
Chapter 45: Truth and Ally

~Third POV~

Currently at nighttime Ryuko was sleeping in a different set of clothing of a white tank top and blue sweatpants as she wakes up.

Waking up Ryuko looks around her situation as she sees that she's in a room with her Senketsu hanging on the wall as she says to herself, "What the hell! Where the hell am I exactly?"

However, unaware she would get an answer so soon surprised her a bit as Tatsumi comes over bringing in a plate of fresh food over to her as he answers, "That would be my apartment home Ryuko after I ditched class to help you out. Also made some dinner waiting for Toga and Ruby already."

Ryuko looked surprised but soon gets the food as she took a bite as she was surprised by the food as she replies in a mumble, "This food… it tastes really good…"

Tatsumi smirks at this as he points his thumb to himself with pride in his voice as he says to her but then concern at the end, "Yeah I know I cook a mean dish and have good results! But onto a more serious note how you are feeling there?"

Ryuko continues to eat her food as she looks that she is no longer in harm's way or any bandages in her body as she was healed up after the fight.

To which she is correct it's that Tatsumi asked Beatrice to use [Water Magic] to heal her up again since Ryuko lost a lot of blood in her transformation using Senketsu.

After examining herself she looks as she's wearing different clothing and soon yelled at him with a clear blush on her face, "Hey these clothes!! Did you change me without my consent and saw me naked?!!"

Tatsumi did see and change her so clearly he nodded his head as he replies to her in a blank voice but turns excited at the end, "Pretty much yeah I had to make sure you were ok yesterday after all I didn't expect you to be wearing a Kamui out of nowhere especially someone who can use a piece of clothing that is a 100% made of Life Fibers that is impressive."

Now it was Ryuko's turn to be confused about the terms being used.

After going over Tatsumi's thoughts for the time being he decided to tell Ryuko limited information about her since she was bound to know it in the future it couldn't help but know some ways to get her stronger at the start.

Tatsumi thought he should help her out get stronger fast in an early start.

Tatsumi looks at Ryuko with a confused look while he acts confused, "What? It looks like to me that you never considered what you were wearing?"

Now it was Ryuko's turn to ask for some questions of her own as she has a cautious look to Tatsumi with her eyes narrowed, "Kamui? Life Fibers? You better start talking and making some sense here Tatsumi how do you know this stuff anyway?"

Tatsumi merely smirks at her while being completely quiet about how he obtained the information, "Now that I can't reveal at this time but I can at least answer a few of your questions Ryuko? How about we begin why your [Life Fiber Synchronize] ran out very quickly or why your Senketsu can absorb life fibers during your fight with the boxer?"

As Tatsumi asks the question Ryuko herself doesn't know about the full capabilities of her Senketsu or rather a Kamui now that she knows the term for it.

But even this early on she doesn't know what her Senketsu does or for that matter what Life Fibers is.

However, she knows that Tatsumi realizes he has answers that might satisfy her curiosity about what happened to her or know about Senketsu.

Ryuko continues to eat the dinner as she asks Tatsumi in a curious voice, "Tatsumi you seem to know most about this Life Fiber, and Senketsu mind telling me what they are exactly and why do you know them?"

Tatsumi then begins to explain to Ryuko what they are exactly but doesn't reveal how he knows them to her but it was plenty of information for her for the time being, "Life Fibers are sentient parasitic organisms of extraterrestrial origin, and are the origin of all clothing on Earth, as well as the entities responsible for the evolution of humanity like how you heard Senketsu talk to you."

Ryuko hearing the explanation was surprised by the information, of course, she didn't want to believe it but that was until she heard the part where Senketsu talking to her that made her listen to the story.

Next Ryuko questions Tatsumi how he knew that he could talk, "Wait… how did you know that I was able to talk to Senketsu, to begin with?"

Tatsumi gives her a blank look as he says to her in a blank tone, "Didn't you hear me that they are living beings corrects so, of course, they could talk but only to compatible host otherwise, no one else could hear you talk. I was surprised you manage to even find one here but if you didn't know Life Fibers need blood to function try to give it to Senketsu to talk again."

