
Dark Designs: Tales of Demons & Gods (Bimonthy Updates)

Waking up in Tales of Demons & Gods, surviving is one thing Leroy can do. After living as Liang Yu in Star Martial God Technique, he is able to pass off as a decent person when in this type of Dimensional setting. When he feels like it that is. It is a slow process to change things but it has been done before. Can he build a Safe Heaven in time while making sure those he cares about gain the strength they need to come with him, or will they fail like the others before him did? This is a Fanfiction that will have elements that do not exist in the original series. Events will not take place the same as several interactions for Nie Li. Which makes since he is not the person the reader will follow most of the time. Conversation hat was not covered in the original will be shown with different outcomes than the original author/artist wrote. Because it is a fanfiction which should be kept in mind. If you want no "forced" content, read the original. No profit is made from this.

Magmatide · Tranh châm biếm
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125 Chs

Heavenly Sacred Border what a nice weapon

A day or so later-


Shen Yu, Ye Hong, Zhu Xiangjun, Huyan Lanrou, and the Flame Snake were in front of the gate. The new addition Zhu Xiangjun was determined to prove his value by not taking a free meal. His family would understand.

"The Heavenly Sacred Border.. is not child's play. Do you understand the danger?" The Vice-Principal said mostly to Ye Hong. Huyan Lanruo was pretty strong from what repots said lately. Zhu Xiangjun proved himself during the test and he did not want to offend Shen Yue by saying anything.

"I understand the danger." Ye Hong gave the utmost respect but the steely gaze he sent the elders way made it apparent. He would enter no matter what! "Am I not qualified to enter after the contributions to the city?"

"Of course you are." An elder answered instead. Not wanting the Vice Principal to take the heat in case Ye Hong suffered a loss due to this.

Shen Yue didn't say much as he thought about what would happen in the immediate future. An outsider would enter the Auction House looking for some good things. Hopefully, Shen Xiu's contact in the Hong Yue family moves the pot over as need be.

'A little maneuvering to get into that brat's hands to make higher demon spirits and unusual ones will be nice. Defintely will make the pot better when I obtain it later possibly. The Flame Vortex Core already can allow me to mix and empower Demon Spirits but time-consuming and this is more important for now.'

Stepping into the Sacred Border they were all seperated to an extent. Shen Yue was able to find them due to Astral Sense but the case was not the same for them.

Huyan Lanruo was perfectly ok due to her recent training. She sat down and started to cultivate quickly to sharpen her mind and expand her Soul Realm with the method taught by Shen Yue and Shen Xiu. A diamond seal formed in the center of her forehead. On each of her wrists, a rune pattern formed.

'Gather as much as I can for now!' Huyan Lanruo was quite determined when she needed to be. Despite her appearance, and outside actions most times, she was quite brilliant. 'I will show Shen Xiu I can carry my weight! Then she will have no choice but to take my family seriously!'

Zhu Xiangjun was panicking as different visions assaulted his psyche. Forcing him to meet the visions head-on, the young man was in for a rough time. But he had help from the bracelet that contained three different gems with inscriptions and runes on it from Shen Yue.

*Fwooosh!* Zhu Xiangjun Soul Realm expanded rapidly. His Attribute Sacred Flame reacted to the sensations. Out of several people in the Dimension, he was the closest to Shen Yue "spiritually" anyway.

Weird energy circled around causing images of different places to clash around Shen Yue. With a small spin of the Flame Vortex Core, it was swept inside unending. Shen Yue could feel his Soul Realm expand just a little. But the overall increase was towards his Internal Space.

'How nice this would be for the others to bathe in just once. Haaa, I really wish "she" could have come here. But I m sure her new life is good.' Shen Yue looked inward towards that area internally. The herbs started to develop rapidly at first but then stopped shy of maturity in brief intervals. 'Hmm, interesting.'

Analyzing what would change with the work of Shen Xiu was not that bad. The matter was that of Xiao Ninger and Ye Ziyun. Xiao Ninger entered this place a lot earlier than originally. Well, what was supposed to happen anyway if Shen Yue was not in the Dimension like this. Originally she does not enter the place if memory serves. But who knew all that happened in her original life.

Then there was Nie Li who was technically more or less within the same scope of where he should be strength-wise and the place he was heading to. He did return home to deal with family matters. By the time he would return to try to enter this place, it would be empty of the goodies inside.

