
Chapter 62: The [___ ___ __ __ _____: _______]!

~Third POV~

The prison is carefully monitored all around by a Surveillance Den Den Mushi.

Tiny versions of them are found in specific locations throughout Impel Down.

Whatever they see is transferred to a larger version that sends video feeds to monitors connected to it, allowing the guards to keep surveillance.

Each of the smaller versions has an alarm beeper connected to the shells.

The large Surveillance Den Den Mushi is kept in a monitor room somewhere within the fortress.

Currently, at this time the control room was panicking for the normal and odd reasons that have occurred.

One of the prison guards was arguing in a complete panic as they found out who were the people on the first level of the prison whereas they spoke, "Never mind! Notify security on each floor and the naval headquarters at once!!"

As those prison guards were done yelling another began to speak in a very surprised tone but fearful soon after as he saw the snail's site turn black, "I don't know how he got in here or why but the intruder with Buggy the Clown on Level 2 is definitely Straw Hat Luffy the Pirate! But what's more concerning is who are these seven no wait for eight people… what the hell! We're losing visual contact here!"

As the rest of the prison guards heard his response, they began to try to contact the other members on the second level floor…

The scene that happens to them were all beat up by sharp cuts fist punched, bullet wounds, unconscious, and even some burn marks as if they were attacked by fire or lighting…

While all the guards looked at the female members of the chat group soon turned fearful of what they did to the guards and some of them were powerful as well as demonstrated their moves on the guards.

Along the way Mr. 3 a candle human has been arrived to join up with the group as they kept on destroying the guards in their wake!



Tatsumi, Erza, Ryuko, and Satsuki busy dealing with them with their swordsmanship easily dealing with the rest of the animal guards coming in their way!



Luffy, Mr. 3, Buggy, and Toga in her hybrid form were all busy dealing with close-quarter combat dealing massive damaged to them in the process.



Beatrice, Echidna, and Ruby were the sniper support using their magic and in Ruby's, case spirit powered shots easily on non-lethal mode for the moment only sniping the guards.

As they kept on fighting their way through with much ease since there were more people to help out Tatsumi started to talk to Luffy about the earlier conversation before they were rudely interrupted by the sudden attack, "Oh yeah where was I how about a no there Luffy! I'm not joining your crew I'm here to save your idiot brother damn it!"

Luffy was then punching another manticore in the face as Toga got in another blow using lighting punches, "Aww… Are you sure you don't want to join you can be another swordsman in our crew and so are your friends!"


Tatsumi still slashing through the scorpions coming after them Echidna took this chance to use her Authority of Greed to look through the world history while giving support to the members as she learns about the 800-year lost history.

As Echidna kept on reading the book, she also noticed that in a certain chapter that she read the blueprints of the prison Impel Down but rather a secret level after the seventh.

Reading further to her gospel of One Piece she found out that this room was reserved in secret lost to the Jail Warden and others from the first construction.

The Lost Secret Cell in the Seventh Level of Impel Down…

The Gates to Hell…

As Echidna was reading about this specific room as she was curious as she grew wide-eyed seeing what it held, 'What! In the cell behind the Gates of Hell holds untold power to punish the wicked alike and never let those escape the realm of the living…'

As Echidna kept on reading the members all voiced an immediate no to Luffy as he didn't care as he smiled on as they kept on going while Beatrice helps Echidna guide her way to the Second Level as she kept on reading, 'This chapter states about the very first prisoner that has ever been placed in this facility prisoner 000 formerly once known as the Strongest Creature before the beginning of the great war with all the kingdoms in this world that even Im itself had to place him here…'

Continuing on her reading Echidna read the chapter about the first prisoner that was placed in the Eight Level of Impel down as the person in question was once a Devil Fruit User that was lost to time…

More specifically a Mythical Devil Fruit User…

As Echidna kept on reading the chapter of the first prisoner was someone strong and ferocious in the past as it describes host Devil Fruit transformation, 'A creature that serves to hold off the passed on with all its might but was tricked into their 800 years ago by a being named Im…'

As they get going, they were soon met with the guardian of the Second Level of the Impel Down the Sphinx.

