
Waking Up Different, in a Different World and Itchy

I felt my eyes snap open as I threw myself up, gasping for air. But I got more than what I wanted as I felt myself fly up through the air and slam into the ceiling of my room, while I also heard the bed I was on, snapping in two.

I fell back down and broke my bed even more and I continued to gasp for air as I wondered what the fuck was happening.

I felt like my head was alight with how much information I had pouring into it.

I could smell everyone in the dorm building; all the good, all the bad, everything. I could hear the two people a few doors down banging each other into oblivion. Despite it being midnight and pitch black in my room I could see with perfect clarity like it was midday. Every little vibration was picked up by my sense of touch and I could practically taste everything in my room.

It was weird. It was overwhelming. But most of all, it wasn't natural. It wasn't something I'd ever experienced before.

But then 'it' came.

An itch throughout my entire body but focusing around my throat and stomach area.

I tried scratching my throat but that only made it worse. I was going mad wondering what was happening to me. First the seemingly superhuman strength and durability, then the unnatural senses, now this itch?

I felt like I was dying.

Suddenly, however, the memories started flowing into my head.

My name is Noah Winters and I attend Metropolis Elite Nurturing College. I'm 18 and just started my first year in college.

This aligns with my memories, the ones that were already in my head before these foreign ones entered my mind. My name is Noah Winters and I do go to an Elite College that has the main goal of nurturing the next generation's brightest minds. But that college isn't in...Metropolis. Wait. Metropolis? What are these other memories...Gotham? Batman? Superman? The Justice League?

Am I in the DC Universe?!

My thoughts were cut off by a knock at my dorm room door.

"Yo, you okay in there, Noah? We head some noises in there and were wondering if you were alright?" a calm, even voice entered my supercharged ears, along with the heartbeats of 3 people.

Richard 'Dick' Grayson. The college dorms Big Brother figure who looks out for all of us. He's around 5'11" and from what I'd seen in my memories he's built like an Olympic gymnast. But from my original memories, I know who he is; He's Nightwing. Batman's Protege.

Hurriedly clearing my throat, I gave a slightly hoarse reply, "Yeah, I'm good, dude. Just fell off my bed while I was asleep. Nothing to worry about," I finished off with a slightly forced laugh, which Dick seemed to pick up on if his elevated heart rate was anything to go by, but he seemed to let it go as he backed away from the door, laughing with the other two people he was with.

"Well, you look after yourself, Noah," he said before he walked off leaving me to think back through my new memories.

I kept going through them until I came to one conclusion.

I'm a Vampire.

A week ago I was bitten while I was walking home from a party and I shrugged it off as a frisky girl mistaking me for someone but ever since that point my body had started changing. Food became tasteless and water tasted like oil to me. My body became impossibly strong and when I accidentally cut myself while cooking myself something to sate my hunger, the cut healed within seconds.

I don't know why my predecessor didn't figure out he was a Vampire quicker. I guess it's because he didn't believe Supernatural stuff like that existed? I mean, superheroes are a thing but that doesn't mean Vampires and other mythological monsters are, right? Well, he was wrong. Vampires exist in the DC Universe.

But I must be different as well. What makes me think this? The fact I haven't found myself weak to Sunlight or bursting into flames the second I walked around in daylight. At most, the sun seemed to annoy me.

What relevance does this have? Well, DC Vampires can't move around in the daylight, they die. Or at the very least it weakens them. But none of that happened to me.

Getting up while controlling my strength to the best of my ability, I walked over to my window before deciding to test out my new physique.

I opened the window before looking down at the 2-floor drop.

"Well, at least I'll heal if I get damaged, right?" I weakly tried to console myself as I climbed through the window. Taking a deep breath, I let go of the inside of my room and found myself falling 2 stories.

I closed my eyes, my mind screaming at me that I was an idiot, but before I knew it, I felt my feet come into contact with the ground. I braced myself for the pain but...it never came. My legs felt like I'd fell from a 2-foot drop, not 2 stories.

This was weird.

But also pretty fun.

Looking down at my legs I wondered what the limit was to my newfound physique but I shook my head and kept myself focused; I had something I needed to do.

I started a jog and found that even that was amazingly unnatural. I barely put any strength into my jog but found myself running quicker than I'd ever run before in my life. Laughing aloud, I didn't care if anyone heard me before I took off with more speed in the direction of where I needed to go:

Metropolis General Hospital.

. . .

Breaking into the hospital with my newfound powers wasn't hard. Hell, it even let me find out that I'm like Spider-Man and can climb and walk on walls and ceilings.

Honestly, this entire scenario was surreal and I'm surprised I wasn't freaking out. But when I really thought about it, I figured out that I'd merged with an alternate version of myself who'd already had a week to come to terms with the fact he was...different than before. Mix that with my information on this universe from the prior 18 years of my normal life on a non-DC Earth, reading DC Comics all the time, I realized that I was only so calm because I knew this world like the back of my hand.

If I was in a completely new world that I had no information about, I'd probably be freaking out.

That isn't to say I'm completely calm right now, especially seeing as I'm a goddamn VAMPIRE, but I can at least think clearly enough to solve my problems.

I didn't get into my college just because of my stellar grades. They test your aptitude for a multitude of things, and I have the added benefit of being quite the mentally adaptable person. Meaning it takes a lot to make me panic and lose my shit.

As I was crawling about on the walls I found that I could practically make myself invisible if the room I was in was dark enough. Nice.

