continued; in which ended with a clank of porcelain hitting the table.

"We will split the profits 50-50. No room for discussion. The rest of the details have already been discussed from our last meeting," the woman stated, nodding her head towards the stack of documents neatly placed onto the table. Quick and efficient; that's how she does business. After quickly scanning through the documents once more, the man nodded.


The two talked some more in-depth about their roles within the project. Time had passed within a blink of an eye. As they were finished discussing the terms, both of them stood up from their seats to shake hands, and a faint glimmer on the woman's ring finger caught the man's eyes. When she had turned around to leave, a voice called out from behind her.

"Hold on."

She turned around once more, raising her eyebrow in a questioning look. "Is there anything else you need, Mister Jaque?" The woman asked, tapping her foot impatiently whilst checking the time on her watch. "I have another appointment in 30 minutes, make it quick."

"What is that on your finger?"

She looked at him in surprise before replying, "Oh, this ring?" She waved her hand at him, "Isn't it quite obvious? I am engaged."

After hearing her words, the man's eyebrows scrunched up in distaste. "To whom? Dace?" She kept silent with pursed lips, indicating that his guess was indeed on the mark. A frown replaced his smile at the thought of that Dace guy being with her.

His voice began to go lower with a dangerous tone interlacing with his words, "So, for what reason would you choose this guy over me? What is it that I'm lacking that makes you refuse my proposal, and instead choose some random guy you've only spoken to a couple of times?" By then, he was already standing face to face with her.

The woman sighed deeply, averting her eyes from the man. "Both you and I know that it is beneficial for both of us to be engaged, as both of our companies will flourish within time once we do. It is not because you are lacking, but rather the fact that you aren't lacking in any aspects. I'll be forthright; I am attracted to you." She paused, "Because of this attraction, I cannot be with you."

"But why? Why is it that you continue to be like this?"

"I cannot tell you the reason, but I'll say this; there is nothing between me and Dace, as this engagement is purely within the best interests of our companies. Do not fret, since you are the only man that I am attracted to, but it is highly unfortunate that we cannot be together." She had replied with a calm facade, but her mask of disguise was slowly beginning to fall apart.

He bitterly laughed, "I am even willing to place my company on the line in order to be with you, but you are different as everything you strive to do is for your company. Is it really okay to cast your personal feelings aside? You are too ruthless; not to only me, but to yourself, too."

She closed her eyes with a contemplative face, "None of us can ever truly know what the future beholds, Mister Smith. I just have one request for you." Looking towards the man, she saw him nod with an indication to continue, "Please, don't do anything rash. No matter what, the alliance between us three must be held. Even though you are quite playful, you are the most cunning and scheming person I have ever met. Mind you- that is a compliment coming from me."

"Although I despise that Dace kid with a burning passion, I'm only doing this for you, love. As long as I have a chance with you, I'll be willing to do anything that your heart desires." He said with a smile.

Bit by bit, her mask broke apart revealing her saddened eyes laced with regret. Unable to look at the man any longer, she swiftly turned back to leave. She regretted hurting him, but she looked ahead with confidence moving forward in steady steps; never taking a look back behind her. Once a decision has been made, you must continue with them confidently, because there is no turning back once you make that choice. Such of that is the mindset of the owner of the number one largest corporation; Risha Wei.

The man continued to look at her retreating figure with an unfathomable expression on his face.

When the woman was just about to step out the door, she heard a voice call out from behind her once more.

"I'll see you later, Risha."


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