The Sphinx is a gigantic human-faced feathered lion significantly larger than the Basilisk and much more fearsome than the other beasts, it is considered the "boss" of the level and is charged with guarding the stairway that leads out of the level.

It is so fearsome that the prisoners kept in the level, and even the other beasts hide from it.

Like the Manticores, it is capable of imitated speech. It randomly says the names of types of noodles and apparently understands the concept of giving thanks before meals.

It is such a strong beast that it is capable of breaking the floor beneath it if it hits it enough times.

When they first met with it they were immediately annoyed by it as Erza decided to use her [Re-equip] magic into her [Bear Set] as she quickly rushed over to it as she says in a very annoyed tone, "You damn beast! I already have to deal with a lot of you so do me a favor and piss off already! [Bear Punch]!"


With a single hit of Erza [Bear Punch], she instantly K.O. the Sphinx as its legs twitched indicating that it was indeed knocked the fuck out.

"Clap. Clap. Clap."

With that clapping, sounds could be heard throughout the prison as Erza impressed the prisoners and her friends showing the Sphinx who was the boss as she smiles from the complimentary clapping.

Except for Echidna as she was getting more curious what was the secret cell room of Impel Down was and what the creature is described to be tricked, 'A hound it was, an enormous coal-black hound, but not such a hound as mortal eyes have ever seen...'

As everyone was done with the cheering for Erza on taking care of the Sphinx before the floor beneath them started to crack as soon as a punch from Erza was powerful enough to make the floor beneath them crack as everyone started to fall caught by surprise.

Ryuko, Satsuki, Echidna, Beatrice, and Tatsumi used their magic to fly and carry the rest of the members leaving Luffy, Buggy, and Mr.3 to fall like the twin sisters used their Kamui to fly with jet thrusts.

As this was going on Echidna kept on reading the details of the chapter of the prisoner transformation, 'Fire burst from its open mouth, its eyes glowed with a smoldering glare, its muzzle and hackles and dewlap were outlined in flickering flame. Never in the delirious dream of a disordered brain could anything more savage, more appalling, more hellish be conceived than that dark form and savage face which broke upon us out of the wall of fire...'

As the members were gently landing down Echidna kept on reading at the end of the chapter as she reads in surprise to see what this fruit was, 'This Devil Fruit abilities are… simply unbelievable the ability to simply to manipulate and produce Hell Fire, plant generation, another devil fruit slot in the heart, and an unknown energy that sucks in everything including the atoms to nothing?!!'

When they finally descended was when Echidna was surprised to see the last words in the sentence, '… The prisoner 000 known as Ceres D. Hellsing died about 700 years ago with the cell left unattended too for generations as the guards fear what was inside, but in those years a Devil Fruit was born from the hand of the prisoner containing his power…'

After reading all the information Echidna has gained from reading about the prisoner cell the fruit that she was describing she looked over to the group members as they were already dealing with the snails ensuring that they keep up their guard.

Also, it seems they couldn't locate Luffy, Buggy, or Mr.3 anymore once they landed it was because they were quickly rushed out to find Ace as soon as possible.

Echidna soon drags the attention of everyone once the snails were sniped down, "Everyone can I have your attention please I have important information we should be aware of."

Everyone soon stopped what they were doing as Tatsumi then asks Echidna with a curious voice, "Alright Echidna what did you want us to hear."

Echidna then began to explain to everyone that there was a secret cell in the seventh level contained a Mythical Devil Fruit with listing all the abilities that it could do as Tatsumi was grinning that he finally decided to eat his second fruit and left his third one open once he eats the Mythical Zoan.

The Devil Fruit that Echidna described was none other than the [Inu Inu no Mi Model: Cerberus] a Devil Fruit that once belong to the original Strongest Creature in the past!