There are many myths and legends, many Monsters in the Dark and Heros in the Light; in DC there are many Heros in the Dark and Monsters in the Light, but this story is not about a Monster or a Hero; this story is not even about a human, anymore at least. A simple person, a simple dream, a simple creature; Yet it brings along many complicated problems. How will a human change and survive when given a role, a myth to follow, and a dream to remember. This is the story of a Fairy, The Tooth Fairy, and the flutter of a hummingbird's wing will create new tides to Apokolips and back. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ A simple fanfic, my first DC one, I don't know a lot about DC, only a handful of fan content mostly so... I am definitely going to get many things wrong. Feel free to correct me and tell me any plot holes I might have, In a kind manner, so I may find a way to fix them. Give me ideas if you want, I would appreciate it a lot! Yes, I did take inspiration from 'Rise of The Guardians'.
"SO, you want me to become the tooth fairy in DC?" This voice reverberated from a nearly blank canvas on a painter's easel, in the blank space of this incomplete painting stood a human; The details of this human were far deeper and more intricate than any artist could make with paint or brush, not even with a stylus or clay could bring out ever hair and pour on the skin. This was because this human was not a drawing, but a living creature on the cloth of an artistic god.
"Yuuup!" These were the responding words of a creature that was very much not on the incomplete mural. The being looked almost human if it were not for its being made of millions of translucent, glowing, and writhing tendrils that twisted and turned into a human shape; said shape held 6 arms, two legs, a tail, and three faces.
"....Ok, sure! I'm not going to question it too much, it honestly sounds fun. I do have two questions though, only two; Why me, and Why The tooth fairy of all things?" This was spoken by the human upon the unfinished painting, it spoke clearly and precisely despite appearing to be within paper or some kind of fabric.
"For why I chose you, you're soul is young so I can more easily use my ability on you than others! As for why you have to be The Tooth Fairy, well 'The Presence', DC's god, was getting a bit antsy with creatures like us messing with his worlds in ways he didn't like; To counteract that he has stated that he will get to decide, for a small group of people, what they will become in his world. You just so happen to be part of that group and he has decided to have you become the tooth fairy, which I am fine with since I've been meaning to paint one! Now, let's get your make-over started."
The translucent entity pulled out, with one of its hands what seemed to be a well-used Painter's Palette; It appeared to be made out of a wood that Swirled and stripped with Pale and dark colors, It shone and glimmered almost like polished metal, and the sounds it makes in the beings hand sounds like marble and wind chimes, it was covered in many known and incomprehensible colors of every possible and impossible verity: Red, Green, and black, to anger, despair, and melancholy, yet to infinity, aqua, and sunset metals. The beings other 5 hands grabbed a variety of tools painter tools, from brushed to pallet knives.
"I am going to use my best tools and paints for this, hair from an Eldrich sextuple-pod for my brushes and scales from an Erklo Deamon Dragon for my knives; I'm also going to use some unique Dyes I have been saving for a long time! This will most likely tickle a bunch, but that's all; I also hope you're fine with a gender change since.... well... a male tooth fair just seems a bit odd, wouldn't you agree?" The being gave out a chuckle which seemed to make the canves around the human rumble with amusement along with the creature. The god-like entity then began painting on the canvas, mostly focusing on the human but painting the background as well. They did not focus on just one part but created a whole mural, a whole world within the canvas, yet still letting the FORMER human teen be the centerpiece.
"DONE! I knew you were perfect, another great masterpiece; I even got to fully form a realm for you and I didn't even mean to! How do you like Your new body and home? I want to make sure everything is good before I send you off!" The creature rumbled with joy and attentiveness, a living painting must also like itself for it to be a masterpiece.
"Wow, I..... I didn't know I could look this good, in any form! I feel so free and light, and Sooo energetic too! Am... am I trans, because I feel far better like this than ever before! All these colors and sounds I can now feel, they are wonderful!" The former human, now semi-humanoid and hummingbird hybrid, buzzed and chirped almost like a bird when they talked; it flew around the nearly infinite space that was made around them and explored.
