
Dark New World

Read this story to gain a deeper understanding of the new world and its purpose.

Recom_puted · Khoa huyễn
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The Catalyst

In the vastness of the celestial ocean, there existed one being, The One Beyond. This entity was a god, perfect in every way, and possessing power beyond comprehension. The One Beyond existed beyond the boundaries of space and time, beyond the confines of dimensions, and within the confines of its infinite mind lay a fragment of its imagination where it created the supreme database, and archive of all possible character strings. This meant all textual possibilities - All letters, all numbers, all symbols, from every dialect in every conceivable and non conceivable combination.

Despite the magnitude of its creation, The One Beyond was not satisfied. For all the infinite variations of character strings it had conceived of, there was still something missing. The archive was an abstract collection of characters and books, devoid of all life or purpose. And so, The One Beyond created the Ultraform. The Ultraform is essentially a multiverse of multiforms, which are smaller multiverses. This was created with the purpose of storing these character strings from the archive in a physical world on a lower plane than the supreme database. Think of it like an infinite beach on an island in the celestial ocean, where each grain of sand is a multiform.