
Dawn of Redemption: The Last Stand

In the dying days of Earth, humanity's final hope rests in the distant promise of a habitable planet named Sol. "Dawn of Redemption: The Last Stand" follows Private Samuel Valkan and his diverse team on the starship Verde as they journey to Sol, tasked with preparing it for human habitation. However, Sol is not the paradise they envisioned. Stranded and facing untamed wilderness, indigenous species, and internal strife, the crew grapples with moral dilemmas, ancient mysteries, and the unyielding human spirit. As they navigate challenges, the story unfolds themes of resilience, adaptation, and the lengths humanity will go for survival against overwhelming odds. Will Valkan and his team fulfill their mission, or will Sol's challenges become insurmountable, dooming Earth's last remnants? Explore a tale of sacrifice, legacy, and the quest for a new beginning in this interstellar epic.

Blackflamingo · Khoa huyễn
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11 Chs

Chapter 6: Back to basics

Struggling to regulate his breath, Samuel attempted to create some distance, but Jack, aware of his opponent's stamina limitations, saw an opportunity to capitalize and press for victory. Samuel, feeling the weight of exhaustion dragging him down, questioned whether surrender was the sensible choice. His body, on the verge of collapse, seemed to scream in protest.

As the world around him began to blur, a sudden eruption of ringing noises penetrated Samuel's consciousness. The cacophony intensified, echoing loudly within his mind, threatening to drown out all coherent thoughts. An anxious expression etched across his face, Samuel glanced up to find Jack closing in for what appeared to be a decisive blow.

The ringing reached a deafening crescendo, causing Samuel's surroundings to warp and time to slow to a crawl. In that suspended moment, Samuel's instincts kicked in without conscious thought. A surge of energy coursed through him as he ducked beneath the oncoming straight punch, seamlessly countering with a cross that landed squarely on Jack's unsuspecting jaw.

The impact sent Jack sprawling backward, momentarily stunned by the unexpected counter. He quickly regained his footing, shaking his head in disbelief at having been caught off guard by the resurgent Samuel. The sudden turn of events added a dynamic twist to the spar, leaving both fighters recalibrating their strategies in the wake of the unforeseen counterattack.

In the aftermath of the unexpected counter, Jack, a mix of surprise and admiration in his eyes, couldn't help but mutter, "I wouldn't expect anything less from you." The acknowledgment lingered in the air as both fighters recalibrated their strategies.

Eager to press his advantage, Jack dove back into the fray, but Samuel, feeling the weight of exhaustion, found it challenging to initiate forward movement. He beckoned Jack to approach, strategically inviting him into his space. However, Jack, ever perceptive, sensed something amiss. He noticed the mechanical nature of Samuel's left leg, a detail that heightened his focus.

As Jack unleashed a barrage of attacks, Samuel, in a tactical move, feigned a counterattempt, aiming to make Jack step back. Seizing the opportunity, Samuel swiftly followed through with a punch driven by his left leg. Yet, Jack, anticipating the unexpected, deftly deflected the incoming strike. Capitalizing on Samuel's vulnerability, Jack retaliated with a precise liver hook, punishing him for his audacity. The blow sent Samuel crumpling to the ground.

The crowd erupted with cheers as the AI declared the end of the intense spar. Jack walked over to Samuel, who lay on the ground, catching his breath. Sitting beside him, Jack offered a rare moment of sincerity, "Don't tell anyone, but I'm glad to have you back, man." Samuel chuckled weakly, "Are you only saying that because you finally beat me?"

Jack joined in the laughter but shook his head, "You know what I mean. Without you, how many of us would have come back alive? I'm a father now, and I couldn't bear the thought of not seeing my kids grow up."

Samuel remained silent, searching for words. Just then, members from the east wing entered the training area, and a familiar voice teased, "Hey, old man, shouldn't you go easy? Don't want that back hurting now, do we?" It was Adam, accompanied by fellow Ferret unit members. Jack, standing up, retorted, "Since when is thirty-four considered old?"

Dr. Vice, who had followed the group, interrupted with a stern tone, "Enough. Adam, report to Lieutenant Karlenki and ensure an accurate briefing on the simulation." Adam, now serious, led his group away. Jack, watching them go, eventually left as well, returning to his duties and leaving Samuel alone on the floor, still recovering.

Five minutes passed in absolute silence before Samuel slowly rose from the ground, frowning at the pain. He made his way to the restroom, encountering Dr. Vice, who observed him without saying a word before leaving. Unperturbed, Samuel continued to the restroom, where he opted for a cold shower, venting his frustration.

