
Danmachi: the hunt *DROPPED*

rewritten version coming soon!!

Eyydis · Tranh châm biếm
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13 Chs

Bloodlust III

[ 3rd person POV ]

As Irene turned away from the corner, the door was pushed open, and two soldiers stepped inside.

"Well, well, well. Would. You. Look. At. Her!" The sinister soldier leered." What A FINE lady. why don't you quietly come along, and we could have some… fun, what say you?"

Irene's eyes blazed with disgust. "Go to hell, you trash!" And without hesitation, she darted towards the soldier, moving with a swiftness that seemed almost supernatural. And used that momentum deliver a swift and powerful kick to his chin, sending him soaring into the opposite house.

The second soldier still dazed, didn't have any chance to react as the heel of Irene already connected with his befuddled face as he too was launched towards his friend.

However, the commotion drew more soldiers to the scene, and started to surround her. And then, out of nowhere, a booming voice cut through the crowd.

"WAAAIT!! SHE IS MINE!!" The voice yelled as he jumped over the crowd and landed with a resounding *BOOM* as dust was sent flying in all directions.

Emerging from the smoke was a colossal figure, emanating an oppressive aura hat seemed to hang in the air like a suffocating shroud.

Because of the rising dust as Irene had to cover her face from the debris which left her open for an attack, which the treacherous soldier took advantage off, and punched her in the gut which in turn sent her flying back into the house.

The impact so intense that the house caved in on itself.

Quickly emerging from the rubble Irene stood face to face with the colossal figure before her.

"Well, Well. Another adventurer. What a pleasant surprise," He taunted in a mocking tone.

Irene struggled to maintain her focus. 'His strength… he should be around peak level 1 or early level 2…" Irene thought as she began to lose her eyesight.

'Ugh… Giving Nagisa 'it' really takes a toll huh?' She thought as she gritted her teeth and grabbed a kitchen knife from the rubble.

'It's not extremely useful, but it'll do…' She thought as she began to stand up.

"BUUT!!" The brute continued. "I don't think you'll put as decent as a fight as the one before you." He mocked as he grabbed an object from his hip.

But that 'object' wasn't a normal object; it was a head, to be more precise, the head of a certain cyan haired man– Irene's husband and Nagisa's father, Hajime.

This revelation shook Irene to her core as her whole body began to tremble the moment, she saw the head.

'He… He puts his head on display as SOME SORT OF FUCKING TROPHY!!' Irene thought in anger as bloodlust began to surge from her body, giving the soldiers surrounding her an uneasy feeling.

Because even though she can't defeat a level 2 like the one in front of her. As a high level 1 adventurer, she could still deal with most if not all of these low level 1 soldiers around her.


"NOW LET'S SEE WHAT YOU CAN DO!!" He taunted at her as he began to get ready for the fight.

But before he could even start to move, Irene slit her own throat. leaving the soldiers in disbelief.

'My husband, see you on the other side. As we watch over our son…' She thought in her final breath succumbing to death.

"Well… That was anticlimactic." the brute commented with disappointment." And I wanted to keep you around too just so that I could rape you and hear you scream." He exclaimed

"Oh, well" he continued callously." She still has a nice body. HEY, YOU, BRING HER CORPSE TO MY TENT AND NO FUNNY BUSINESS. THE REST OF YOU CAN HAVE HER AFTER I'M DONE." He barked orders, and his soldiers obeyed as he still wanted his head intact on his shoulders.

Then a messenger came running towards the brute. "General! The twelve escort targets have arrived!" He reported.

"Alright, Boys! Plunder everything of value and indulge yourself with men or women. You have until dusk, then we depart northward to our base!" He issued his last orders before going southward.

"YEEAH!!" The soldiers enthusiastically accepted their orders.

However, in an unsuspected corner of a collapsed house where no suspicions were cast, an unconscious boy lay there, only to awake the next day.


[Nagisa POV]

I slowly woke up, only to be met by a closed off room with almost no space of movement.

Still a little sleepy, I attempted to move around a little, but I couldn't even stretch my legs, which left me a bit annoyed and uneasy.

I don't know why but I started to panic.

My eye then caught a small ray of light coming from a plat right above me and I desperately wanted to open it as quickly as possible.

But I then remembered my mother's words.

'Remember, stay here and don't open the lid until someone opens it for you and stay quiet.' She ordered me. And so, I obeyed.

As I sat there, slowly, the memories came back to me and facing the reality, I knew that everyone was dead.

And with that realization, my body started to tremble uncontrollably, and tears started to leak out from my eyes.

With no one to comfort me, I clutched the swords on a nearby stand – my mother's supposed "last gift" – tightly to my chest.

In vain, I tried to stifle my sobs. But they still managed to escape.

Tears started rolling down my cheek as my chest heaved up and down with no rest and I started to whisper.

"Mom… Dad…*Hiccup* everyone… dead…*Hiccup*" I whispered; my voice choked with grief.

I started to cry and whimper but put my hand in front of my mouth to minimize the sound.

"*Hiccup* Mom… *Hiccup*Dad…"

I continued to whimper with no end. Only the silence in the claustrophobic room around me.

"*Hiccup* Mom… Why*Hiccup*"

I said, still whimpering in despair, not even hearing the sounds that were coming from outside.

And then, suddenly out of nowhere, the tile opened, and I was blinded by the sunlight, quickly putting my hand over my eyes to I shield them from the sudden brightness.

After a while, my eyes adapted to the sudden brightness and then I started the man in front of me in urgency, trying to quickly uncover his identity.

Still with puffy eyes, I examined him as he examined me in return.

Black hair in a weird traditional hairstyle, traditional clothing, a katana on his hip and… something strange was covering him.

It looked like a mantle of white light covered his entire skin, giving him a holy aura.

