
Return (Part-1)

-Iwagakure no Sato-

Iwagakure No Sato was a village made of stone, surrounded by a mountain range and waterfalls.

The buildings were carved out from the very same mountains of the region, making them like towers, and due to its hill-like structures, the paths between them had to be connected with bridges. The village had business of all kinds, with civilians and ninja going on about their daily routine.

As one of the great five ninja villages, it was a sight to behold.

And currently, their leader the Tsuchikage was eating in a small barbecue restaurant celebrating with his son, Kitsuchi; his bodyguard and family friend, Akatsuchi; and finally his granddaughter, Kurotsuchi.

''Akatsuchi, try to leave some barbecue for the rest of us. Even I may not be able to pay for all the food you eat'' Said the ruler of Iwa.

"I'm sorry Tsuchikage-Sama, I'm just making the most out of this. Is not every day that you offer to pay for everyone's meal'' Said the voracious boy.

''Well, this is a special occasion after all. Kurotsuchi has been waiting a long time for her Jounin promotion'', said Kitsuchi, Onoki's son

''Took you long enough to promote me, gramps. You know damn well I'm one of the best Shinobi in the village'' Said Kurotsuchi smugly. She was a young woman of seventeen -almost eighteen- years of age. The same age as that of Okami.

''Your head is hard as stone and your ego is too big for your own good. It's just your skills are very good for Jonin, or with your Judgement capabilities, you wouldn't be one"

''Yeah, yeah. Just you wait, old man, I'm gonna take your job before you know it. I'm just getting started by becoming Jounin. In fact, I bet I could beat most Jounin in Iwa''

''you just proved his point, Kurotsuchi'' thought Akatsuchi with a sweatdrop on his head and a deadpan expression.

Onoki huffed in indignation at Kurotsuchi's careless attitude. ''That's exactly why I didn't want to promote you just yet... If you keep acting like that, your arrogance will be your downfall, before you know it''

-Later that day-

Kurotsuchi sat on her bed as the late afternoon sunlight came through her window.

She had a sad look in her eyes while she looked at a picture frame in her hands. The picture was that of a woman holding a baby, she looked strikingly similar to Kurotsuchi; in fact, if it hadn't been for her long hair and her more mature look she could have been a carbon copy of Kurotsuchi. A very Little and cute girl stood near her. Looking at the bundle in her arms like some kind of unique product. In the picture, she had a serene but joyful smile while she gazed at a small bundle in her arms that could only be a baby.

The tomboy just kept stroking her fingers on the borders of the frame, wondering what would her mother say if she could see how far she had come in her Shinobi career. ''I got promoted, mom. Jounin, just the same as you'' she sorrowfully tough with a sad smile as she kept staring longingly at the image of her mother. ''Wherever you and brother are, I hope you both are watching me. On my honor, I swear I'll make you both proud of me'' Thought the girl with sadness.

Damn Konoha for what they did! and damn that Yellow Flash for taking away her mother and her brother.

"You know, you look exactly like your mother", came a voice

"Dad", she wiped her tears

Kitsuchi chuckled and rubbed his daughter's head.


"Yes dear"

"Can you tell me more about mom?"

The man gently smiled, "sure"

The man told her anything he didn't tell her yet.

And while listening, her eyes felt Misty. As she felt rage at Konoha for taking her mom and little brother with them.

''Iwa should make Konoha pay for their sins, dad. We are strong, we could crush Konoha. The Yellow Flash is not there anymore to save them this time. We should make them feel the same suffering that we do. Blood should be repaid in blood'' Said the girl darkly with a fierce look in her eyes.

''We have talked about this before, Kurotsuchi. Konoha also lost a lot of people in the war. The damage both nations sustained was so great that I'm just glad we are still standing at all''

The young woman's anger just grew at her father's words. ''how can you leave them off the hook after all they did to us, dad'' Thought the girl in repressed rage.''How can you forgive them so easily!? Are you fine just leaving everything like this? Maybe you didn't care about mom and brother as much as you-''

The strength of the slap that interrupted Kurotsuchi was enough for it to be heard in the whole house. She lifted a gloved hand to her reddening cheek as she looked at her dad with a shocked expression.

''He is dead, Your mother's and Brother's killer is dead Kurotsuchi. Yellow flash is gone. His entire family is gone. You should leave innocents out of this. They have family as well. I miss your mother like you can't even imagine. Your Grandfather still cries for hours over your brother's grave. But we are not monsters. We don't spill the blood of innocents, my daughter"


"She was the love of my life. But, it is precisely because I loved her so much that I know the pain of loss and I would never wish to put our people through the horrors of war again!'' Kitsuchi said.

The rage in Kurotsuchi was so strong now that she finally snapped at him. ''You and gramps are just cowards! If I ever become Tsuchikage I will do what we should have done a long time ago and give Konoha what it deserves! Destruction''

Instead of hitting her again as Kurotsuchi expected, Kitsuchi just stared at her with the biggest look of disappointment he had ever given to her. ''Maybe dad is right. With that attitude, you don't deserve to be Tsuchikage'' And with that, Kitsuchi just turned and walked out of her room, leaving Kurotsuchi alone and seething with anger.

