
Aftermath and Results

Bell was sleeping soundly in his bedroom for quite some time after the battle with the orc. The stress of gaining his first tomoe and immediately using it in battle depleted his meager mana, coupled with his loss of blood caused him to pass out immediately after the fight.

Slowly he began to stir from his slumber. His eyes fluttered open, but if you closely, they were no longer red.

Yawning exaggeratedly, he decided to ask Nia what happened yesterday.

*User Bell activated sharingan due to adrenaline from the fight, but this world does not have chakra so your dōjutsu uses mana or mind as some call it in this world. Using it too much will cause you to slip into a pseudo coma till you replenish the minimum required mana.*

"So I fainted because I lack mana. Is there a way to increase it so that I can use it more often?" He questioned his trusty assistant.

*Like all things, practice and usage will extend time. A Falna and levels will increase capacity far quicker.*

Bell got out of bed grunting through the soreness. Dressed slowly so that he wouldn't reopen his wounds and looked at himself in the mirror. He saw a boy about 7 almost 8 looking back. Snow White hair long enough to cover his eyes completely swept to the side. The most drastic change was his eye color. He was shocked. They were black as night and no longer red. He became so used to his blood red eyes that it caught him off guard.

"Uh Nia, what's with my eye color?" He asked nervously.

*Now that User Bell has awakened eye prowess, to have red eyes always would be the active state of your sharingan. Thus to alleviate this problem, the system gifted you a new base eye color. This is also to keep people from knowing of your unique hereditary magic.*

"Hmmm.." Bell was thinking to himself. 'It's true that it always being active would be a huge problem. I would never wake up again. It wouldn't be a pseudo coma anymore. I'd fall asleep forever being drained by my own eyes. Also, it always being active would seriously be a problem because then everyone would know of my ability. I don't want my skills to leak. It would be like playing poker and just showing my hand to everyone in the beginning.

"Thanks Nia. This is really helpful," he said with genuine gratitude.

*It is no problem. If you die so do I, so naturally I'd assist in anyway capable when possible.*

"Are you even alive to die?" Bell asked curiously.

*I am an AI created specifically with you in mind to facilitate your growth. You die then naturally my reason to exist will be gone. I will disappear.*

"Well that's dark," Bell muttered.

*So don't die User Bell.*

Naturally, he had no plans of kicking the bucket anytime soon so there was no point in even replying. She can read his mind anyway. Bell walked away from the mirror and went out into the living slash kitchen area. The cabin was not big. The only things not apart of the main room was the two bedrooms. Everything else was one large open living space.

He saw Zeus sitting in a chair reading a book. Before Bell could read what the title was Zeus noticed him and closed it.

"Oh, good to see you finally woke up my boy," he said cheerfully, "you'll heal in no time flat. Let me whip up something for..." Before he could finish he noticed Bell's eyes. Zeus' reaction was much the same to his own from earlier.

He pointed at him and opened his mouth a few times but couldn't find the words to say. The old god couldn't remember a time someone's eyes changed colors for any reason. After a while, Bell broke the silence, "Ah, right. My eyes. I'm not sure why they changed color but maybe it has something to do with this?" Bell didn't want to be too specific. He figured the less his grandfather knew the better. He activated his sharingan with mana and his perception slowed. He could see dust particles in the air moving about and then quickly deactivated them.

"It seems that in my fight I learned a magic skill or hereditary one. I don't really know," he lied to Zeus.

Zeus was even more flabbergasted. He learned a magic skill like that. He had never seen a magic skill that effected the eyes of a human. Some beast races had natural heightened senses but this isn't the same. The only thing he could think of that was similar was the Crozzo families innate magic smithing. He didn't even need a chant to activate it like most magic!

"I have never seen anything like that," was the only thing he could say. His mind was still running a mile a minute trying to recall Bell's heritage. 'His father was a swordsman with no magic ability to speak of which means it was from his mother? But she didn't have the magic only the base red like Bell used to have. Maybe it was dormant and only reappeared with him? The Crozzo's magic smithing similarly disappeared. Maybe Bell is the first in centuries...' he continued to think until Bell broke him from his thoughts.

"Well, I can't use it very long right now otherwise I'll faint. I'm gonna need to practice so I can use it proficiently," Bell concluded.

"Right, I'm not familiar with that ability, but if it's magic based then increasing it will just take using it. We can add that to your training as well," Zeus decided and then stood up to make food for the both of them.

The rest of the day and the two weeks that followed was nothing but rest so that his arm could heal. During that time, Bell would activate his sharingan till he almost went mind down to increase his capacity but without a Falna, it was truly slow going. He didn't even think there was a point other then getting a good foundation for the future and maybe progressing it to evolve further.


"Nia, bring up my stats please."


Name: Bell Cranel

Race: Human

Age: 7

Familia: None

Level: 0

Strength: I 48

Endurance: I 50

Dexterity: I 73

Agility: I 46

Magic: I 15


[Sharingan (1 tomoe): Increased visual perception.]




"The slow growth really is excruciating. My magic level is pitiful! Now I wish I was scared shitless by a minotaur so that I can get that cheap skill," Bell joked, "Nia, can you buy me that Liaris Freese skill?"

*Store does not sell skills. They are tied to extreme emotions. If User Bell wants the skill then try to extremely want it.*

"Tsk, fine," he clicked his tongue in frustration. Nia was getting more sassy as time passed, but she was my lifeline here. He couldn't do anything about it.

There wasn't much Nia could do for him at this point in time. The store was locked except for healing and constitution items to increase his growth for an average person, but these were just that. For average people. They didn't supply a boost of growth visible shortly after taking them nor did they effect his stats in any substantial way. The inventory could only hold 10 small items because apparently the god that sent him here thought it was no fun if he always has everything on him hidden. Truly a buzzkill.

The one caveat was the map was amazing. It works off his perception ability so now with his sharingan, his map got bigger and with levels and skills it'll display enemies. When Bell heard this he was practically drooling. He thought of the applications in the dungeon. Being able to find high money items and monsters drops. The map had almost endless upgradable potential. Truly a wonderful thing. It was so good that he didn't even care he couldn't buy skills from the store.

"Ah, it's getting late. I start training again now that my arm is healed. I should get some sleep," he said to himself, "dang, now that I have Nia, I talk to myself a lot."

*User Bell does get strange stares from the villagers. Perhaps you should speak to me more using your thoughts. I can read them.* she said smugly.

"Whatever. Time to sleep. Goodnight!" Choosing to completely ignore her and sleep.

I’m kind of changing my mind on some things with the system. I don’t want an inventory slot so much anymore because a lot of other stories have it. I feel it also lessons the challenge of the dungeon later on.

The store needs to be balanced too. I’ve read lots of fan-fiction where the store has everything and makes the story boring. There needs to be more of a challenge of earning it.

Anyway, I’m still deciding what’s what. Retcons are not always bad. Thanks for reading.

Desphyxcreators' thoughts
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