
A Hero Rises (Chapter 1)

"This is Blake, on channel six news. We are currently at the scene of a Big sinkhole that is in the process of swallowing a whole six-story hotel. There has been a hero dispatched though the identity of which is unknown"

Remy, around sixteen years of age, stared deep into the TV with intense admiration, wishing to become a hero himself. In the upcoming week, he'd be trying out to enter the prestigious hero school Seacoast university. The school travels across the country trying to recruit the best of the best. There are hundreds of participants per year in the tryouts.

"Oh wait, we are now receiving that the hero is…" continued the reporter

The boy snaps out of a trance as his phone rings.

-" Hello"

-" Hey, are you on your way to the skatepark?"

-" Shit, I almost forgot"

The boy prepared his lunch as he ran off to go meet his friend. As he ran out the door he looked to the sky, his future exciting him as he sped up, knowing he's late. Remy was making his way to the skate park when he heard a girl scream, followed by screeching tires soon after. Remy's senses started yelling at him to save the girl.

"Watch out!" Remy immediately jumped into the way of the oncoming truck, tucking the girl into his arms as he braces for impact, however, when he opens his eyes again the girl and him are safe. Seeing everything is okay, he puts down the girl, asking:

-"Are you okay, Do you know what happened?"

-"Yes," she said shakily. "A hero maybe?"

-" Who, or whatever it was I'm glad that everything is okay though!" Remy says enthusiastically "Do you know where you're parents, do you need help?"

-" Yeah I'm fine." she said

After checking that she is fine he ran off to the skate park in a hurry to make up lost time.

Remy arrives cheerfully at the park and runs over to his good friend, Nathan, who he's known since he was a child. He was enthusiastic, funny, and somehow always seemed to have a smile on his face. He was carrying two skateboards and was waiting patiently for Remy to arrive. As soon as Remy saw his friend he bolted over, enthusiastically.

-"Nate!" Remy exclaimed

-"Hey bud, I see you forgot your board, Fret not, for I brought an extra for you!" Nate exclaimed

-"yeah, I guess I Forgot again, I owe you!" Remy laughed a little, taking the board and getting ready to go skating. Nate let out a small chuckle, as he stood up from his bench to go join his friend.

" Yo, check this out!" Nate shouted as he hit a trick on the half-pipe, that impressed all the other skaters at the skate park.

" Impressive" Remy said getting ready to go next.

After the game of HORSE, Nate won showing off his higher skateboard skills. After the boys both laughed off the game, they grew weary after an hour or so of skating, so they went to get a couple of drinks from the local gas station. Along the way Nate stopped to say:

-" Are you excited to try out for Seacoast hero academy?"

-"It's prestigious do you think we'll make it?"

-" Yeah I hear the other contestants are a bunch of chumps, don't worry we'll show them what we're made of!" Nate said about to explode from excitement. "By the way, I know a short cut," he said as he led them down an alley

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