"This place is so comfy." The Flaming Snake muttered. It was tempted to spread out but decided to stay with Shen Yue. The energy around him helped its mind develop even faster currently. 'I wonder what will happen if I had some of his blood to drink on?'

A bit of Shen Yue's blood would make the Demon Beast develop even more rapidly. Especially with the improvements to the Beast Manual that was mixed into Astral Sense even further.

Not to far from him, a soul was moving about. It was the soul of Ye Han. After looking over Xiao Ninger for a bit, it was forced to leave due to her cultivation pushing it away. Wicked "Flames" of spirit energy kept bashing against the spirit, even more, when he tried to speak to her.

"Just in time." Shen Yue raised his hand up with a jewel inside between the fingertips. "Perfect to help Ye Hong devlop. You should be happy, oh founder of Glory City. Someone in your bloodline will grow even stronger because of you."

*Fwish!* Blue flames spread out surrounding the spirit. Screams were muffled out before making it anywhere. Forced into a small ball of condensed energy, he shot it towards Ye Hong with a message to work harder.

"Need to find that damn sword now." Shen Yue spread out Astral Sense to the maximum. The Metal Seed spinning, as well as pulse after pulse, went out in the area. He moved slowly in a single direction before going into a full sprint. 'Weak illusions!'

The pulse waves disabled the different illusions in place as well as the wounds that formed from the condensed energy of the place. This little area was just waiting to break already. A pocket area inside a pocket dimension was always bad when not maintained.

Searching for a few hours bared fruit eventually. On the outside, the Dian family members were purchasing horses and commissioning chariots. All to make a strike force soon.

Then Sacred Family was making moves to deal with the Heavenly Marks Family that started shining to brightly. Then they were going to make a move on the Dark Moon Family. Shen Fei had gained massive strength and was taking it out on a few members of the same generation as him.

Fleeing those who were lucky like Shen Xiao had nowhere to turn to. But informing the Snow Wind Family might buy him a way to live.


Thunder God Meteorite Sword-


A long bridge over the water lead over to a temple. The atmosphere was warped by everything in place. The presence of Shen Yue's very soul amplifying the effects even further.

The Murderous Arura produced by the sword raged wildly. It could feel a threat approaching.

*Bzzzt!* The clouds rained down lighting with booming thunder that went all through the area. Sleeves down, the spiritual lines on his body drew the lighting over to him. The bolts entered straight into his body channeled by the Flame Vortex Core refining it.

"Hmm!?" Ye Hong watched from a distance with surprise at the situation. What little he obtained from what was given by Shen Yue was scary. 'That place is really dangerous. No one has succeeded in years to get what was there.'

"Such a weak murderous aura, you should be ashamed of yourself." Shen Yue grabbed at the manifestation of energy. Along with a single pulse from the Metal Seed, he dispersed it. Astral Sense gathering the spreading energy in the area back towards him. Moving on, as he absorbed the energy, the bridge started to shake. "You should come and fight me, you will die either way. I am not a fan of disrespectful spirits."

A bit of a chip on his shoulder from the spirit in the ruins before.

From the water, countless spirits rose up to attack. They charged to invade his soul realm and take his body over. A mixture of Demon Beasts and those of the humans that died in the place. Not all made it out of course when testing themselves.

After all, several people that left the place had damaged Soul Realm from taking chances.

"What a nice meal." Shen Yue licked his lips in enjoyment. Floating above him were two of the Aspects filled up. "Now for the sword itself." Grabbing hold of the Thunder God Meteorite Sword, he forced his soul onto it with Astral Sense. "Need to wipe everything inside out as well!"

*Fwoosh!* A wave of murderous intent left from the sword. The spirits buried deep inside were not willing to go silently. It blasted its way into his Soul Realm. Which was a big mistake.

The Flame Vortex Star Dragon reached out grabbing hold as the core spun. The entirety of his soul besides the Internal Space was engulfed in Fire, Lightning, and Thunder. A maelstrom of power erupted and battled within.

The size of Shen Yue's Soul Realm continued to grow even further. The overstimulation caused his Soul Realm to advance another tier. It changed into A Indigo Type from Azure. Which was not what he wanted. It was way to unknown.

