
Chapter 4: Building Foundations [2]


A warm breeze greeted me as soon as I took a step outside the mansion. From the view here, it seems that this place is on a very high or elevated place.

The empty road devoid of any people nor vehicles was shown. Speaking of the word "desolate", the very description of this mansion fits that well.

There was only one building besides this mansion located of this place. This place was also included in the residential area although it's location was quite far from the other structures and was isolated for this place could be considered to be in the outskirts of the city.

"This is still Tengu City as far as how the place look like from below"

I can confirm it with such certainty. Tengu City after all has a unique look and geography.

"I already saw this many times in the anime and some illustrations but still, it feels quite weird looking at it in person"

'Not that it is bad though' I added in my thoughts.

I took a short stroll around the area to observe the perimeter if there was anything notable to take note off. While doing this, I saw some burnt or rather, glazed spots which still gives a little bit of smoke.

"This is where they were shot at... Well, that confirms my business here"

After a brief moment, I then walk back towards the basement, the place where I warped out from. Observing the dead corpses on the side of the room, I checked the conditions of their body and noticed that.... they were just killed recently since their body still has warmth on it.

I swiftly roamed around the house after that in order to identify who these people were. After a bit of roaming the house and rummaging through some of their things, I then found about who they were.

Yukiko Ainsworth

Rei Ainsworth

Tyson Ainsworth

Those were the names of the people I found back from the basement. Yuriko who was obviously the woman and the mother of the two which was Rei, the teenager and Tyson, the small child. Also, they seem to be of mixed with foreign descent except for Yuriko who was probably a pure japanese person based on her profiles and looks that I gathered.

Yuriko was a single mother who doesn't have any occupation 'at the moment' due to the numerous amount of resume and job application cards in her possession. She is 32 years old and just recently moved into this city. She was probably trying to get a job in the city after finishing settling in in this new home of theirs.

Tyson, who was the small child and the youngest sibling was just 4 years of age. A half. Above that, nothing else worthy to take mention off.

And lastly, this one intrigued me the most.

Rei, who was the eldest son was 16 years old and a student who has already made an application form to go to Raizen Highschool this school year as a transfer student. He has looks that resembles mine except for the fact that he has shoulder length grayish hair compared to my long silver one that stretches down to my lower body. Still, this coincidence sure is surprising even for me.

Overall, I look a bit much taller than him and my aura was the complete opposite of his as for he shows off an aura of friendliness or some sort when I saw some photos of him kept in their things... while me.... is the opposite.

"Obviously... What if I...?"

Then I thought that if I came sooner, I could've saved them. But alas they were dead and I think there is no point of lamenting too much for their loss for me as an individual.

They were strangers to me in the first place. Technically you wouldn't have cared if someone you don't know trips in a corner and slams their head on the ground. Normally, you would've not care so much or only help them out as an act of 'courtesy' to show that you are a well and good mannered individual in society.

For I, who was late to come here, wondered how would've it been if they were still alive back when I arrived or if I arrived sooner than usual?

Still, thinking about this things seems to be useless now.

At the end of the day, what is done is done and I think this type of situations is something that even I couldn't change.

"They wouldn't blame me for their deaths, would they?" I muttered as I let out a wry laugh. Seriously, I just thought about this useless thing to ease myself down.

But now, things can get somewhat convenient for me. Taking a glance at the corpses which I lined up right in front of me, I took a firm gaze right at Rei who was currently in the most pitiful state with their body.

"... I'll at least make sure that you all get a simple burial, since from now on I will take possession over your name and identity."

Looking at Rei's dead body, I stood with gratitude as relayed my message which he would never hear.

"That's why you should rejoice my friend, my name starting from now will be your name, Rei Ainsworth, and I will continue to live in this world as you moving onwards to the future"

And so, after that, I began to start getting my foundations built on.


[Time Skip]

It has been almost a month since when I made my first appearance in this world and many had changed.

My new identity now is Rei Ainsworth, a 16 year old boy trying to live his life to the fullest.

Having acquired this new name, I decided to throw my old one. My old name really sounds like shit if you call my whole name after all that's why getting this new name and identity made me happy.

As for how I did that, me and the original Rei really looked much alike and checking some of my bio and registering new information in the privacy division office in the city was quite an easy task.

Moving on, I made a small graveyard located several meters from the mansion. This is what I could only do as a thanks for the benefits that I got when I took their riches, mansion, other stuff, and Rei's identity for mine.

Several things happened after that day.

I began to renovate and manage stuff in this mansion which is has two-storey floors and a basement underneath.

Things such as clothing, food, and supplies were already present here which saved me a lot of hassle on the way. And speaking of clothing, it seems that I could use my reiryoku just like Tohka's to form a custom made uniform out of nothing. Convenient, really much so.

After that, I took several part time jobs as a part of my income to maintain the mansion's electricity and water bills, not that I am going to use them that much though. But in the future, it would, so getting some extra money coming from part time jobs added with the money that the thugs brought made my financial status on the green for now.

As they say, 'In Rome, do what Romans do'. So I studied and slowly blended in the society here in Tengu City slowly day by day and it sure brought some results. I even made some acquaintances which could be enough to solidify my position that I exist here as a 'person'.

Also, I tried to re educate myself with the limited amount of time I have to learn all about the necessary knowledge that I should have in order to survive and blend properly in this world and society. Reading through some books in highschool grade, reading articles about what's happening nowadays, learning about the trends and events this time of the year and many more.

