

There were many to choose from but Mira ended up picking the swimsuit which covers everything, it was disappointing, but Ayaka on the other hand picked a red sexy swimsuit and she looked cute in it.

"What do you think about this, Kakashi?" Ayaka asked proudly.

"It looks great on you, Ayaka" I complimented.

"What about me, Kakashi?. Do you like it?" Mira asked, she was jealous.

"Hmm, it looks fine" I said.

"Just fine!. But you said Ayaka's swimsuit looked great" Mira complained. She was drawing attention to us. "I want an equal compliment"

"He bought a swimsuit for his sister and he can even compliment her" a lady said.

"I don't blame him, he just wants to she their body, that's why" the other lady replied.

"Okay, okay" I yelled. "Your swimsuit looks awesome!!"

"Just awesome!, I want more compliments" Mira yelled.

"Give it a rest, Mira. You said you wanted to buy some clothes for Kakashi" Ayaka said. "As punishment, you can pick any clothes you want him to wear at the beach"

"The beach?" I asked.

"Yes. For the summer break, we are going to the beach" Ayaka announced. "And Mira is going to pick what you'll wear"

"I have a bad feeling about this" I said. "Then I'm going to pick a swimsuit for you to wear, any one that is more embarrassed will wear it for the rest of the day"

"You're on" Mira said. "I'm going to pick something so embarrassing that you won't be able to come out anymore"

"We'll see about that" I said and ran to find something for her to wear.

Mira did the same. Ayaka tried to stop us but was already too late.

I walked to the left side of the mall, I already knew what to choose for Mira, but I also wanted to buy a new shoes. I have been stuck with this one for almost a year now and it getting too tight.

I was looking around when I bumped into a girl. We both fell down and her stuff came crashing down on us.

"I'm so sorry" I said. I quickly stood up and helped her up. "Let me get your things for you"

"No...it's fine"

"I insist" I picked up her clothes and put them in her bag, I felt something soft in the bag. "What's this?"

I looked at it and brought it out, holding it on each end as I opened it. JACKPOT!!!!!!, It was her panties. I was surprised by it elasticity as I pulled it and release it again and again.

"Don't stretch it" She slapped me, and took it away from me. "Do... don't you... know it rude to take people....stuff without their permission?"

"I'm sorry" I apologized.

"Are....are you..hmm....the new student?" She asked shyly. "Ka....Kakashi Yami, right?"

"Yeah, how do you know my name?"

"We..hmm...we are in...hmm..the same class" she said shyly.

Man, she is really the shy type. She can't say a word without blushing.

"I'm Ku....Kurumi Yamikaze, bu.....but just call me Kurumi"

"Yamikaze huh?. So, what brings you here today, Kurumi?"

"I just....came to pick....up some stuff.... before the break" she pointed at my broken arm. "W...what happened to you?"

"I broke my arm while fighting a demon"

"Do.. does it still hurt?, I..I can heal it up... for you"

"No need. Besides, I'm feeling much better now" I said swinging my arm. "See!"

"O...okay, I..if you say so"

"Okay, I guess I'll see you later then" I waved and Walked away.



"You're new here, right?. Why..... don't I come... with you to show you around?"

"That will be great" I smiled. "Then, can you please show me where I can get some shoes?"

"Sure" she replied.

I wanted to buy a pair of shoes, it was white with red lines on it, perfect match with my uniform. But my money wasn't enough.

"I thought we're supposed to get a 50 percent off for any thing we buy" I complained.

"That only a.. applies at the academy canteen" Kurumi explained. "But, outside the academy, it's the seller choice on how much discount.... If he wants to give"

"And I'm giving you a five percent discount" the old man added.

"I don't have enough money, can't you reconsider?" I asked.

"I...if you don't have en....enough money.....I can give you some, you.... can pay me ba..back later" Kurumi offered

"Really?, Thanks, I'm really grateful"

Kurumi paid for my shoes and we left the mall. I walked her to the bus stop, I handed her her bags.

"A...are you not... coming with me?" She asked.

"I got to go back, I'm actually on a mission?"

"Is Ayaka with you?"

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

"Ohhh" she said sadly. I couldn't really read the expression on her face. "It's nothing, really. Okay, I'll on my way then. Bye"

"Same" I waved at her as she entered the bus. I was really grateful to her, now I have enough money to buy what Mira is going to wear. I ran back to the mall.

"Kakashi, where have you been?" Ayaka asked. "I been looking for you"

"I bumped into Kurumi and helped her to the bus stop"

"Ohh" Ayaka said. She had the same expression as Kurumi, what's really going on?. "Okay, we are about to leave. Did you pick what you want?"

"Yeah, but where is Mira?"

"She'll be with us soon. She is just picking up some few stuffs before we leave"


We went back to the Academy, to train at the training ground. I changed into a sports attire, it was just a white short sleeve and a black trousers. I went to the arena but Mira was still in her normal clothes. Ayaka left us with the excuse, that she going to prepare lunch.

"Aren't you supposed to change?" I asked.

"Pervert, you wanted to see me in the sexy sports attire, well that's too bad" she said and smirk, " if you are able to land just one hit, maybe I'll wear any swimsuit you pick for me"

"Woah, seriously?" I smiled happily, "then I'll try my best, but don't blame me if I go too hard on you"

"Really?" She smiled.

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