
Dark and L system

Gokage_sensei · Kỳ huyễn
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35 Chs

Chapter 1: New world

'Am I dead? is this what death feels like? It feels disgusting and it smells like sh*t and rott'

He slightly moved his right hand and felt it touch something disgustingly slippery. He let go of it and shook his hands as if to shake off the disgusting feeling of it.

"What the heck did I just touch? Ewww....".

Mike tried to open his eyes but he couldn't see anything.

He tried opening and closing his eyelids but he still couldn't see anything. He felt like he was resting his back on something similar to what he had touched a few moments before. He then decided to blindly get up but the pain he felt in both his leg and arm couldn't let him stand.

"Oh hell no! this place is disgusting and I'm not staying here a second longer even if this is death, I'm going to escape it" He said as he was forcing his body 'out of the disgusting ground.

He struggled and limped until he was standing on his two feet, more like standing with his right leg cause his left leg was paining and couldn't support him.

"Where am I? Even if I can't see, I can tell that this place is neither heaven nor hell" He said this to himself while limping in a random direction. His left leg and arm were painful thus he couldn't move properly.

"Must be a dump area, this smell is bad. I'll kill whoever threw me in here"

While doing his limp-walk, his left foot finally felt the soil ground and was overjoyed by his achievement "I'm finally out of the dirty dump area" A beaming smile formed on his face as he said those words.

He sat on the ground with his legs wide open while smiling like an idiot. His idiotic smile immediately got wiped off when he heard a strange woman's voice

[Dark and L system initiating soul fusion 0.001%...0.003%...]

As soon as the voice started counting, Mike felt pain surging throughout his body. The pain's rapid increase was too much for him to handle and he blacked out.....


After a while, Mike felt his consciousness return to him and the pain was gone except for that on his arm and leg but he still couldn't see anything even though his eyelids were wide open. As he was pondering on what had happened, he heard a woman's voice he heard before blacking out speaking:

[Dark and L system would like to congratulate host on his successful reincarnation:

Rewards: 300d.p, $500, Normal shirt, Normal underwear, Normal trouser, Dark sword, World sense, Golden eyes of terror]

He could see everything in front of him as if his eyesight was valid and he felt a tickling sensation in his eyes.

"Who are you? " Mike asked turning his head left and right as if he could see.


That was the only answer he got. Mike didn't know what a System is and only that answer didn't satisfy him.

"What do you want with me? and where are you?"

[GOAL:To make host the strongest existence in all worlds. The system has fused with the host soul and thus exists as a part of it]

"What do you want to do with me if I become the strongest? " Mike asked this question with an angered expression but his heart was beating with anxiety, he truly wanted power to take revenge on people that bullied him for being powerless.



1)Reach level 300

Current level: 1]

"So how do I become strong like you said" Mike had an uninterested expression on his face but he was overwhelmed with Joy.


Mike listens attentively with an idiotic smile on his face. Having something like this is truly a great blessing that many people cannot have. All he had to do was do some missions and he would have power, no need for him to train and struggle and waste his money hahaha.

As Mike was laughing and grinning something suddenly dawned on him. The System had said that he was ' Reincarnated ', he wiped the smile off his face and asked

"Ummm where am I?"

[The current location of host is in a planet called 'earth' in universe 13.

Earth- This is the third planet from the sun out of all the existing 9 planets in this universe. Unlike the host's previous world, this universe does not have 'magic' or odd beasts with the host and his fragments as the only exceptioHost'sost current location on earth is in the Capital Of The People's Republic Of China named Beijing]