Ryuko lets the information sink in as she wasn't sure how Tatsumi knew this much information but she looks at Senketsu hanged on a racket.

She gets out of the bed as she places her hand on Senketsu as she bit her thumb releasing some blood as she places it on Senketsu that was when he was brought out of his sleeping state.

Senketsu was brought to life as he says to Ryuko, "Blood! Give me more! Is that Ryuko blood? Also, where exactly are we?"

Ryuko acted accordingly at his response with a surprised tone, "It's not 'is that Ryuko blood?!' And were at Tatsumi place since he took us in."

But seeing this so far Ryuko had no choice but to believe the words of Tatsumi since he had been truthful so far but then she remembers the earlier questions to him.

Ryuko then asks Tatsumi the next question as she is curious about her abilities, "Say Tatsumi you said earlier that how come I ran out earlier in my form right? Does that mean I can stay longer in that form using this [Life Fiber Synchronize] and absorbing Life Fibers right?"

Tatsumi nods at this with a smile as he explains to her the reason why for both the abilities she has with a light smile on his face, "The [Life Fiber Synchronize] is needed to understand by the only way to be able to use Senketsu to his full potential is to wear him proudly and be open to him with a bond in mind. As for the absorbing ability of his, after you defeat your opponents, you destroy their Goku Uniform, allowing Senketsu to absorb the uniform's Life Fibers, adding them to his own power."

Ryuko was digesting this information to her now she knows what her Senketsu was capable of that surprises her and Senketsu himself learning more about himself as he doesn't know much about himself as he lost his memories.

But this instead of getting more answers it raises more questions for Ryuko and Senketsu as to the reason like why he was created and how her father knew more about this.

Now those were in her mind as she asks Tatsumi the next question with a confused voice, "But, how does my father fit into all of this then? Why did he create Senketsu? Tell me Tatsumi do you know why my father created Senketsu?!!"

Tatsumi glancing towards the both of them he thought to tell them the truth since it could harm their bonds to further increase their power, "Simple because he was creating ways to counteract Life Fibers and his group but from where I see it he developed Senketsu and the Rending Scissors to counter the Life Fibers."

Ryuko now knows the truth of her scissors and Senketsu but that does explain a few things for her as to why he barely takes care of her daughter and why she goes through a lonely life knowing she was going to take in some hard truths.

But now Ryuko asks Tatsumi in a clear rage-filled voice, "Damn it! Damn it! DAMN IT!!"

Stomping on the ground hearing the news Tatsumi waits for a bit till he heard Ryuko's response once she has calmed down, "Huff… huff… huff… Tell me Tatsumi do you know who my father was to get killed working this…"

Tatsumi looks at Ryuko and after thinking for a bit he sighs and decides to give her the truth that she isn't alone in a tired tone, "Sigh… Your father Soichiro Kiryuin also known by his alias Isshin Matoi was the husband of Ragyo Kiryuin and the father of you and Satsuki Kiryuin. He was a brilliant scientist and Life Fiber researcher who went on to create Senketsu, and the Scissor Blades before his untimely demise."

Ryuko managed to do a spit take considering the information she just heard especially about her father but more so the fact of his original name as she heard that name before!

Ryuko then goes closer to Tatsumi as she was now confused at the sudden information given to her as she now realizes that she has some family members, "Wait you mean to tell me that I have a mother and sister?! And my sis is the one I'm challenging to find out more about the truth why don't they know I exist then?!!"

Tatsumi then begins to explain to her what Ryuko wants as well as a bit of info about the situation of Satsuki and Ragyo's' family' relationship.

Tatsumi expresses a scowl as he explains to Ryuko why her father kept her away and the Kiryuin family situation, "Ryuko your father obviously loved his daughter deeply enough to risk his life by betraying Ragyo. Also, you should be glad to not be found by Ragyo since she is a sexual abuser to her kids especially to Satsuki at a young age."

Now that certainly caught Ryuko off guard about her family and especially Satsuki's situation that she responded in complete confusion, "What…? I'm sorry I'm afraid you caught me off guard here with that response care to explain?"

Tatsumi begins to explain Ragyo's personality to Ryuko with a disgusted expression, "Ragyo she enjoys domination and control, lusting for power over the world to give it to the Life Fibers even going as far as to 'dominate' Satsuki just because she can."

