
Danmachi: Rise of The Rampart

Dying a guy from our world ends up reborn in Danmachi. A world filled with gods, monsters, and heroes. Just what kind of legend will he create now that he lives in such a place? Read and find out. Warning: This fiction will not be all sunshine and rainbows it will contain dark themes. Such as murder, thoughts of suicide and graphic content. You have been warned so read at your own risk.

ArifuretaForever · Tranh châm biếm
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154 Chs

Chapter 137: It's Time To Duel

(3rd Person: POV)

Standing in the backyard of the Owl House Sasaki and Kaguya were preparing to have an honor duel.

The entire Athena familia, and Astraea along with Alise and Neze observing it.

"An honor duel. Sounds serious." Echidna spoke up.

Since after the others from the familia arrived Morax and Athena explained the situation to them.

"It is." Harhuime spoke up. "Back in our home country it is one of our most sacred rituals."

"Even so, the stakes don't seem even in this match." Ryner spoke up.

"That's true. But given their difference in level Kaguya is going to breeze through this guy like a strong gust of wind." William spoke.

Raising a flag like usual.

"Am, I don't think so." Haruhime spoke up. "You see in an honor duel it's all about skill and nothing else from what I can remember."

"What do you mean Haruhime?" Gaul asked.

"She's saying that even if one has the blessing of a god it won't greatly effect the outcome of the duel. Since there is an unspoken rule that when those who have been bestowed falna compete in honor duels they are not to use magic or skills to help them achieve victory. Though passive skills are an exception to this rule, since they cannot be willing de-activated." Rogue explained.

Because Kaguya had informed him of the rules of an honor duel before she challenged Sasaki.

A fact which Rogue still didn't like.

Especially after he heard the stakes of the duel that Sasaki demanded if he won.

However this was Kaguya's decision, so Rogue is going to trust she knows what she's doing.

Despite how much he wants to interfere in the matter.

Facing each other Sasaki and Kaguya had their blades drawn. Blank expressions on both their faces.

As they stared each other down Sasaki's eyes directed themselves as Kaguya's silver right arm.

Noticing where his gaze was directed Kaguya spoke up.

"I lost my original arm protecting my precious friends. Now I have this one." She explained to him.

"I see." Sasaki simply said.

But he didn't say anything else on the matter.

"Are both of you ready?" Athena asked.

"Yes." Kaguya answered.

"Indeed." Sasaki responded.

"Alright. Begin." Athena spoke.

The moment she did so Sasaki leapt forward and slashed at Kaguya's waist from the left.

Bringing up Habigana Kaguya deflected his attack.

She then stepped forward and started slashing at Sasaki from all angles.

But he countered each and every one of her strikes.

Seeing that she was getting nowhere Kaguya took a step back.

Immediately after she did so Sasaki closed the distance and started jabbing his blade in her direction, aiming for vital points.

Remaining calm Kaguya used her blade to deflect Sasaki's attacks away from her vital points. But she ended up getting several small wounds in the process.

Eventually Kaguya found an opening, and when she did so she moved forward and delivered a palm strike using her left hand to Sasaki's chest.

As the attack landed all the air exited his lungs, causing him to falter.

Taking advantage of this Kaguya quickly made a fierce downward slash with Habigana.

Seeing the incoming attack Sasaki did his best to dodge.

And he managed to do so.

But not entirely.

As the tip of Kaguya's blade landed on the ground, a wound open up along the right side of Sasaki's chest. As well as over his right eye.

Though the eye itself wasn't damaged.

Using his sleeve Sasaki wiped the blood from his eye. He then got ready to go on the attack once more.

Only to see Kaguya sheathing her weapon as he did so.

The moment Sasaki saw this his instincts started screaming at him to run.

With good reason too.

Since Kaguya is about to use one of the secret sword techniques taught to her by her family.


Kaguya said. She then drew her blade from its sheathe in one quick and powerful motion. Stepping forward in Sasaki's direction simultaneously as she did so.

Sasaki couldn't see the attack.

It was too fast, and the difference in their levels made things even more difficult.

But on an instinctual level Sasaki unconsciously moved his body.

