
Dark Eye's

A World with Mysterious beast and Powers gifted from GODS.

LunaRenFA_11122 · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

Chapter 1- A New Beginning.

The sun was burning bright with a few clouds in the sapphire sky. A beam of light was pointing directly at a crimson brick house, shining through a blue curtain that beam was hitting a girl face as she laid in her heavenly comfy bed. She squirmed around for awhile and then fell off her bed fully awaking her up in a panic, taking a minute to look around to remember where she even was, getting off the ground she rubbed her watery eyes and went to her bathroom to splash water on her face. Standing in front of her mirror she was still in her green and blue striped pajamas; after splashing her face and drying it off she opened her eyes to see her two different eyes. One on her left eye she had pitch black cat like eyes with two black lines going down the white of her eye. On her right eye it was white cat like eyes but the white of her eye where black. She looked at her messy blond hair and just left it because she though it would take to much work.

"Tokume!" A girl's voice was echoed from down below, "come down breakfast is ready!"

As slow as a sloth she walked open to her door, her floor was a mess, clothes everywhere, a grey backpack on the ground, along with a black and crimson red sweater laying on the ground. Getting close to her door she slipped on a pair of pants, falling down hitting her foot on the door, a loud thud was heard from upstairs and Tokume heard footsteps coming up the stairs. The door opened and Tokume saw a girl with pink hair with some hanging off to the left with the rest in two small ball on her head. She had a fairly look clothing, with long white sleeves with a pink line going around it. A skirt that goes to her waist, the top was white, and the bottom was pink, a bow on her chest had white outlines on the inside while the outside was pink. The stocking on her went a little above her knees. Her round pink eyes just stared at Tokume on the ground curled up holding her foot with a nervous smile on her face.

"H-hey there Hako, "Tokume looked at her acting like nothing was wrong, "what you are doing up so early?"

Hako looked pretty confused and replied, "You do know what day it is…right?"

Tokume started blankly at Hako and replied with confidence, "Yeah it's Sunday and it's like 11."

Hako walked up to Tokume's bed to grab her phone and handed the phone to her. In an instant Tokume face has gone pale and white as paper. Her bright screen read Monday and it was 11 am.

"Today is the ceremony for our entrance for the Predator Slayer's." Hako looked at Tokume pale stricken face.

"I-I thought that!" Tokume stuttered in her words before realizing she was wasting time.

Hako just stood there as she saw Tokume move fast as lighting to the bathroom to take a shower. Poking her head out of the door she asked how much time she had to get ready. Hako responded with a swift answer of saying about 30 minutes. Tokume did not waste another second and took a 10-minute shower. Opening the door steam as hot as lava flowed out of the bathroom into her bedroom. Her wet blonde hair to the side of her eye with the double lines. Wearing blue shorts that are above her knees and a black shirt. Hako was siting on her bed as she just stared and looked at her as she was rushing and running everywhere. Finally getting up she walked out of Tokume's door, walking down the stairs to wait near the door.

Tokume came blitzing down the stairs almost falling once but caught her balance. Wearing her red and black sweater and red hair clip that keeps her hair in front of her eyes. Putting on her black shoes she stood next to Hako and she gave a smile along with a pat on the back. Opening the door, the sun was brighter than any light and the sky was blue as any ocean, with some white fluffy clouds floating in the sky.

Buildings where everywhere mostly made of a red brick or some with a cool grey color; people filled the streets with small market shop's selling food like apples, pies, meat on sticks and many other wonderful, delicious foods. Tokume mouth started to water as she remembered she did not have breakfast, trying to take out her wallet she remembered that she forgot it on the counter of her desk. Defeat filled her face as she started to walk away from the stand.

As she kept walking, she felt a sightly soft tap on her shoulder. Turning around she saw Hako blushing a little as she held a stick filled with different kinds of meat. Tokume eyes seemed to shine as a huge smile filled her face, in a instant she thanked Hako and hugged her as she eat the soft juicy meat that was on the stick. As every bite she took has heaven itself. All of the juices spread to each tastebud and corner of her mouth. Hako remined her that they had about 10 minutes left to get to the ceremony, Tokume nodding she eat the rest of the food and started to run to the place.


"What do we do?" Tokume looked at Hako as they ran, "we can take it I know we can but…"

Quickly responding Hako said, "Let us try and find shelter where not able to do anything ye-."


The building in front of them cam crashing down blowing out dust everywhere. Little piece of concrete, bricks and stone were everywhere. Tokume and Hako were sent flying back hitting the stone-cold ground. Screams came from all directions, people ran like hell in all different directions, some stood still in fear as they shake and could not move in front of death.

