
The Hestia Familia

In front of him, a beautiful but short girl around 140 centimeters tall with black hair and blue eyes in twin-tails greeted him. The girl had the same hair color and eye colors as himself while carrying an incredible bust on her short body.

She was dressed in white with a blue ribbon on used as a tie while on her feet were straw sandals. "Welcome to the Hestia Familia!!" the short girl said in an extremely happy tone.

"Could she be the Goddess Hestia?" Glass thought as he asked, "Hello, I am looking for a Familia to join, would you happen to be Hestia - Sama?"

"Yes! Yes! You've come to the right place! I am indeed the Goddess Hestia!" Hestia replied happily. "Ne! Ne! Bell - Kun, someone else wants to join the Familia! We have a second member!!" she continued as she turned around.

Looking in front of him, Glass noticed a familiar figure with white hair and crimson red eyes. "Ah, it's you! So you came to join too! That's great!" the white-haired boy named Bell suddenly shouted with excitement as both his and Hestia's eyes sparkled like stars.

"Let's introduce ourselves, I am the Goddess Hestia" Hestia said.

"I'm Bell Cranel, nice to meet you again" Bell added.

"I'm Glass Carna, it's nice to see you again, I will be in your care" Glass replied to both Bell and Hestia in one sentence.

"Hehehe, come inside, I've already given Bell - Kun my Falna, now I will grant you your Falna and then both of you can become a party!" Hestia shouted with excitement.

Closing the door, Glass followed Hestia inside and found a place to sit down before he took his shirt off while facing his back to Hestia who sat behind him.

Placing her hands on his back, Hestia closed her eyes and whispered in an unknown language as strange sigils started slowly appearing on Glass' back. Bell sitting nearby watched and thought, "So that's what it looks like huh"

After a few minutes, the sigils were rainbow in color in a circular shape with the language of the Gods written everywhere. Naturally, Bell and Glass couldn't read it since they were mortals but instead, Bell could see some characters that resembled letters and numerals.

He could see the letter I floating in front of Hestia with the numbers 0 forming a list that makes up someone's stats. His eyes sparkled as he watched it all happen in a short moment before it all disappeared and markings appeared on Glass' back which resembled the sigils earlier.

Taking her hands off his back, Hestia wiped off her sweat as Glass put his shirt back on and faced the Goddess and his new friend.

"Hehe, Glass - Kun, you are now officially a member of the Hestia Familia!" Hestia said. "Hehe, to think that I spent so long recruiting members only for two of them to join on the same day. Not only that, they are both so cute" she thought internally.

"Kami - Sama, I don't have much Valis on me, maybe only enough for another two days at most" Bell suddenly interjected as his stomach rumbled.

"I also have about two days worth" Glass added on top as he took out all the Valis on his body and placed it on one of the seats.

"I'm sorry you two, I only had enough for tonight's dinner. When you two enter the dungeon you will be able to earn some money" Hestia replied with a sad expression. Suddenly, she left the room and headed towards the back and came back with two rolls of bread and handed one each to Bell and Glass.

"Here you go, I already ate earlier" Hestia said. The two took the rolls of bread and slowly ate as they began chatting with one another.

Not long afterward, Hestia said that she would go to bed first as the two remained behind to chat. After a while, they headed deeper inside the church quietly and stood outside her room door that wasn't closed completely leaving out a hint of moonlight that enabled the two to see.

"Sigh no dinner today either" Hestia said softly as he held her stomach while lying on her bed trying to keep the noise down.

Even though she said it softly, the two boys could hear her as tears began dripping down from Bell's eyes while Glass' eyes became red. The two felt sour as they had just eaten all of the food she had left.

Standing outside the door, Bell thought, "Kami - Sama, once I, no we become adventurers we will make sure that you won't have to starve again" as he wiped away his tears.

Likewise, Glass had the same thought as the two of them headed inside where Bell showed Glass his room. The church was large but only had two rooms and a storage room, but since nothing was being stored it could be used as a bedroom.

That night, the two boys took a while to sleep as they thought about their day before finally falling asleep. The next morning, they were woken up by Hestia who was in a cheerful mood and grinned continuously as she said that she would bring them to the Guild with her.

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