*Raaaaaaawwwaaarrr!* A roar erupted from the Flame Vortex Star Dragon. Its body shaking as Indigo lines started to form on it. It tried to hinder and take control. Which was not good at all.

Spinning the Flame Vortex Core faster to refine everything, Shen Yue used his soul to merge with the dragon. His blue-white Rune lines twisting and wrapping around the Indigo ones. A struggle that felt like an eternity passed but only took a few minutes was resolved.

Stabilizing his Soul Realm took only a little effort. Appearance-wise if checked over, he would display an Azure Type. But he could feel the change inside his Soul Realm. Just had no idea what it was.

The Indigo Type was just to mysterious. As if harmonizing with the Dimension, Shen Yue flickered between the cracks that were in the place. A few blinks and he calmed himself. It was the time to mess with a budding ability.

"The storm has ended." Xiao Ninger commented. The clouds above started to dissipate giving way to a clear sky. "Eh!?" She was suprised to see Shen Yue open his eyes and stab the sword into his chest. "What is he doing!?"

Shen Yue absorbed half the sword material into the Metal Seed. Whatever it was made of was good stuff. The remainder was sucked into the Flame Vortex Core and refined. However, something odd happened.

"Eh, the swordsmanship from Ling Yu and the rest of the people from that Sword Art place is reacting. I guess I should see where this goes." Mumbling in surprise, Shen Yue drew on the teachings buried deep inside himself. It had been a while since he wielded a sword.

A spirit inside, that of Shen Mu who died because of the drawback power of the Thunder God's Meteorite Sword raged at first. The soul was that of a Legend rank but it was in awe of the one in front of it.

Before it could take notice, blue-white flames engulfed the remnant soul. It was added to the refining process of the Flame Vortex Core. Unlike others, the knowledge inside entered Shen Yue without going through a lot of refining.

The ties of the soul from the original beckoned it over in a way.

*Fwish!* A couple of hours but it felt like an entirety to the others. Shen Yue stood up and raised his hand. A bolt of lightning appeared made of blue-white spirit energy. It materialized into a long sword. Highly compressed energy that lets out slight vibrations along with crackling lightning.

"Well now, that is new." Shen Yue could still feel the other half inside his Flame Vortex Core. It was not refining anymore but just floating inside. Small wisps of energy floating out with thunder sounds. 'So, I am not strong enough to take it all yet, no matter.'

A check over his cultivation and everything was fine. A few changes to the Flame Vortex Star Dragon but nothing bad otherwise. Its eyes glowing Indigo but it reminded him of when he was Liang Yu. It would take some time to digest the information but that was fine as well.

A lot of travel time was coming soon anyway.

Taking a few steps, he was suprised when the Thunder God Meteorite sword was sent from his Flame Vortex Core. As if it wanted to be in the open air. All along the sword were several designs that looked the same as the Runes on Shen Yue's body when pressed into a dire situation.

"Tch! Whatever!" Annoyed a little, he made a small strap to carry it on his side comfortably. The Flaming Snake was really ecstatic as it wrapped around the sword. During the process, it absorbed quite a bit of the energy produced. The lightning it could do without but the change in its faculties were worth it. "You are lucky you are light."

"Hehe, watch this!" The snake's body shined as it turned into a sword sheath. The patterns are very close to that of a snake's scaled pattern. 'I can feel my cultivation growing the more I wrap around the sword!'

Feeling the mental thought, Shen Yue was starting to think the sword was either going to be devoured eventually by his Flame Vortex Core when he gets stronger, or the Flaming Snake will eat it.

A look around at the Altar the sword use to reside in was nothing compared to the change in the surroundings. The violent spirit energy was gone. Only a small level of "Positive" spirit energy remained.

*Woosh!* The entire Altar place was taken away with a wave of the hand. The water was pulled into his Internal Space. With the countless centuries, it was basically Demonic Water at this point. In certain areas, bits of water had lighting swirling around inside it.

A large section of the Heavenly Sacred Border was empty space.

Status: Shen Yue Health 2000

Spirit Energy: 2,661,000

Power: 32 Defense: 27

Willpower: 33 Intellect: 35

Connection: 21


Flame Vortex Star Dragon: Black Gold Rank 5

Metal Seed: 5th tech level

Fire Body: 4th tech level

Astral Sense: 5th tech level

Magmatidecreators' thoughts