A huge creature stood as tall as a mansion on all 4 legs like a dog. Violet scales ran through his entire body with crimson stripes going in a spiral from head to tail. The mouth was shaped like a bird's beak, the spiral started at the tip of the noise then got bigger and bigger leading up to its enormous pitch-black eyes. Above its eyes where its scales forming a giant circle that was hollow in the middle. Its body was full of spikes some small and some large leading up to its huge swinging tail it had small little hollow holes all around it. The two girls quickly got up and gathered their surroundings.

"Alright are you ready!?" Tokume shouted at Hako as the huge beast started to look at them.

"YUP!" Hako yelled back.

"Ok just like we practiced…3-2-1!" Tokume counted down then looked at Hako seeing she was nowhere to be found.

Then Tokume felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. Pulling out her phone she saw that Hako texted her saying "Sorry but death doesn't sound like a good thing right now." Tokume just started at her phone in disbelief as she slowly turned her head to see the Revenger looking directly at her. Slowly putting her phone away, in a instant as quick as lighting she bolted as fast as she could, she ran so fast that she was able to catch up to Hako.

"YOU LEFT ME!" Tokume immediately yelled at Hako as she was trying to catch her breath.

"I know I did, here turn to this ally way that should take us away from the Ravenger." Hako directed.

"What do you mean? We can take it! That is what we practiced for! What we are gonna do- AHH!" Tokume was interrupted by Hako pushing her into the alleyway.

"Sorry but I had to, and I know we can take it, but we don't have our License yet and plus we can don't have any information on that one. We can't go with our close-range attacks because of those spikes." Hako had her back against the wall as she looked over the edge to see if the beast was any close.

Tokume got off the ground and stood next to Hako, "Yeah I guess you're right, so what now we can't do anything, but we can still go and help the ones in trouble."

"We can go help so let us go to the other side of the ally and go back to where we usually…"

What's with the face." Hako looked at Tokume's terrified face as she mouths to look behind her.

Hako slowly turned her back and a cold sweat ran down her face. Her round pink eyes shrunk as she saw the huge eye behind her. It was the eye of the Ravenger that looked directly at them. Tokume quickly grabbed Hako's hand to run out of the alleyway; the Revenger followed busting through the ally destroying the building's next to it.

They both felt every step, every vibration, and every sound that the beast made as they tried to run through the narrow ally. Finally, running out of the ally Tokume pushed Hako in front of her so she can get out of danger that was behind her. The Revenger busted through the narrow ally letting out a Roar that can be heard on the other side of the world. Ruble was sent flying everywhere, a huge piece of stone flew straight at Hako head, Tokume immediately grabbed Hako's arm to throw her to the side while she took the blow to the head. She fell to the ground cursing the thing that hit her.

Hako was worried and terrified, not for herself, not because of the monster, but for Tokume who took the hit from her and is now on the ground. Swiftly going to her side, she put her hand on Tokume's head she felt something wet behind her head. A cherry red color was painted all over her hand, Hako blood ran cold, although being scarred she fought through the fear that was in her legs and arms to pick up Tokume's unconscious body. Putting her on Hako's back she began to run as fast as she could.

Feeling the ground shake and tremble underneath her feet. Panting as she ran the Revengers tail kept swinging into building's destroying everything. She kept running and running and running but noticed shortly that the shaking stopped. Still running she looked behind her and saw that the beast was now standing on 2 of its legs.

Her eye's shrunk as she saw the beast stand as tall as a skyscraper, despite its size it shortly stomped it's 2 legs on the ground creating a huge hole underneath it's foot. A shockwave come from the foot demolishing everything around a mile radius. Hako kept running from it but was caught in the smoke.

It was impossible to be able to see. It was all grey and black. Ringing was all she heard in her ear. Touching her head, she felt the blood, but it was hard to see the red because the grey dust covered it. Cut's and scratches where all over her leg while blood ran down her leg, she got up and limped over to Hako, who was laying down on the ground with blood running down her shoulder and blood running down her head.

Tokume limped over to Hako body, first checking her pulse to see if she was still alive, then she heard the roar of the Revenger, suddenly a gust of wind blew away the dust that was lingering in the air. Tokume put her arm over her head to block the dust and her other hand holding down Hako knocked out body. The dust disappeared all that was left was the broken concrete and the falling down buildings and in front of that was the Revenger standing still menacingly. Tokume knew that she could not run anywhere and if she did then it would just follow.

A though came across her head. Everywhere she went it followed. Even in the ally way it didn't move on it stared at both of them and seemed to wait for a move. Going back to the though of running, she remembered that behind the beast was an open space with a water fountain but not much building around it.

Taking a last look at Hako, swinging her hand across her, while keeping an eye at the Revenger, an artic color of water left Tokume's hand going underneath Hako picking her up putting her up forming a bubble shape. Hako was now floating in the air, Tokume let out a soft sigh of relief and looked at the Revenger who seemed to stare into her soul.

Tokume calmly smiling she put more of the water on her cut's, "Alright…you wanna play. Then LET'S PLAY!"

Chapter 1 end.