
Sweet Revenge #86

As the last of the young native's family disappeared through the shimmering portal, vanishing into the heart of New York City, a sly smirk crept across Micah's face. It was a rare expression, one that hadn't graced his features since he awakened his formidable bloodline a year ago.

He had orchestrated this moment meticulously, deliberately leaving the portal open while the young man fetched his family. Micah's aim was simple: to attract as much attention as possible in New York City. The peculiar portal would draw a crowd, turning heads and sparking curiosity, creating a spectacle too grand to ignore.

Micah's conditions for the young native were straightforward: find people in blue uniforms as soon as he reached the other side and reveal everything—every tragedy, every injustice inflicted upon his people by Ras Al Ghul and his minions. And it had to be done loudly, ensuring that everyone gathered around the portal would hear, thus exposing Ras Al Ghul's atrocities to the world.

With a flick of his wrist, Micah handed the young native a slip of paper containing the coordinates of Infinity Island. It was a lifeline, a means for the authorities to locate and rescue the remaining natives trapped in servitude.

Naturally, Micah could have sent the entirety of the native population through the portal, but what good would that do? At the end of the day, it would be the words of these people against Ras Al Ghul, and he couldn't have that. 

No, Micah needed the entire world to see Infinity Island and the conditions these natives had lived in for several centuries now so that they would understand what cruel and insidious methods Ras used to maintain his reign over the island. 

Observing the bustling activity around the other side of the spatial rift, Micah's smirk widened. This was just the beginning—a calculated move in his game to dismantle Ras Al Ghul's legacy and dragging him into the light was simply the beginning. 

Content with the sizable crowd that had gathered around the portal, Micah shifted his focus to the twin volcanoes towering overhead. With a mere thought, he teleported himself directly into their heart. In an instant, he found himself within a vast stone chamber hidden beneath the volcanic peaks.

The chamber held an eerie ambiance, its sole distinguishing feature a pool of crimson liquid—a Lazarus Pit, unique in its crimson hue, the very reason Ras Al Ghul had coveted Infinity Island and seized control of it. Micah wasted no time; he intended to drain the pit then and there.

Kneeling beside the edge of the Lazarus Pit, Micah immersed his hand in the scarlet liquid. An unsettling sensation of rejuvenation coursed through him, accompanied by faint whispers that prodded at the edges of his mind, urging him toward unspeakable deeds.

"No wonder Ras is such a psychopath..." Micah muttered under his breath, withdrawing some of the liquid into his shadow storage. Standing up, he shook his head, a troubled expression clouding his features. "As anticipated, this isn't anything good..."

With resolve, Micah activated his powers, conjuring a portal at the pit's base. In a swift motion, he drained the mystical red fluid, diverting it into the depths of space. As the pit lay emptied, spears of light materialized around Micah, their radiance collapsing the underground chamber as they crashed into the walls.

With his task accomplished, Micah teleported high above the island, retrieving his phone and dialing Arnold Wesker's number. "Hello... yes, it's been some time. No, I don't plan to assume control; you're managing admirably..." Micah's voice carried a hint of exasperation as Wesker bombarded him with inquiries.

"Before anything else, I need a favor... yes, organize a press conference for me tomorrow. Just announce it's for the company's sole owner; it should garner some attention," Micah instructed, listening as Wesker agreed to handle the arrangements.

"Alright then. I'll leave it in your capable hands... inform me of the details once they're set. Okay. Until then," Micah concluded, ending the call. Turning his gaze skyward, a mischievous grin played across his lips. "Next stop, the Justice League's Watchtower..."


The Justice League's satellite watchtower glided silently through Earth's orbit, its unseen presence a guardian against extraterrestrial threats. While the common folk and many high-ranking officials remained oblivious to its existence, it stood as a beacon of peace. As long as it remained operational, Earth remained shielded from harm. Such were the noble intentions behind its construction.

Today, it was Hal Jordan's turn to command the monitoring room, tasked with ensuring no threats slipped past the vigilant eyes of the Justice League. Amidst the hum of technology, Hal surveyed the multitude of monitors before him, anticipating another uneventful shift.

However, the tranquil atmosphere shattered abruptly as alarms blared and crimson lights bathed the room in an ominous glow. "Warning. Sensors have detected destabilization in space—potential intruders incoming via teleportation!" announced the satellite's AI.

Hal's expression twisted with concern at the unexpected alert. The satellite boasted space anchors crafted by the Guardians of the Universe themselves, rendering all forms of teleportation futile, including the advanced technology of the New Gods. 

The breach of such formidable defenses raised immediate alarm: who could bypass such advanced technology?

Before Hal could fully comprehend the situation, a gust of salty air caught his attention, prompting him to whirl around. There, a dimensional rift materialized, revealing a solitary island amidst the ocean's expanse, its twin volcanoes looming ominously.

 In a heartbeat, a lone figure emerged from the rift, hurtling towards the satellite with a determined purpose.

Reacting swiftly, Hal extended his fist, wreathing the portal in emerald light, attempting to obliterate it before the intruder could breach the sanctity of the satellite. 

Though his efforts fell short of destroying the portal outright, he succeeded in containing it within an energy barrier. Yet, as the young man closed in on the rift, he delivered a powerful blow, shattering Hal's barrier effortlessly and passing through the portal unimpeded.

Hal's disbelief quickly gave way to readiness as he prepared for confrontation. "Who are you? And what brings you here?" he demanded, his gaze fixed on the intruder amidst the flashing lights, his features obscured.

With a dismissive gesture, the young man, Micah, dispelled the portal, halting the alarms and allowing Hal to get a clear view of his features. "Relax, I'm not here to cause trouble... it's been less than two years since we met," Micah spoke calmly. 

"Or have you forgotten about me already?" he added, Rattigan, his rodent companion, peeking out from behind Micah's shoulder and greeting Hal with a wave of his paws.

Hal Jordan's eyes widened with recognition as Micah appeared before him. "You... How...?" he stammered, his mind struggling to process the unexpected encounter. 

Yet, he quickly recalled the discussions he'd had with Batman and Aquaman about this enigmatic figure, prompting him to abandon further questions. Instead, he let out a resigned sigh. "What's on your mind, kid?" he inquired, his voice laced with resignation.

Micah's response was laced with a hint of amusement as he produced a small container from his shadow storage, filled with a mysterious red liquid. "Just need a tiny favor," he said, tossing the container to Hal with a casual flick of his wrist. "I need you to help me find all signals that match this liquid on the planet with your ring scanner..." 

Catching it, Hal inspected the contents, his brow furrowing in confusion. "What exactly am I looking at?" he queried, shooting a curious glance at Micah.

"It's a sample from a Lazarus Pit... Ras Al Ghul's essence, you could say," Micah explained, his tone relaxed as he leaned against a nearby console. "Consult Batman if you need details, but the gist is I want to ruin Ras's day and destory every Lazarus Pit on the planet," he elaborated, his words carrying a touch of mischief.

Hal gave Micah a contemplative stare before utilizing his power ring to scan the red liquid in the container. "This substance possesses remarkable rejuvenating properties, but it's effects on the psyche..." he remarked, a furrow forming on his brow as he analyzed the results. 

"Alright... I'm not sure what your grudge is against Ras Al Ghul, but if you're aiming to rid Earth of this hazardous substance, then I'll gladly help," he declared, extending his ring-bearing hand towards the view of Earth visible through the observation room's window.

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