

Mira and Tisaine had finally reached the coven. In truth Mira wished the journey with her sister had lasted just a little longer. She enjoyed bonding with her younger sis and the time felt to short. The sisters saw a large house on the horizon after their second night in the woods. Mira felt it before she saw it. Something about it was like a swirling energy. She recognized as what she felt with Tisaine the further they got from Dradien. She also felt something like it with Lanthier, his was different though. "You sense the power sister." Tisaine stated as they walked toward the emanating source. It was nearing morning and Mira's anxiety was through the roof. Up until now she had remained numb on the idea of more family members, pushing them out of her brain. She was scared she would not be the daughter they were looking for after all these years.

"Calm yourself sister, you are already loved." Tisaine whispered. She wore a large smile and squeezed Mira's hand to show support the lavender in her eyes swirling around.

"Everyone is waiting already, they will try not to be to overwhelming." Mira sighed, bracing herself for possible rejection. Mira could see a beautiful deep red house in the distance. When girls arrived at the entrance Tisaine pricked herself and whispered something to enter large rounded door. Mira looked at her curiously.

"Blood magic, an extra safety measure, to be sure no other children of this household would be stolen." She walked in behind her sister and entered a large room. A family waited there. Mira knew this was that super charged presence she felt. They looked the way Mira felt. On edge, nervous. Mira stood at the doorway smiling awkwardly not quite taking them in yet. A little boy with long braided brown hair and the same honey eyes as Mira, a huge smile and freckles ran to Mira and hugged her. "I'm glad your ok Mira." How did he know her nickname, or the name Mira grew up with. She never knew her name was Emiraine. Tisaine look like she was going to answer her question but she decided there would be plenty of time and her older sister had a lot to process. The next person to approach her was a short plump fair skin women with freckles, brown eyes, and curls like her own. Her brown silver eyes looked teary as she asked Mira if she could hug her. Mira just nodded her head. As the pressure of their hug increased they both burst into tears holding each other tightly. A tall man with long wavy black hair in a low pontail, honey eyes and a sharp chin with mocha colored skin stood at the edge of what seemed to be the living room, his arm was wrapped around a shy 20 year old looking boy who was a reflection of the older gentleman. They watched the long lost relative not sure what their next move should be. Mira gave who she guessed was her mother one more tight squeeze then made her way to the two men. She walked toward them arms open praying they would hug her bag. They hugged her. The older man dropped to his knees and continued hugging her while the young man also held onto her. They all cried.

Chapters will come a little slower. I want to make sure they are well thought out. Thank you to my readers!

chazzyMBcreators' thoughts
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