Bringing myself out of my thoughts, I dropped to the floor and found myself in front of the blood bag storage for the hospital. Smiling at the fact I was so close to getting rid of my itch, I broke the handle off the door before entering and letting my nose pick out the most enticing scent. While I was doing this, I couldn't help but be surprised at my control.

Most new-made Vampires kill everything in their hunger. Or that's how they're portrayed, at least.

Guess I must be different compared to other Vampires, huh?

Anyway, I ain't about to look a gift horse in the mouth, so I'll just chalk it up to me being a transmigrator.

Mhmm, nice. I picked up a sweet scent and followed it to the part of the blood bank which stored AB positive. Well, it is one of the rarest blood types, so I guess it must be a delicacy to Vampires. Thinking this, I picked up the blood bag before opening it up and pouring it into my mouth. Or at least I tried to.

Feeling no blood enter my mouth, I opened my eyes and saw my hand was empty.

"Tut-tut," I heard a feminine voice behind me, "Didn't your mother ever teach you that stealing is wrong?" I turned around to see a feminine figure dressed in a yellow and red costume. She had long, ginger hair and bright green eyes that shone with intelligence. Even with her mask covering half of her face, I could tell she was a very attractive girl.

But that wasn't what surprised me.

"Kid...Flash, right?" I asked in slight disbelief at the sight of a genderbent Kid Flash in front of me. This wasn't in my memories. Though I doubt I'd have heard of her, she's probably still living in the shadow of the Flash.

She smiled at me, surprise apparent in her eyes, and from her elevated heart rate, I'd guess that she was happy someone knew of her. Even if I was a 'bad' guy from her perspective.

"You know me?" she tried to keep her voice calm but I could hear the slight smugness in it.

Nodding, I smiled a little, "Yeah, I'm a bit of a fan, actually," I scratched the back of my head, feeling that it wasn't a lie, especially when I did like Kid Flash in Young Justice. He was a bit of a dork but he was a funny dork.

She clicked her tongue at my answer and rested her hand on her hip, looking at me with a difficult smirk, "Damn. It's just my luck to have to take a fan of mine to the police. Well, can you at least come willingly? I'll even sign something for you!" she seemed to be getting a little too into the 'celebrity' persona but I just chuckled as I picked up another blood bag and looked her dead in the eyes.

"I don't want to fight you. I just need this blood and I'll be gone. Please, you really don't know how much I need this," I tried pleading but from her slowly stiffening face told me all I needed to know.

She shrugged and looked at me with an apologetic smile, "I'm sorry but even if you need it, you can't just steal it. Why do you even need it? It looked like you were about to drink it when I got here..." she trailed off as she looked to my hands, "I'd suggest you retract those claws, Mister," she looked a bit on edge but what she said surprised even me.

Looking at my hands I was surprised to see that my nails had lengthened and turned black, looking like mini-knives at the ends of my fingers. Feeling around in my mouth with my tongue, I found that the canines on the top and bottom of my mouth had also lengthened into the classic Vampire fangs.


"I'm sorry, I didn't consciously do that - It would seem I can't control them. I think it's got something to do with my hunger," I tried to will them back into their normal states--the last thing I wanted to do was fight with a superhero. That's a one-track way into being hunted down.

Unaware of my efforts and thoughts, Kid Flash just tilted her head while looking at me, "Hunger? Well, I get that. But if you're hungry why are you trying to drink blood? If it gets you to stop trying to steal from this hospital, I'll take you for a burger before we go to the police station, I know just the place--!" she would've have carried on but seeing me double over in pain must have stopped her, "Oh shit, are you okay!?" she rushed over to me but I put out a hand to keep her at bay.

I was ever so aware of her beating heart and the blood in her veins at the minute that I knew I'd sink my teeth into her given the chance.

With the blood bag in hand, I brought it to my mouth and bit through the material with my seemingly incredibly sharp fangs.

The second the blood hit my mouth I seemed to enter some kind of frenzy as I sucked the bag dry in a few seconds. Once the bag was empty I found that the itch had subsided. Not gone, but suppressed for now. But I also felt something else.


I felt myself getting stronger. Like the blood I just digested was being added to my own strength or being used as fuel to strengthen my body--I wasn't quite sure about the specifics but I definitely knew that drinking this blood had given me a bit more strength than I had before. I didn't know how much, or even how I knew, but it was something.

Remembering I wasn't alone, I dropped the blood bag before standing up to my full height and looking down at the shorter superhero across the room from me.

"Well, Miss Flash, it was a real treat to meet you, but I've gotta go," I said this with a wave of my hand and stepped into the shadows surrounding us, becoming invisible. But to her, it must have looked like I walked into a portal of blackness.

I hadn't left the room but she didn't know that.

"Oh come on!" she let out a small cry of displeasure as she stomped her foot a little, "First he drinks some blood and then he disappears into some shadows, like, who does that? Weirdo...I wonder where he went though, he was pretty hot..." she said this to herself with a silly smile but seemed to remember something because her eyes went wide, "Oh shit, my thesis!" as she whispered/screamed this, she took off in a blur of speed and lightning, leaving me with a mix of horror and smugness on my face.


Well, I was feeling smug because she thought I was pretty hot, and I felt horrified because of the fact she'd seen my face.

And she had a thesis to do...If I were a betting boy I'd say she goes to my college.

Oh, fuck me sideways.

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