Speaking of studying, I took some time in practicing and studying my powers. It really took a toll on me specially on my mental health for understanding some concepts which are very difficult to comprehend.

In order to use my [Space] ability to a higher and more accurate degree, it seems that I need to know 'coordinates' or placement which differentiates with the legends X, Y, and Z.

Understanding and utilizing my [Space] power using concept and calculations compared in using it instinctively was extremely difficult.

I wonder whether I could ask help for that Old Funk who uses... what is it again?

Ah, the Kaleidoscope. Though this is impossible, there still no problems of wishing about it, right? Who knows who might grant this?


Enough with the nonsense. Continuing on, I strived to do the best of what I could in order to train and get used to this abilities of mine. And the progress is... fine I guess.

No, let's be honest, the progress was quite slow. It felt like I was an infant trying his best to learn how to stand and walk...

I didn't have any 'System' or some sort that could help me with this. Also, what do you expect in a short amount of time which is a month.

If your thinking this is easy, then damn you. Unlike what I've read in novels, reincarnated people like me would always learn anything like a freakin sponge and be able to use their abilities with mastery after just one or two tries! But luck seemed to have cursed me, I need to learn them manually without any support or help.

As they say, knowledge is wealth, so I needed information that could help me practice my abilities. But it was really difficult since gathering reliable and numerous information was very out of the scopes of my abilities for now.

I lived those days peacefully setting my foundations all over the place.... is what I would've wish it could've been but reality sure is shitty.

From time to time, some AST members tried to ambush me. Of course, I survived and thought that I should just scare them aware not to bother me...

How naive that is, is what I realized at a later date. When I did that, they just brought more and increase their numbers as they tried to eliminate me.

With shower of assaults raining one after another every few days, it got to the point where I retaliated quite aggressively. At some point, I began to blast some of their limbs and even 'accidentally' killed a few of them when they get out of hand.

I even wondered how could they even find me even though I am not using reiryoku nor my astral form. Though I did use some reiryoku and my Angel during some of my training, I didn't summon my Astral Dress nor released all of my powers enough to notify it the space quake alarms since I didn't even make a space quake appearance.

It came to the point where I always use my [Gate] or portal to always go back home for them to be unable to track my location.

Ah. If you are wondering, [Gate] was the only stable ability that I could utilize without much trouble, the reason for that is it was the natural trait of [Spirit]'s to be able to make something like a portal, the catch of that natural trait though is the damage they would cause by forming a 'space quake'.

And there are Spirits that are able to manifest without causing space quakes or even if they do, it wouldn't be strong enough to cause damage or notify the space quake alarms.

The Spirit that I knew who could do that was Kurumi Tokisaki AKA Nightmare. Another example of those was Natsumi Kyouno AKA Witch and Nia Honjou AKA Sister and other more.

In Natsumi and Nia's case, their lack of strength or destructive power to produce a strong spatial quake that could activate the spatial quake alarms unless caused forcefully or intentionally.

In Kurumi's case though, it would be more plausible to say that she could control her power, angel, and reiryoku the best compared to other Spirits, that is why it should be possible for her to control the damage of her Astral Dress manifestation to an extent where it would not cause damage to her surroundings.

Back to the topic, you could say that I, who just recently became a Spirit still couldn't control my abilities stably compared to those of Kurumi's and the other Spirits. That's why I still create small spatial quakes whenever I try to summon my in my [Astral Dress] and [Angel] whose names were still unknown for me after all this time.

So far, I could utilize my abilities such as using [Gate] as a means of spatial transportation which is very convenient whether in combat or daily usage.

I could use telekinesis or psychokinesis without any complications.

I could use well the floating blasters which has their own ego being capable to understand commands which is extremely helpful and useful for me.

Another one is that I am trying to make something akin to that of a [Reality Marble] using my [Space] ability which are showing only tiny results since the best I could do for now was make a small pocket dimension to store objects.

Lastly, it seems that I could subconsciously summon a elegant purple longsword with a black handle and golden sword guard that has the ability to generate purple flames that burns almost anything not even leaving dust behind it.

The problem of that is I can't control it properly which led me burning a small portion in the outskirts of the city until I blasted it off with my blasters. As a result which brought even more destruction in exchange of extinguishing the flames that could've spread all around there. It gave my location to the AST leading them to try and eliminate me once more.

Obviously, after that situation was led to a fight which ended practically only a minute or so.


[Current Time]

Sitting on a chair and enjoying the view of the city in the veranda, I took a sip of the juice and I listed and checked what I should do onwards as I summarized the results of my so called 'foundations' right at the moment.

To summarize, the base of it first was solidifying my position as a part of human society, having a source of income of money, having a base or headquarters of some sort... on short, a house...or rather a mansion, training my Spirit Abilities as best as I could under the looming threat of ambushes almost any where around. There are still many more that I did but that is not worth mentioning since it is only some minor deeds and tasks that had to be done.

With that said, the date today is April 8th, a few days early before 'she' makes her appearance.

"I should finish up my preparations soon enough. I wonder what would happen if I disrupt and change the plot this early? I can't wait to see the result of that"

This is one long chap and I bet some errors would slip all over the place. Pls comment so that I can correct it and give stones and reviews!

Next chap would be released exactly 3 days later.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

Wryyyyyyyycreators' thoughts
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