
Dark and L system

Gokage_sensei · Kỳ huyễn
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35 Chs

Chapter 27: Slaves should know their place


[Do you wish to punish slave Angela Yeats for disobedience

Yes.... No

The system will automatically choose 'yes' in :




Mike released a frustrated sigh as he stared at the screen before his eyes. 'It's about time I teach that woman her place' he thought as he let the system continue counting down and automatically choose 'yes'

He had realized that he had been too soft with that girl since that night and always dismissed it when she disobeyed him, but now, he steeled his heart and denied the feeling in his heart. He wanted her to finally know her place.

'A slave is nothing but a tool that should just follow every single one of my orders without question' A glint of coldness flashed in his eyes.

"Are you alright sir Mike?" Mike immediately came out of his stupor when he heard a voice speaking.

He turned and looked at the source and there, stood a woman holding 3 needles in her hands with blood drops on the tip. It was Sarah.

He then turned and looked a little behind her and, there was an old man sitting there looking weak. His eyes looked lifeless as if he were dead, but, with Mike's OP stats, he could hear the man's breath and the sound of his beating heart.

This person was none other than Rimon, the big brother of officer Bradley. As Mike had said, kidnapping this sh*thead was easy.

And now, he was being tortured by Sarah. First, she stabbed his b*lls with her needles, then, she stomped on them with her foot crushing them into paste. She also did a lot of other things and Rimon was screaming in despair, but, Sarah's face was devoid of emotion as she continued with her monstrous torture.

No matter how much he pleaded, Sarah did not stop, this man...no...this monster had done a lot of bad to her.

He was the cause for her husband's death

He murdered her baby who had no fault.

And worst of all, he told his men to rape her after taking her entire family. She could still remember that day as if it were yesterday when his ten men treated her body like a toy as they ravaged her in the most painful way possible to satisfy their lust.

She would never forget.

Mike sighed and went to sit on a conner as enjoying the gruesome show before him.

"She is so good at bringing the pain, maybe, I should add her to my slave collection"


[Slave Angela Yeats, your act of disobedience has angered the master. Your attempt of escaping and choosing to support someone else other than your master has been deemed betrayal and you shall therefore receive punishment in 10 seconds...





"WHAT!?"Angela jumped back when she heard the voice speaking in her head and to make it worse, the were red letters floating before her eyes glitching every 2 seconds.

She was now sure that something was happening and everything was not just a side effect of too much stress. First, the voice that warned her and now, this emotionless telling her that she had betrayed her master was to be punished.




"Kaaaa!!!....."Angela shrieked in misery as she felt pain she had never felt before coursing throughout her entire body.

She fell to the ground and started squarming while hugging her body. It felt like all sorts of things were happening to her.

First, she felt as if she was in a volcanic lake drowning and burning, but, her life was not ending. The pain kept on increasing every single second prompting her to scream louder.

Elizabeth saw her friend wriggling on the floor screaming her lungs out. She wanted to help her, but, she did not have any strength to do it.

"What's wrong Ange?" She asked however, with how weak she was, she could only release a low voice that was easily drowned by Angela's loud screams.


Elizabeth turned her head and looked at the bedroom entrance where two girls about her age stood. The first one had long brown hair, a pair of beautiful brown eyes and a great figure.

As for the second one had long black hair that reached her big butt, brown eyes similar to the first one. She was wearing a white shirt and a black skirt that came down just above her knees. Her feet were covered by boots. And she had an expensive looking purse on her shoulder. And on top of that was this red coat and a matching hat. Her shoes had pink soles but they were so small there was no way you could see them.

The two girls rushed and wanted to touch the screaming Angela, but, were overpowered by her. Her screams of pain were starting to hurt in their ears and the most affected one was Elizabeth. She had been here for a little bit longer, so, a lot of damage had happened to her eyes.

But, she did not care about that. She was worried about her friend but, her helplessness stopped her from getting close

Elizabeth then looked at the two unknown girls and spoke:

"Please help her"


Somewhere in a seemingly endless void, a lady could be seen wriggling on the ground, screaming her lungs out.

Tears and snot covered her entire face, her long black hair was a mess as some of it stuck to the tears on her face.

Her entire being was crying in misery as she felt pain similar to Angela's. She cried for someone to help her, but, no one answered as she was alone in the void.



[Hidden skills


1.Spririt sense

2.Dungeon summon

3.Gold eyes of terror

4.Contract bind

..... LOCKED.....

1.Matter absorption(Hilda...)



4.Rain of Light(Anasthanisa)

5.Ruler's reach (Emporer Hismodeuos)

Further will be available when Host reaches LV90.]

Mike looked at the glitching, red screen before his eyes pondering about something. He had only discovered this red screen in the morning before coming here with Sarah.


"I want you to iron my white suit, you can find it in my wardrobe" He spoke looking at Angela and then left the dining room.

After that, he looked at his status screan since he had not checked it in a long time.


Name: Mike (Alex) Dawson

Race: ???(LV3)

LV: 20

Agility: 30

Speed: 30

Perception: 24

Strength: 3 500

Magic: 10 000

Life: 350%

MISSION: Acquire the red stone

Deadline: none

Skills: world sense Lv1, 14 D.P or 1 L.P needed for upgrade

Dark points: 700

Light points: 0

Aura: Exalted king's aura lv2

Weapons: Dark sword (rare), White fang dagger(common).

Other: $0, Heal potions ×2


The mission was to find some red stone somewhere, however, the system did not even give him a map of where the stone was.

How exactly did it expect him to find it?

With an annoyed face, he wanted to close the window, but, he stopped when he saw something on the blank part of the screen.

It was too small that it was almost unnoticeable, but, since Mike had seen it, he never removed his attention from it.

He then pressed on the area with a single thought and a red screen replaced the blue one.

It was glitching on different parts every few seconds and had a list of skills called, the hidden skills.

As he inspected the screen, he saw, the golden eyes of terror on number '3' of the unlocked screen.

'Is this supposed to be a skill?' He questioned himself as he tried to understand why those eyes were put in the skill category where they obviously do not belong.

He then pressed on them and saw the green color of the words dim a little and along with that, he felt and itching sensation he felt on the day he got these eyes.

It was as if, there was something super light walking on his eyeballs and it was irritating.

He closed them for a few seconds and, when he opened them, they were back to their beautiful silver color like the moon.



Mike sat in the conner trying to figure out a way to complete that mission, but, whatever questions he asked the system was only responded to by silence.


He sighed in frustration seeing that the damned system was lazy to do its job and only spoke when something less important occurs.

He then exited the red screen sighed once again when he saw the words:

[Angela Yeats under punishment. Do you wish to stop it:

Yes... No]

He then raised chose 'yes' since he was sure that she had learnt her lesson. Its been almost an hour since the punishment started after all.

Mike got off the ground and looked at Sarah who was still slowly torturing Rimon and spoke:

"Since I have kept my word and got you the person you were looking for, it's time we part ways"

Sarah heard what Mike said and stopped what she was doing. She then walked closer to him and only stopped when she was 8cm in front of him.

She then took hold of his right hand and pressed it on her chest.

"Sir, I still need your help, but, I have nothing of value to offer other than myself"



I'll fix this chapter tonight.

Please support me