''Fine! You can keep being Konoha's bitch for all I care!'' She then took a step forward and smashed the door shut as soon as her father left, before throwing herself at her bed and buried her face in her pillow, staining it with wrath-induced tears. ''just you wait, I'll become Tsuchikage one day and I will burn Konoha to the ground''

[Geez, Teenagers, always a pain in the ass]


-The Tsuchikage's Office-

''Speak, Hawk. It's been a long day, so out with it'' Demanded the tired old man Onoki.

The ANBU got on one knee and lowered his head as a sign of respect to his leader. ''Forgive my late intrusion Tsuchikage-Sama, but I have urgent news for your ears only''

Onoki raised an eyebrow in curiosity at that. ''Is that so? And what would this urgent news be if I might ask?''

''Our spies reported that Konoha's intelligence head, Jiraiya of the Sannin is heading deep into the Land of Lightning along with his pupil'' Reported the ANBU in a monotone voice.

The Tsuchikage looked unimpressed and at the border of exasperation. ''I fail to see what is so urgent about it. I don't care what Jiraiya does, and he is in the Land of Lightning, let Kumo deal with it. It's not our problem''

''What is important to note is his apprentice. He is training the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki'' Continued the ANBU.

Now, that got Onoki's attention. ''The Kyuubi you say?''

"Yes Tsuchikage sama"

''I see... so? what's so important in it''

''There is another detail and is perhaps the most important. Our spies have managed to find out that the boy not only is the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki, but also the only child of Konoha's Yellow Flash himself'' Continued the ANBU in the same even voice.

The Tsuchikage's eyes bulged out of his head at the news and got up on his chair with a single jump.

''What did you say!? The Yellow Flash's son? are you sure about this!?'' Asked the old man with urgency.

The ANBU stood up and pulled an envelope out of his flak jacket and handed it to him. ''That is a picture of the boy, the resemblance is uncanny''

The Tsuchikage hastily grabbed the envelope and pulled out the photograph. He stared wide-eyed and agape at what he was seeing. ''Is like seeing a ghost! he is practically identical to the Yellow Flash!''

''If that wasn't enough, Our Intelligence department also found out that he was born fifteen years ago, on October tenth. The same day the Kyuubi attacked Konoha, The day Yellow flash entire family was killed''

Now Onoki had no doubt in his mind that he was the Yellow Flash's son. ''Do you know anything about the boy's abilities?''

''It is to our knowledge that he possesses the Summoning Contract with the toads, and already mastered the Yellow Flash's original Jutsu: the Rasengan. Jiraiya was the one who trained the Yellow Flash, after all, it is to be expected that he would want the man's son to follow in his footsteps''

The diminutive Tsuchikage had a scowl on his face and was grinding his teeth at what could be the second coming of Konoha's Yellow Flash, the same man that almost single-handedly turned the last war in Konoha's favor; the very same man that killed a thousand Iwa Shinobi in a single battle.

The man that killed his daughter in law, and his toddler Grandson.

That ruthless monster... Minato Namikaze. He would not let anyone else turned into that monster again.

''Good job for bringing this to me. You are dismissed''

The ANBU gave a bow to his leader and exited the office, leaving the Tsuchikage to his thoughts.


-Mountain range of Iwagakure-

Outside of Iwagakure and just far enough to avoid the village patrols, two men waited. They both wore black cloaks with red clouds and were using conical straw hats.

However, one was a hunched figure that you could only see the upper half of his face as his lower half was covered with a piece of cloth. He also had what appeared to be a long, metallic scorpion-like tail that came out of the back of his robe.

The other figure was a young blond man with long hair that he kept in a high ponytail, and had a long bang hanging over his left eye. But the one trait that really drew attention was what appeared to be a mouth in each of his hands.

''What is taking him so long? I hate to be kept waiting'' Said the shorter one with a deep hoarse voice.

''You should really learn some patience, Sasori no Danna. After all, with that body, you have all the time in the world'' Said the blond man to his partner with a cheeky grin.

''Shut up Deidara, I'm not in the mood to be listening to your prattle'' Said Sasori with irritation to his partner.

''So touchy. You know, being so close to home makes me a bit nostalgic. I wouldn't mind leveling a building or two to remind my countrymen of the magnificence of my art'' Said Deidara while playing with some clay to pass the time.

''That trash you do with your clay isn't art. Art is everlasting, is something that can be admired for generations to come. And I told you to shut up'' Repeated Sasori.

''Your puppets are okay I guess, but nothing compares to the beauty of the power of an explosion. Hearing people's screams of terror as their houses crumble down just brings a tear to my eye'' Said Deidara, waving off off Sasori's previous comment.

