
Dark Rising (Book 1): Leonidas

In a world where myths and legends are unrecognized, Ryan Mizaki was known as an outcast because of wind magic. While trying to keep his powers a secret, he meets up with two people named Hiroshi Kirisame and Zyree Crosswell, who tells him that they are connected through Leonidas, the famed warrior king of Rome. Ryan must travel on a quest to discover his own life while avoiding a secret government who wants to wipe out all legends. Join Ryan and his friends in a quest that will change the very foundation of their world forever.

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3 Chs

Chapter 2- Truth be told.

Ryan couldn't believe the trouble that he caused. He had gotten into trouble before, but not as explosive as what happened. His mind was racing; Anxiety was building up as he promised his father not to use his "special gift" under any circumstances. Now the whole neighborhood knows about his powers.

"Ok. Ok. Try to compose yourself. Maybe it's not that bad. Sure, I wrecked many houses that may or may not cause people thousands of dollars to rebuild and possibly sent Micheal and his goons to the Emergency room. Haha.." said Ryan in a desperate attempt to calm himself down.

Meanwhile, just outside of his street, a car was coming over the driveway has just arrived. Inside was a man in his mid-40s with brown hair mixed with specks of gray. His almost wrinkled face was shocked with skepticism as he came to return home. Rather than a nice quiet neighborhood that he would usually come home from, he found a crowd of people gathering around his house, including news vans and three ambulances. The ambulances were carrying Micheal, Blaine, and Kieth. Two of whom were unconscious, but Micheal was drifting in and out. Ryan's father, Matthew, couldn't figure out what has happened to his house or if Ryan was all right. Once Matthew has found a parking spot among the crowd, he got out of his car and began to make his way to the house. People were gathering towards Matthew, trying to get a sense of what happened. Many were concerned about the damages caused to their homes and demanded to find out who was responsible. Just as he was about to step onto his front lawn, news reporters got in the way and began to ask questions.

"Sir, Sir. I'm Martha Halloway with Channel 5 News. Could you please tell on what happened to those young boys?" "No comment," said Matthew. " Sir, witnesses say that the damages caused by a young boy who lived in this very house. Do you happen to know the boy?" said another news reporter. "No comment," said Matthew, trying to avoid the press. "Sir, is there any reason why the public should not be afraid of this young boy? Someone should pay for the damages." said a third reporter. " I said, NO COMMENT!" shouted Matthew as he rushed to the front door and slammed it to avoid the pursuing media.

Matthew tried to calm down by the sudden burst of attention but needed to talk with his son.

"Ryan Mizaki! Get down here this instant!" shouted Matthew.

Ryan cautiously came down with a sense of guilt and ashamed. Ryan knew that his father warned him about the one rule to keep to his father, no matter what. However, it was an accident, and Ryan thought that if he told his father what happened, he wouldn't be too hard on him.

"Hey, dad..." said Ryan in a nervous voice.

Matthew looked at Ryan in a disappointing look and felt angry.

Ryan swallowed his saliva, trying hard not to show his anxious nature. His breathing was shaky, and his body was unresponsive. His movement felt like he was struggling to put in one foot against the other. When he finally came down from the stairs, he was afraid to look into his father's eyes but had to do it to explain himself.

"Ryan. I only have one thing to say to you. ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!" said Matthew.

"But dad, I was only trying to," Ryan said.

"I don't want to hear any excuses! I told you that to NOT use your gift at all, and now the whole city knows about it!" said Matthew. Unable to control the amount of anger and betrayal that his son did heed the warnings about using his powers, Matthew began to realize the dangers that may come back.

"Look, dad. I'm sorry about not being able to listen to your advice, but don't you think that you may be taking things a little too far?" said Ryan.

"Too far? TOO FAR?! Because of your reckless behavior, innocent children in hospitals, a freak storm destroys homes, and the media wants to turn this into a wild news story. Does that sound like 'too far' to you?"

Ryan was shocked to hear about his father's response. He didn't think that him using his powers to defend himself but instead caused an uproar.

Matthew sighed. He couldn't believe that his son would cause so much damage that everyone would be calling out for blood or much worse.

"Why did I agree to do this? I should have known that this would happen eventually," said Matthew.

"What would happen eventually?" asked Ryan. Matthew gasped as he placed a hand over his mouth. He was so distracted by what just happened that he didn't realize that what he just said would come out to Ryan in a way that could change his life. A secret that he kept after all these years.

"What do you mean that this would happen? Did you know about my powers?" asked Ryan.

Ryan was confused about the way his dad spoke. It was like his dad knew that this would happen, even meant it would put other people in danger.

Matthew tried to come with things to deny what he just said, but with each passing moment that went on, he knew that Ryan would keep on asking for answers.

Matthew let out a big sigh and spoke, " I knew that this day would come. I didn't realize that it comes in a situation like this one."

"What? What are you trying to say?" asked Ryan, wondering what his father could mean.

"I'm saying that you're not my son."