
There's a ghost

 The wind in July is blowing.

 Nearing the third watch, the sky was covered with a layer of ink, and the color was disturbed by the moonlight covering the edges.

 The beautiful night glowed with boundless light, and the treetops deep inside were swaying in the wind.

 The air in the room was thin and chilly. The stiff bedboard carried the weight of a girl. Her petite body was curled up, and there were no wrinkles in the bed underneath.

 With the faint white moonlight outside the window, the blowing wind clung to the roller blinds. After the curtains were blown open, a white face could be seen, as thin as paper.


 The wind suddenly stopped. The girl opened her eyelids and faced the dark ceiling. In the blink of an eye, she rolled up the thick quilt and wrapped her head.


 Su Qian moved here not long ago with her sister.

 Just last week, a horrific murder occurred in this building. When the police arrived, the room was filled with the smell of blood. The victim's head was cut off and hung on a clothes hanger.

 Afterwards, the residents were worried about bad feng shui, so they moved one out every now and then.

 However, her sister valued the cheapness of the house and dragged her to live in it.

 Life in a new house is not pleasant, and the saying about bad feng shui may be true, as many strange things happen one after another.

 The kitchen cabinets would shake for no reason, the dishes would be knocked down, and there would be a pile of eye-catching glass shards on the floor.

 The potted plant that had been left untouched by the door was found under the table the next day.

 The light bulb that had just been replaced the day before yesterday suddenly became cramped at night, and the light covering the living room flickered on and off.

 My sister only regarded these as accidents, but Su Qian felt that this house was very strange. What kind of accident could cause the cabinet to vibrate and even the dishes to fall?

 This is not an earthquake.

 The more she thought about it, the more something was wrong. She rolled up the quilt and kicked off the bed.

 When her bare feet hit the cold floor, she remembered kicking her slippers under the bed before going to bed.

 Su Qian endured the coldness coming from her toes, groped the somewhat hot bed, and picked up the flashlight beside the pillow.

 There was a click.

 Her delicate fingers covered the doorknob, and she opened the door with a twist of her fingertips.

 Su Qian and her sister's rooms were located next to the living room, separated by an aisle passing through the living room. There was an arc-shaped table in the living room.

 She walked towards the opposite room, the flashlight focused its light, and as she got closer and closer to the door, she faintly noticed that there was a thin crack in the door panel.

 The door is open?

 She remembered that her sister would close the door before going to bed.

 Without any time to think about it, Su Qian tentatively stretched out his hand and put it on the doorknob to push it open in one go, when a voice unexpectedly sounded from behind him.

 "Xiao Qian, why aren't you asleep yet?"

 It's my sister.

 She instinctively relaxed her guard and turned her head. The flashlight turned around and the light fell on a pair of slippers.

 Climbing up the rock along the contours of the shoes, I saw an all-too-familiar face.

 My sister wore a simple suspender skirt, her tall body leaning against the gray wall.

 The light of the flashlight is so strong, but this wall is extremely clean, so clean that there is nothing but a patch of light.

 "Why is sister here?"

 "I can't sleep. Come out and get some air."

 The elder sister looked a little tired. She lifted up her slightly loose skirt and pressed her eyebrows. Her lacquer-colored eyes were like Hao Ye with its star marks wiped away, but her gaze became softer.

 "Can't you sleep, Xiao Qian? Come on, give your sister a hug."

 Same words as always.

 As gentle as ever.

 Nothing seems wrong.

 If it weren't for the light... Su Qian stood on tiptoes, raised the flashlight high, and hit her sister with her head.

 This was something she would never have dared to imagine before.


 This man has no shadow! Not her sister!

 Seeing the flashlight approaching, "Sister" swayed quickly, and the flashlight passed in front of her and hit the table behind her with a sharp sound.


 Su Qian slapped her face violently, kept calm, pushed open the door and fell into the room behind her.

 She quickly locked the door before the impostor could catch up with her.

 Just as her tense face relaxed, a stiff thing rolled down to her feet. She bent down and touched it. The moment she touched the hair, she became numb.

 This is clearly my sister's...

 "Xiao Qian! Why did you close the door?

Xiao Qian! Open the door for sister!"

 It was as if her brain was used as a keyboard. The violent banging of the door hit her cold nerves, and the fear of fear crushed her from beginning to end without reservation.

 It forced her to lose her mind.


 Around three o'clock in the morning, cries for help came and went, constantly overshadowing the fierce competition of sparks. The hot windows touched the curtain body, and the debris that had no time to fall was occupied by the wild fire. The scene was terrifyingly spectacular...


 When Su Qian was freed from fear, she was already on the hospital bed.

 She thought she would never forget this scene.

 The pungent smell of disinfectant filled the air, and pale light hung above.

 Two men in uniforms walked solemnly to her bed, their broad bodies casting a shadow over her, and they told everything in a stiffer voice than a machine.


 She was forced to learn a new word. The moment she raised her head after hearing the words, they looked at each other with forbearing eyes.

 "You were lucky to be rescued from the fire."

 "Live well, the police officer will definitely catch the bad guy who killed your sister."

 They guarantee that.

 Su Qian moved her dry lips and said in a hoarse voice: "It's not a human being..."

 The policeman who was trying to comfort her suspected that he had heard wrongly and frowned: "What?"

 Tears fell quietly, and she raised her hand to grab the clothes of one of them. The bloodless face was like a fragile porcelain doll, and the corners of the white mouth were twisted.

 "...There's a ghost."

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