Sasori was about to lash out at Deidara for once again failing to be silent when suddenly the same ANBU that had been with the Tsuchikage just an hour ago arrived in a Shunshin(Body Flicker).

''Took you long enough. How did it go?'' Asked the puppeteer at the Iwa ANBU.

The sleeper agent turned his head at Sasori and stared straight at him trough his porcelain mask and responded with a monotone voice. ''The Tsuchikage seems to have taken the bait. I expect him to mobilize against the Kyubi soon''

''How I would have loved to see old man Onoki flipping his shit when he found out about the boy'' said Deidara giving a small laugh.

''Then everything went according to plan. Return to your post, we are done here'' Sasori dismissed his sleeper agent and the ANBU went away the same way he had come.

''Now, all that is left to do is wait for the perfect moment. If everything goes well we might just snag us three Biju at once'' Stated Deidara.

''You can wait by yourself. I'm not staying here. I'll come back later when the time to act is right'' Said Sasori, turning away and walking in the opposite direction.

''Wait up, Sasori no Danna, we still have to report to leader-Sama. Hey, Sasori no Danna are you listening to me?'' Deidara caught up to Sasori and both walked away, intending on returning when all the pieces of their plan had fallen in their place.


For the last 3 weeks, Onoki is busy making plans, He can't let Yellow flash son escape. But the one with him is Jiraiya of sannin. And they are going to Kumo for god's sake. One little mistake and there will be a war between them.

After 3 weeks Onoki called for everyone in his office.

Onoki scanned the room, looking briefly at every one of the ninjas presents. After confirming everyone's attendance he gave a curt nod to his secretary, who then proceeded to close the door behind her as she left. The small man cleared his throat and went straight to the point.

''I know you are wondering why I summoned you here. And that is because it has recently come to my attention that Jiraiya of the Sannin has been training the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki, and has currently entered the Land of Lightning for reasons still unknown''

Most of the Shinobi in the room had looks of confusion at the news, not understanding why that information was relevant. But Kitsuchi and a few of the more experienced Jounin started to catch up with their leader's intentions.

'Oh no dad, you wouldn't' Thought Kitsuchi, fearing where this was going.

The Tsuchikage continued, not caring for their reaction. ''This leaves Konoha's Biju the most vulnerable it has ever been. Your mission is to track down Jiraiya and his apprentice and retrieve the Jinchuuriki. Do what you will with Jiraiya but the boy has to be brought back alive to extract the Kyuubi. Due to the delicate political nature of this mission, along with Jiraiya's strength and the threat of a Jinchuuriki, this mission is classed as S-rank''

A collective gasp was heard at the details of the task at hand.

Having to face a Sannin and a Jinchuuriki, while at the same time risking starting an open war with another nation was something to be nervous about, even if it was at Konoha's expense.

Kurotsuchi on her part couldn't have a wider grin. Her first S-rank mission! And a chance so to take Konoha down a peg or two? She was as ready as she could be.

Onoki was just about to wrap up the briefing. ''You will meet at the village gates in three days. Aside from all of you I have recalled some of the ANBU with low priority missions to help you, their skill is more required at the moment. Kitsuchi will be the commander of this force. If there are no questions, you are all dismissed'' Finished the Kage and waited for them to either go or voice a concern.

Everyone started leaving, except for Kitsuchi, who stayed behind staring at his dad in silence until it was only father and son in the room.

Onoki turned to look at his Son with a raised eyebrow. ''It's something the matter, Kitsuchi?''

Kitsuchi's face turned into a look of incredulity at his father's words. ''You ask what's the matter? This mission a mistake, that's the matter..!! You are risking starting a war, weren't you the one who told me that we are not Yellow flash, We are not monsters. And you are risking throwing everything away just for a single Biju!''

Onoki sighed, ''What I'm about to tell you doesn't leave this room. You can tell no one, not even Kurotsuchi; no, especially Kurotsuchi. Do you understand?'' The old man looked intently to emphasize his point.

Kitsuchi was getting on edge at the odd secrecy, but he nodded in understanding.

Onoki closed his eyes and gave a loud sigh. ''The Kyuubi Jinchuuriki is the Yellow Flash's son''

Kitsuchi adopted a bewildered look, showing his reluctance to believe it. ''That can't be! The Yellow Flash's son? He is dead.!! Are you totally sure about this?''

His father nodded and raised his hand, he was holding a picture of a blond boy. ''I have received good Intel on him, along with this picture''

Kitsuchi looked over the photograph and widened his eyes in surprise. ''He looks exactly like that man! How are we just learning about this?''

''And that's not all. It seems that Jiraiya has been training him in his Father's techniques. If we don't act now, in a few more years Konoha might have the next Yellow Flash that also happens to be the Jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi"

"But dad--

"You are dismissed"


"I understand father, I will start preparing our men"


3 Days Later, just after many men left the Village.

Okami entered the hidden village of Iwa.

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