After the shower, Samuel returned to the locker room with a towel draped over his shoulder. As he opened his locker, a digital display showcased moving pictures of him with nine unfamiliar faces and Adam, all in Ferret uniforms, smiling and posing for the camera. He lightly touched the image, knocking twice on his locker. After retrieving his communicator, he muttered, "Back to basics," and walked away.

In Lieutenant Karlenki's office, three individuals stood on the opposite side of his desk: Adam, Reina, and Captain Boyd Hutterson of the black Ravens.

Lieutenant Karlenki leaned back in his chair, eyeing Adam, Reina, and Captain Boyd Hutterson with a mix of curiosity and seriousness. "Impressive work in the simulation, Adam. Your team showed exceptional skills under pressure. I've seen the footage, and it's commendable."

Adam nodded a hint of pride in his expression. "Thank you, sir. We've been working hard to fine-tune our coordination and response times."

Reina chimed in, "The simulated environment really pushed us to think on our feet. It was a good test."

Lieutenant Karlenki tapped his fingers on the desk, considering the details. "Now, onto the new mission. We've received intel about a cargo wreck that might have survivors. Retrieving missing individuals is your primary objective."

Captain Boyd Hutterson, a seasoned veteran, interjected, "Survivors in a cargo wreck? Any specifics on the situation?"

Lieutenant Karlenki nodded. "Yes, it seems the cargo wreck is in a zone with potential hostiles. The simulation showed Adam's team's prowess in handling such scenarios, and that's why I've chosen them for this mission. However, Captain Hutterson, your expertise in extraction will be crucial. We need to bring everyone back safely."

Boyd Hutterson gave a confident nod. "Understood, Lieutenant. We'll ensure a smooth extraction. Adam, Reina, and your team will focus on locating and securing the survivors. Our Raven unit will handle the extraction process."

Adam acknowledged, "We've got it covered, sir. We'll coordinate seamlessly for a successful mission."

Reina added, "And we'll make sure to adapt to any unexpected challenges. This is what we've trained for.

Lieutenant Karlenki leaned forward, providing more context. "The cargo in question contains a highly experimental and valuable medical resource known as Celestial Serum. It has the potential to revolutionize medical treatments, particularly in regenerative medicine."

He continued, "The team on that cargo ship consists of renowned researchers in the field—Dr. Elara Novak is a leading geneticist; Dr. Marcus Thorne is an expert in bioengineering; and Dr. Lila Chen is a brilliant pharmacologist. They were transporting the Celestial Serum to a research facility in the outskirts of Kreeloria's BioSphere, where they intended to conduct groundbreaking experiments."

Captain Boyd Hutterson nodded, understanding the gravity of the mission. "So, the Celestial Serum could be a game-changer in medical science. No wonder it's a top priority."

Lieutenant Karlenki affirmed, "Exactly. Our sources indicate that the cargo ship experienced technical difficulties and had to make an emergency landing. The last communication we received suggested they might be in the BioSphere, near a region known for its unique flora and fauna, which could pose challenges for both the researchers and any potential rescue mission."

Boyd Hutterson inquired, "How large is the area we're looking at? Any specific coordinates?"

Lieutenant Karlenki handed over a holographic map. "The BioSphere is vast, but our intel points to the ship's emergency beacon activating in this sector. Adam's team will pinpoint the location, and Captain Hutterson, your Raven unit, will handle the extraction. Time is of the essence, considering the importance of the cargo and the potential threats in the BioSphere."

With a clear understanding of the mission's critical nature, the team left Lieutenant Karlenki's office, ready to embark on a mission that held the key to groundbreaking medical advancements.

Lieutenant Karlenki let out a heavy sigh as he watched the new generation exit his office. Under his breath, he murmured, "Godspeed."

Meanwhile, in Samuel's room, the atmosphere was calm as he savored some noodles in a cup. Unexpectedly, a knock echoed through the room. Samuel opened the door, finding Adam on the other side. "Can we talk?" Adam's request caught Samuel off guard, but he welcomed him in. "Yea, of course, come in. Want some noodles?" Samuel offered, but Adam declined with a subtle shake of his head.

With a thoughtful expression, Samuel insisted, "Are you sure? They're pretty tasty, you know." The air grew tense as Adam glanced over the question. Breaking the silence, he revealed, "I'm going on a mission in two days, man." The weight of those words lingered in the room, creating a palpable sense of gravity between the two friends.