At the exact moment he did is when Kaguya's attack landed.

Creating a deep gash in his left arm.

Though originally Kaguya was aiming to create a deep wound on Sasaki's chest.

Seeing that he managed to slightly dodge her attack she was impressed.

As was everyone else watching the match.

Especially those who trained with Kaguya regularly such Ryuu, Alise, and Rogue.

'He unconsciously managed to dodge one of Kaguya's sword techniques. Sasaki really has talent.' Morax thought. 'If only he wasn't obsessed with revenge he would've made a great addition to our familia. But after today that is likely not going to happen.'

Ignoring the blood pouring from his new wound on his left arm Sasaki stepped forward and made an upward slash in Kaguya's direction.

Due to her being impressed that he managed to evade a fatal blow from her [Issen] her reaction in dodging his attack was delayed by a few seconds.

But in battle a few seconds is all that's needed.

Sasaki managed to create a wound on Kaguya's left side.

After she received it she moved back.

She then raised Habigana in his direction, and he did the same with his own weapon.

"To think you would be able to dodge one of my most powerful attacks." Kaguya mused.

"Of course. As a swordsman I will always strive to achieve victory and avoid defeat. So long as I am able the nature of my Ganryu will never stop evolving." Sasaki said with conviction.

"I see." Kaguya said. "You truly are an honorable man, Sasaki Kojirou."

Sasaki said nothing in response.

He simply launched another attack.

Just as he did so Kaguya used [Issen] once more.

This time creating a deep wound on Sasaki's chest like she intended to the first time.

As the blood from his wound painted the ground red Sasaki passed out.

Hitting the ground, a puddle of blood forming under him.

Bringing the honor duel to an end.


Slowly Sasaki opened his eyes.

When he did so he couldn't understand what was happening.

All he knew was that he was lying in a bed and his wounds had been treated.

"So, you're finally awake."

Hearing a voice on his left Sasaki looked in that direction and saw Athena sitting in a chair located at his bedside.

Morax standing right behind her.

Along with Rogue.

"What is this?" Sasaki asked.

"This is a room for use for medical treatments in our familia home." Morax answered.

"Please do not patronize me. I mean what is this? Why am I still alive?" Sasaki questioned. "I lost the honor duel. So my life was forfeit. Yet here I am."

"Yes, here you are." Athena spoke. "As to why, it's simple. Once you passed out we started treating your wounds to make sure you didn't die."

"But again, why?" Sasaki asked. "I tried to kill one of your comrades. You had ever right to let me die."

"We sure did." Rogue spoke up. "But that's not the way we do things around here. Besides, Kaguya herself didn't want you to die. She simply wanted you to stop trying to kill her." He explained.

"She didn't want me dead." Sasaki mused.

"No, she doesn't." Morax added. "Like we keep telling you Sasaki Kaguya isn't like the rest of her family. That's why she changed her name to Gojouno. She's cut all ties with them and simply wants to live her life here in Orario."

"I see." Sasaki said. "Well, what a mistake I have made then. Hehehe." Sasaki chuckled in a self-deprecating manner.

He had been so consumed by revenge he let it blind him to everything else.

Now here he is.

Eventually Sasaki stopped chuckling.

"I thank you for assisting me. And once my wounds heal I will take my leave." Sasaki said.

"No, you can stay." Athena said.

Which made Sasaki' eyes go as wide as saucers.

"Before you ask Kaguya and the Astraea family already said they are fine with it. They understood your circumstances and bear no ill will against you. Especially since everything was settled with the honor duel. Right?"

"Yes, it was." Sasaki answered.

"So if there are no more issues we would still love to have you in our familia." Athena said.

"Yes, we would." Morax spoke. "So, what do you say?"

"If you will still have me, then I would be honored." Sasaki said.

"Great. But one more thing." Rogue said.

He then stepped up to Sasaki and punched him square in the face. Rogue then leaned down close and looked Sasaki directly in his eyes. "If you ever threaten to harm Kaguya again no one will be able to keep me from sending you to the after life. That's a promise." He said.

Rogue then backed up and left the infirmary.

Having said his peace.

Thus the matter came a close and the Athena familia got another new member.