
Watering the Seed

War and bloodshed covered the land, great powers always clashing to establish dominance. In a world where Might was Right and your standing determined by your strength this was as common as the grass.

However there was one place that was chosen for those of greater power to battle, whether they warriors or mystics this was where they would settle disagreements in order to spare the rest of the landscapes. An entire continent that had been dyed black from the blood spilled on its soil, here battles were always taking place and only the victors would walk away but never without a loss on their part.

Some who came to this place were robbers, hoping to loot the corpse of the fallen. This often ended with their life being cast away and their blood helping to wet the land but every so often there would be success allowing for inheritances to be spread.

What no one knew, not even the greatest of scholars was that there was something peculiar about this continent, something that encouraged those there to want to risk their life against one another. Something that inspired them to fight, in hindsight why was it this continent that was chosen when there were many other suitable places.

The answer lay underneath the black soil, deep beneath its exterior there was what appeared to be a seed and looking closely you could see tendrils reaching towards the surface happily drinking the essence of the fallen and the survivors alike. However going even further you could see silhouettes being pulled to the seed and from this aspect not even the victors were spared as even their silhouettes could be seen which would explain the subsequent loss of vitality that came to those who walked away from the Dark continent.

The blood and silhouettes seemed to water and nourish the seed and invigorate it causing it to swell and grow. This was only to be expected though as the blood of these figures who fell there contained robust essence due to them being the blessed, or those who had been born with abilities.

It was odd though as this had never been noticed by any of the one's who had investigated the Continent.

Over the years the surface and eras changed but still the Blessed continued to battle on the continent if they possessed strength of a divine level and when they died their blood would be devoured by the seed and both combatants silhouettes would be taken.

Slowly the seed began moving to the surface as it continued to swell but along with this sudden activity the land that had been dyed black for so long began to recede causing hundreds of researchers and adventure seekers to come and investigate.

However as the seed was still being nurtured it's effect on those in the Dark continent remained causing them to slaughter one another as well thus adding to the nourishment for the seed.

Many came through out the years and many died as time passed until a orb of blackness finally rose to the surface. It seemed that the seed had finally finished it's process and was ready to sprout.

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