Ryuko hearing this about her mother is suddenly really glad she wasn't with her now but now with newfound concern with her sister that she just found out, "But if that is the case then can you tell me what happens to Satsuki then if what you said is true?"

Tatsumi just smiles at that question as he happily replied to Ryuko question and explain to her how Satsuki came to be the way she is, "The reason why Satsuki the way she is because of your father gave her the information about the research and about you being thrown away by Ragyo herself that was when your father began to fight back to counter her. That was her mark to rebel in silence against Ragyo as well, but she also presumed that you have died in the experiment that is a reason why she doesn't know you."

Now Ryuko was surprised by this news to her that she didn't consider that her own mother thrown her away but now realizing that despite her father never around for her he saved her by going so far as to betray Ragyo to save her.

But to learn that Satsuki had to put up with Ragyo and her personality while having a strong unbreakable will she couldn't help to at least respect for her standing up to Ragyo like that once she learns more about her.

Processing the information, she goes to her bed to digest everything she heard Tatsumi speak to her in a serious voice, "Ryuko the person who killed your father… she will come to Honnoji Academy in the coming days…"

Hearing this made Ryuko eyes burn with hate and vengeance but she was interrupted by Tatsumi as he coldly says to her, "But as the way you are now Ryuko you are too weak to even handle her but if you have reached the highest state of [Life Fiber Synchronize] then you can reach the state of [True Life Fibers Synchronize] where you become even stronger than the current self."

Ryuko and Senketsu were very wary of Tatsumi but they have just heard some valuable information personal to them and learn more about each other than they realize on their own but…

Ryuko then asks Tatsumi what was his goal to speak the truth to her like this, "Tell me Tatsumi what exactly do you get by telling me all of this…?"

Tatsumi smirks at this as he replies honestly to Ryuko leaving her understood by his answer to her, "Easy my goal is to destroy the [Original Life Fibers] the same as Satsuki and your father as you can say… Ragyo made lots of enemies that included me I made sure to research everything I could to learn."

Ryuko could only nod as she wasn't sure to believe Tatsumi but what he said does make sense to a degree but soon Tatsumi asks Ryuko an offer, "Ryuko how about we team up? I help you train your abilities against me in my club and offer up challenges to other club members in the Academy as well as help you get stronger in the process."

Ryuko stays in silence as Senketsu replies to Ryuko his opinion on the matter, "Ryuko… I think we should take this offer since Tatsumi has spoken so far the truth about some matters and it will be good to have some help since he helps you twice, he can be a good ally to have."

Ryuko stays silent as she thinks about the offer and does think it's something worthwhile to have since he was able to help her escape.

With a smirk on her face she places her hands towards Tatsumi as she asks him in a confident tone, "Hmm… sure thing if it will help me get stronger and get my father killer then its best to have someone who can fight off against those club members right?"

Nodding his head both Ryuko and Tatsumi shook hands as they agreed to ally with each other.

Tatsumi asks Ryuko about her opinion of Satsuki now, "So then Ryuko do you still need to challenge Satsuki now that you know the truth?"

Ryuko just smiles towards Tatsumi as she replies to him in a confident voice, "Yeah I issued her a challenge and I'll see it through the end."

The next day happens just as it did in the anime but much earlier since Ryuko knows how to activate her Kamui early on to save Mako from the tennis club member absorbing the life fibers that she destroyed.

Meanwhile, Nonon and Ira came to Tatsumi in a hallway after his class was done, she hands over to Tatsumi a Two-Star Goku Uniform in an annoyed tone, "Here you go you no-star your very own Two-Star Goku Uniform as club president."

Tatsumi grabs the uniform but asks Nonon in a happy voice shocking her with an offer, "The Two-Star Goku Uniform is nice and all but I was wondering if you can let me test out the Five-Star Goku Uniform from the Sewing Club Shiro Iori I want to test it out and in return, I will answer any question that Satsuki wants to know since she found nothing on my group."

Placing his hand towards Nonon Tatsumi smirks at her as he says to her in a confident tone, "So then Nonon… do you agree to the deal?"