
Prologue 2


Daniel said in astonished and overwhelmed voice. However who could blame him. He just heard a bunch of totally nonsensical and fantastical words, yet has no choice but to sort of believe their true.

Taking in a deep breath and temporarily forgetting about the maker of this "system", Daniel asked the "system" words he never thought he would say out loud.

"Can you show me my status?"

[Yes host.

Name: Daniel

Age : 16

Level 1 (0/10)

Physical: 8

Mental: 7


Blessing of ????(??? Rank)

Limit break(Omniverse Rank)


Metahuman (X-gene)

Reincarnated one


Class-related gift box]

Daniel triple checked his status and triple checked it again just to be sure. "It seems despite my low stats I have some ridiculous skills and perks. After all just the fact that one is rank as ommiverse is enough to tell how that is."

Daniel said in a weirdly calm voice, contrary to his previous neutral but secretly panicking one. Daniel however seems to be clueless to this change.

"System can you explain the function of the things in my status?"


Name: self-explanatory

Age: self-explanatory

Level: self-explanatory

Physical: The overall physical capabilities of the host. Including but not excluding strength, agility, stamina and etc.

Mental: The overall mental capabilities of the host. Including but not excluding intelligence, wisdom, physic powers and etc.

Blessing of ????:

Allows the host to see the world through a game like lens. Subs skills include:

Gamers mind

Gamers body

Gamer system


Limit break:

Host is not limited to his primary universe and is able to do actions and things not bound by the common sense of any multiverse.


Host has an unawakened x-gene in his body.

Reincarnated one:

Allows for host to be hidden from any and all entities that host knows and doesn't know of. (Doesn't work for mortals or non-magical beings)

Class-related gift:

A gift box given by ???? to host to help him have a higher starting point in his endeavours.]

Daniel looked at his status and each word carefully, in order to not miss a single detail.

After a while of continuous double checking, Daniel decided to ask the question bothering all this while.

"And for what reason was I given this "opportunity" by this seemingly overpowered being?"

[ To become strong enough take his position.]


Daniel was obviously confused. Out of all the few situations he thought of being a successor wasn't one of them.

"Why me?"

[Host, why not you?]


Daniel didn't have an immediate response. Luckily Daniel didn't have to because the "system" before him.

[In fact host the first, there have been approximately 321 hosts before the current host all with the approximate goal of taking over ???? position. None succeeded however for different reasons all together. However both them and you had one thing in common.

You were chosen on random out billions of trillions of people. ???? believed in luck and fate and decided that was how ???? successor should be chosen.]


Daniel was silent after reading the final word on the miniature screen, partly because he didn't know what to say and partly because he couldn't believe that all this happened simply because of luck and chance.

"So my family in both lives, the-"

[ If host is suggesting that host family were killed by ???? then host would be mistaken. Although host and others were chosen by random, ???? only reincarnates hosts when they die not when they are chosen. While the system only and host's memories only awaken when their 18 or when a traumatic and dangerous event happens in a host's next life. Host's family death was a very unfortunate turn of events in both lives.]


Daniel was silent for a long time in order to facilitate the current sadness, grief and guilt that he feels. The negative emotions from both lives had gotten so much, so quickly that even {Gamers mind} calm him down quick enough.

Just as Daniel was contemplating ending himself, he thought of something.

"System, you will help me get unconditionally stronger right?"

[ Yes, host. That is my primary purpose.]

"Good. If I get strong enough will be capable of reviving my family?"

[Yes, host. Yes you will]

"Good,in that case let's gets things started shall we." Daniel said maniacal and crazy grin even he hadn't noticed at that point. Not that he would have cared anyway

[Good host. In that case it's time for host to choose he starting class.]

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