And after a while he finally spoke "It's okay, I'm here to help you."

He said as he extended his hand.

Looking at the hand, I retreated a little and after a little hesitation on if I should say something…

"…My mom said not *Hiccup*... not to trust anyone." I finally said with a hiccup, still scared of him but feeling more at ease by his presence and sweet tone of voice. But I was still wary of him as I pulled the swords closer to my chest.

"Yes, your mother's words are wise." He affirmed while retracting his hand. And he then introduced himself as 'Takemikazuchi'.

I was quite surprised by that name because if I remember from mother's bedtime stories, 'Takemikazuchi' was a god of war.

I cautiously inquired about this, and he confirmed his divine nature while commending me.

I recalled all kinds of stories from all kinds of gods my mother has shared with me, so I knew him and other gods and their supposed tendencies.

But if they were right… Well mother did say that she trusted those stories so going with that logic…

Even if he was a god of war, he was a kind god who looked after his people with great leadership and skill.

But I don't know if he is lying, and mom said not to trust anyone but my eyes… but he did look quite godly with that faint glow. And something in me just told me he wasn't lying about being a god.

He then asked for my name and after hesitating a little I told him.

"…No last name?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

After hearing that, I went back into thought.

It's not that I don't remember my name but just that my mom and dad never said what their last name was, and no one in the village seemed to know either. So, I told the god I didn't remember.

His expression shifted to one of pity, and he extended his hand once more.

"Well, then... will you come with me?"



Amidst the flickering flames, I found myself lost in thought, I found myself staring mindlessly into the fire.


A small growl snapped me be back to reality as I quickly looked back to see a pack of four wolves slowly approaching.

Seeing the four wolves, their eyes glinting with hunger, approached slowly and seeing the fore coming danger. I was strangely unafraid.

"This is nothing compared to 'that,'" I muttered to myself.


The middle wolf started to barf slowly to try and intimidate me and seeking to assert dominance over the situation, but it didn't work.

I don't know why, but seeing these four, I could feel a boiling rage inside me. unlike anything I had experienced before.

And I let it out.

Thick bloodlust started to leak from my body causing the four wolves to halt in their tracks, trembling with fear.

'Pathetic' I thought as I stared at them in disgust at how weak minded, they were.

They only came because I appeared to be an easy prey, never considering that they might be the ones in danger.

Without hesitation, I grabbed a thick burning branch from the fire and approached the middle wolf that looked like the alpha as he was biggest of the bunch.

And without hesitation. With a swift and deliberate movement, I jammed the stick in its eye socket. The acrid scent of burning fur and flesh filled the air. But the other wolves didn't even dare to move a muscle for some reason as they stared in fear.

I removed the branch and the wolf attempted to get up but failed. H slumped on the ground, writhing in pain. As he watched me go to the wolf next to him.

I took out the wakizashi from my side. As the katana was still too big for me the only thing, I could carry was the shōtō while the katana was still at the campfire.

Arriving before the next wolf, I thrust the short sword in its eye socket for a swift and fatal strike. As that was the only place I could perform a fatal strike with my current strength.

As the first wolf was still lying on the ground witnessed my merciless actions in fear.

I turned my heavy body to the other two on the other side and dragged my weary body over there.

I wanted to finish this quickly as I was too tired from traveling all day and I still haven't eaten.

Applying the same method, I dispatched both of the remaining wolves, my hands covered in their blood, as I stood before the first wolf.

I looked in its eye and saw that he had no will to live so I spoke to it in a cold voice.

"This is all because you are weak, too weak. It's because of you that they died. Now perish with them." With those words, I plunged my knife into the creature one final time.

{a/n Yeah!! Totally not plot-armor!!}


[Takemikazuchi POV]

As I was returning to the camp with a deer in my pouch, I looked at the sky and couldn't help but notice that dusk was descending faster than I had anticipated.

'It took longer than expected.' I thought as I hastened my steps.

Suddenly, an oppressive, palpable bloodlust surged through the air as cold sweat started to run down my spine.

I could feel the general direction and my heart stopped when I noticed it come from the campsite.

Without hesitation I sprinted towards it.

And in only a few moments I arrived. But was met with a chilling sight.

Watching as Nagisa plunged his knife in the final wolf in cold blood. His hand and upper body covered in crimson blood.

After pulling the knife out with great difficulty, he stood up. Watching aimlessly into the night sky.

I cautiously approached him and then his eyes locked with mine.

I was met with cold glowing emerald eyes, as if he was staring into my very soul.

But that glint swiftly vanished along with the bloodlust that had suffused the air.

"Oh, Takemikazuchi-Sa…ma." He managed to murmur before he started to fall.

I reacted swiftly and managed to catch him before he hit the ground.

I quickly made sure that he wasn't injured but sighed in relief to see that he just fell asleep.

"Hah, it seems you are quite the talent…" I mused as my gaze shifted over to the corpses of the wolves that were killed.

A clean cut that killed them instantly, that could not be said to be killed by a child. A child of the age of three no less.

As I laid Nagisa to the side, I set about establishing our camp in the late hours of the night.

The only sounds were the crackling of the wood and the sizzle of the cooking fire as I prepared my dinner as it seemed that Nagisa wouldn't be able to awaken any time soon.

'I wonder how little Kasmima and Mikoto will treat Nagisa' I mused the Idea of the three as I stirred the pot once more.




words: 2377

If in fact a group of wolves does approach you, but the likelihood is small bec the campfire will discourage wolfs from coming and they're afraid of humans, then climb a tree.

Fun fact, wolves can't climb. Bears do tho.

But if you can't climb either like for ex you're fat or unathletic, (sucks to be you) Grab a branch from the fire bec they're also afraid of fire.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Eyydiscreators' thoughts