"Ah, no, You were actually a more gender-neutral soul! YOu could fit pretty well in a male or female form, the reason you were so uncomfortable before is that you tried to fit into your body rather than making your body fit your soul; In an easier term, you were holding back who you were to fit better into your own body. I made that body more fitting to who you were, with my own artistic liberties, and increased the strength of your sensor input and output to make things more vibrant! I am glad you like it, but I am out of time and you need to go along before you miss your appointment. You don't need to thank me or pay me back, Don't worry about what to do and just do what you want, and most importantly have fun! Bye bye!!"
Before the newly made Tooth Fairy could say anything, a portal appeared under the easel and took the whole thing; it disappeared into the endless darkness to who knows where being placed in a universe that might fit them, Both them and that world being prepared to for each other for a new story.
[Time Skip - ????? Years Later] + [POV Change - ??????? ?????????]
"And with that, if we include the adults, we have about Thirteen Teeth from Central City, Twenty-Three From Metropolis, and Sixty-Two from Gotham tonight. I'd say that's a pretty good haul, I guess tonight is a peaceful night in Gotham since we are at the lower end. I feel like I'm Forgetting something, Marigold, what's tonight's date?" A large humanoid creature spoke, its body covered and Blur and green feathers that shone like crystal, her wings fluttering faster than the eye could see as she hovered above a pile of cylindrical objects.
Hearing its name, a hummingbird-sized creature swiftly flew towards the one who called it, its Body a smaller version of the larger creature. It began making a series of Buzzes, chirps, and twinkles that were reminiscent of wind chimes; Its voice a whisper in the wind, overshadowed by the rest of the sounds its speaking created.
"Really, it's April 5th already! That means it's Damian's Last tooth today, and he should be with Bruce by now! Yes yes yes yes yes!!! Little Talia has been keeping all his baby teeth to herself, this is our last chance to get it! Oooooh, I'll finally be able to finish my collection and get all the robins, no, all the batfamily's teeth set; well, as much as I can until I find where Lil' Talia has been keeping Damian's first 19. This is a big day, I think I'll do this one myself!"
The smaller hummingbird person spoke again, sounding and looking a bit worried at that statement. It made a few chips and chortles with twinkles that, once again, sounded like wind chimes; It buzzed in front of the larger one anxiously. "Wha- oh c'mon! I'll be fine, he might be the son of Batman and Talia Al Ghul, but he's still just 9! I'm over Ten thousand years old by now, I'm sure I can take him on if needed; Besides that, I won't even need to! I'm Tatanya Toothiana, Queen and progenitor of the Tooth Fairies, THE Tooth Fairy Herself! I may not have done some over the recent centuries, but I'm not going to be THAT rusty that I can't sneak past Damian Wayne! Trust me, I'll be back with that tooth in no time!"
[POV Change - Wayne Manor]
Damian Wayne sat on his bed in Wayne Manor, holding a tooth in between his fingers as he turns it back and forth; He glanced at his pillow before scoffing. "Tooth fairy, yeah, as if something like that exists...." After saying that he places the tooth under the pillow of his bed, trying to be discreet about it even if nobody is watching him; He then lays his head down and sleeps, annoyed that he won't be able to sneak out tonight due to... complications.
After a few hours a shadowed figure floated outside one of the windows of Wayne Manor, its feathers faintly glimmering and shining from the moonlight, looking like faint stars in the night sky. The flying figure moved in closer to the window and opened it by less than a quarter of a centimeter, it seemed to dissolve into a cloud of glittery dust and floated in through the cracks before reforming. The figure was more visible in the manor, revealing itself to be Tatanya Toothiana.
She let out an unheard chortle as she floated closer to the bed, She brought her hand up to her face and blew out a gentle breeze that scattered Fairy Dust over the bed and boy. With a waver of her hand, the boy along with his pillow and blanket floated up gently, as she reached down and grabbed the tooth that was under it. As Tatanya turned around and let the boy out, she let out a soft squeal that was partly heard by one sleeping person.
Tatanya floated towards the window and opened it less than an inch before suddenly a net was launched at her and she was suddenly tangled, she let out a surprised chirp as she got tangled in the net and fell to the floor; She looked behind herself and saw the kid, Damian Wayne, standing behind her with a Cannon like object in one hand and a sword in the other. Tatanya let out a worried set of Chirps and whistles as she spoke; "Uh, oh..."